Word version - The Diocese of Edinburgh

News and Notices for the Diocese of Edinburgh
28th October 2015
Published by the Diocesan Office fortnightly, and circulated to all Clergy, Lay Readers,
Treasurers & Vestry Secretaries, and Diocesan Synod Lay & Alternative Lay
NEXT EDITION: 11th November 2015
Edinburgh Diocesan Synod will be held this Thursday 29 October 2015. The Synod
Eucharist and Meeting will take place in Holy Trinity Church, Church Street, Haddington
EH41 3EX starting at 5.45pm. Tea/Coffee are available in the Trinity Centre at 5.30pm.
Synod papers have been sent out by post to voting members. The agenda papers are also
available on the Resources section of the diocesan website here. Anyone in a congregation
is welcome to attend.
We have just learned of the death of the Revd Edward Coombs who died on 12th
September at the age of 49. Edward served as curate at St Thomas’s, Corstorphine from
1994-96. He had been vicar of St Paul’s, Banbury for 14 years. We thank God for his life
and ministry and hold his wife Annabelle and their three children in our prayers.
Advent Yarn-Bombing - Tag your angels!
Apart from looking wonderful and brightening people’s day, our herald angels are
designed to:
-let people know what’s on at their local Scottish Episcopal Churches this Advent and
Christmas. (In order to do this, you will need to let us know what you are up to. You can
do this by e-mailing your churches key Christmas service or event details to
edindiocese.comms@gmail.com or by getting one of your clergy to write them into Rev’d
Lynsay’s notebook at clergy conference.)
– share an on-line Advent calendar with Angel related bible verses, reflections and
challenges. People will be able to do this by logging onto the herald angels blog:
To let people know about this we’ve made 2000 tags to be attached to some of your
angels, so they can spread the word. They look like this:
Each tag costs 21p.
Churches can purchase
them at Diocesan Synod on
29th October or at the
Clergy Conference, while
stocks last!
Keep checking back on the blog in late October and early November for advice on how to
yarn-bomb safely, legally and how to make a splash with the local media.
News from the Youth and Children Officer
The latest Youth and Children Newsletter is out now! Click here. The
edition features the latest designs for our exciting Diocesan Play
Church project, plus a feature on how to fill your church with 50
young people on a Sunday morning.
The newsletter now has a fresh new look which will make it easier
to print off and share with your whole congregation. You can have
up to 5 printed colour copies of this newsletter for your church for
FREE. Just order them and pick them up from the Diocesan Office.
More copies can be arranged for a very reasonable price.
Bishop John’s all-new Christmas Card Competition 2015
This year’s competition is open to EVERYONE, not just
children, and it’s a bit different! You are invited to create
and photograph your own Nativity scene - this could be
traditional or modern, using (for example) live actors,
puppets or your church’s own Nativity set. Every entry
will be featured on the diocesan Facebook page (and you
are encouraged to link to this via your own church’s page
if you have one). Then encourage everyone to ‘Like’ your
entry! Bishop John will choose the winner from the top 3
most ‘Liked’ entries. Enter as a church, a family, an
individual (grown-up or child), youth group or Sunday
school. There will be a prize for the winner, and the
winning design will be made into Bishop John’s official
2015 Christmas Card. For more information, ideas and a
poster, click here.
Adventures in Faith – call for event adverts
If you are offering adult learning, faith or spirituality events between Christmas and
Easter - additional to your regular worship - and would like to advertise around the
Diocese in the next Adventures in Faith newsletter due out in December, please submit to
adventures@dioceseofedinburgh.org by Tuesday 3rd November.
Word format is best; images or clipart are also welcome.
Adventures in Faith aims to:
Discover and encourage priorities for learning and development around the
Diocese of Edinburgh
Support congregations in the own learning programmes, networking to
share resources and good practice
Initiate and organise a programme of diocesan-wide events
Publicise learning opportunities throughout the Diocese via a quarterly
newsletter and social media
Develop the network of Spiritual Direction and Supervision
Sunday Parking
A consultation is underway on parking in
Edinburgh. The draft parking action plan
sets out a range of actions and was
approved by the Transport and Environment Committee on 25 August. The main actions
- The extension of parking controls to cover weekends/Sundays and into the evening
- The roll out of shared use parking places
- The introduction of visitor permits in the city centre
City of Edinburgh Council want to know what you think about the parking proposals to
ensure the Council makes the right decisions about parking in Edinburgh. Once you've
read the proposals, please fill in the questionnaire.
Further information and a full list of local drop in sessions and engagement events is
available on the Council's Consultation Hub at
www.edinburgh.gov.uk/parkingconsultation. The consultation is open and you can feed
back until 31 October. We look forward to hearing from you.
Parking Action Plan Team, The City Of Edinburgh Council
The Edge is hoping to run an article on members of our congregations who are or who
have been involved in sport, whether as participants, coaches, referees, umpires or
administrators. Please contact David Warnes by email - warnesdavid@googlemail.com - if
you are willing to be interviewed
about your involvement or if you
know someone in your
congregation who is a sportsperson.
Two bookcases are available free of charge to any congregation, from the
Diocesan Office. Measurements (in cm) are 120h x 80w x 40d.
Thursday 29th October 2015
3rd to 5th November
9th November
Saturday 12th March 2016
Diocesan Synod – Autumn 2015
Holy Trinity HADDINGTON at 5.45pm
Clergy Conference, Pitlochry
Diocesan Buildings Committee meets today at 12pm
Diocesan Synod – Spring 2016
St Paul’s and St George’s Edinburgh
Revd Andy Reid, a Rector, St Peter’s Musselburgh. w.e.f 28th November 2015.
Revd Grace Redpath, Assistant Curate, Christ Church Duns w.e.f. 28th September 2015
Revd Dr Jenny Wright, Assistant Curate, Old St Paul’s w.e.f 17th September 2015
Revd Dr Kenneth Fleming, Chaplain, St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh w.e.f 1st October 2015
Revd David Dalglish , Retired as Rector , St John’s Jedburgh w.e.f 30th September 2015
Revd John Evans as Interim Priest, St John’s Jedburgh, October 2015
The Scottish Episcopal Church
Diocese of Edinburgh
St Mary’s, Grangemouth and St Catharine’s, Bo’ness
Come and join the ‘Twins on the River Forth’
We are a linked charge seeking a priest, eligible to be licensed for ordained ministry within the Scottish
Episcopal Church, who will continue to build and inspire both congregations.
Are you that person? Do you like (non identical!) twins? Then come and find out more about us and let us
find out about you. Why not put your hand in the hand of God and take that step.
The successful applicant will be someone who is prayerful and stimulating, in touch with contemporary
church debates and of central church tradition.
For a copy of the profile and application pack please contact the vestry secretary of St Mary’s:
Robina Clark email: robinam@blueyonder.co.uk
If desired initial informal enquiries may be made to the Dean of the Diocese tel 0131 538 7033
Closing date: To be advised
St Mary’s, Grangemouth Registered Charity SC021643
St Catharine’s, Bo’ness Registered Charity SC002083
The Scottish Episcopal Church, Diocese of
St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone, Edinburgh
Scottish Charity SC012371 www.stfillans.org.uk
A small lively suburban congregation in Edinburgh are seeking a Rector who will help us to build and
inspire the congregation and deepen connections within and to the local community.
The successful applicant will be someone who is prayerful and stimulating, respectful of traditional
services but with experience of new forms of worship.
For a profile, person specification and application form please contact
Peter Bates, St Fillan's Vestry Chair, 10 Swanston Avenue, Edinburgh, EH10 7BU.
Tel: (0131)445 1102. E.mail: pjbates@blueyonder.co.uk
Applications should be received by 16th November 2015. Interviews scheduled for 28th Nov 2015
Church Children's Leader
St Margaret's Episcopal Church, Easter Road,
8 hours per week
£10 an hour
(1 year contract, may be extended)
We are a small, warm and friendly traditional Episcopal Church in a multi-cultural area
of Edinburgh. We run a successful, vibrant Baby & Toddler group which has expanded into
2 mornings per week. We are looking to start a new Sunday School and to develop our
relationship with families in the community.
You are an enthusiastic Christian who would like to play a key role in this exciting
development. We are looking for an experienced children’s leader to establish our new
Sunday School. You must be a good communicator and confident leader of
volunteers. You will also be part of the toddler group team, and will be a vital link between
the toddler group and the church children's programme.
For further information, job description and application form please
contact alisoncuddeford@hotmail.co.uk
The deadline for applications has been extended. All enquiries welcome.
The Scottish Episcopal Church
The Diocese of Edinburgh
The congregations of this coastal linked charge in East Lothian, 25 miles to the
east of Edinburgh, are seeking a Rector of a central church tradition who
appreciates the ethos, liturgical and musical traditions of the Scottish Episcopal
Candidates will be enthusiastic about leading and nourishing our congregations
as they continue to serve Christ faithfully in their communities and also work
towards reaching a new generation of worshippers.
Further information including the Congregational Profiles, the Rector's Profile
and an Application Form can be obtained from the St Baldred's Vestry Secretary,
Mrs Kathleen Haddow - kathleen.haddow@quista.net
The closing date for applications is Friday 30th October 2015 and interviews
will be held later in November.
Completed Application Forms should be sent to the Bishop of Edinburgh bishop@edinburgh.anglican.org or Rt. Revd. John Armes, Bishop of Edinburgh,
Diocesan Office, 21a Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 5EL.
Registered Scottish Charity SCO00772 & SCO11926
Scottish Episcopal Church Diocese of Edinburgh
St. Columba’s by the Castle,
We are a gathered congregation who worship in a progressive and liberal catholic tradition, value t h e
role of preaching and education in developing our faith, encourage fellowship, and share our
resources with the local community. We are eager to appoint and welcome a full-time priest with
a vocation towards city-centre ministry.
We are seeking to appoint a Rector who will
strengthen our faith creatively and inclusively.
deepen our pastoral care.
enthusiastically develop our covenanted engagement with our local ecumenical partnership.
energetically promote with us a vision for the future.
Application pack and information from:
Judith George, Vestry Secretary at
Closing date for applications: Friday, November 6
Interviews will be held week beginning
November 30, 2015
It is Scottish Episcopal Church policy to apply for an enhanced disclosure check for all shortlisted
candidates and the appointment will be subject to a satisfactory check and PVG (Protection of
Vulnerable Groups) Scheme Membership.
Scottish Charity No. 016571
The November event is a visit to St Philip’s and St James’ Inverleith Row, Edinburgh
on Saturday 7 November, 2015.
Rev Tembu Rongong has kindly offered to give us a tour of the church after celebrating the Eucharist.
We will begin with the Eucharist at 10.30 am and will finish the tour of the church by 12.30 pm.
Open to all who are interested – not just members. It will be a great opportunity to see round this lovely
Sheena Liddell
Guardian of The Edinburgh Fraternity
Tel: 01506843734
Mob: 07831242819
E-Mail: sheena@friarbank.com
THIS EVENT - to allow
increased capacity, now
at the Church of the
Good Shepherd
safeTALK is "suicide alertness" training. safeTALK is a recognised training course which
teaches us to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and to connect them with
intervention resources. It is a highly useful tool for anyone involved with pastoral care,
listening or support of others. For further information about safeTALK
Augustine United Church has organised a training session on Sunday 18th Oct 1-4pm
with a safeTALK trainer, which we would like to open to anyone who would find the
training useful. Spaces a strictly limited, so please contact us to book spaces using the
details on the poster ASAP. The cost is £14 per participant. www.augustine.org.uk
Adventures in Faith presents
Windows on Reflective Practice
For all involved in paid or voluntary pastoral roles or
helping professions, including youth leaders, social
workers, NHS or healthcare workers, church visitors,
clergy etc.
Saturday 21st November 10 til 12.30
- or Wednesday 2nd December 2 til 4.30
These sessions will offer two tasters of soulful, creative
reflective practice for anyone who wishes to be more
resourced for their paid or voluntary role. Reconnect
with work-life values, revitalise vision, explore tricky
encounters, negotiate working relationships and gain
new perspectives. We will use creative methods such as
images and objects, and move across soul, mind, body
and imagination, in a session which cuts through the
need for disclosure of details. Come and see.
Maximum 7 people at each session. £15. To book
adventures@dioceseofedinburgh.org Held at the
Diocesan Office, 21A Grosvenor Cres, Edinburgh, EH12
5EL. Facilitated by Elizabeth White, spiritual director
and supervisor.
A Quiet Day for Advent
Saturday 5th December, 10-4pm
Emmaus House, Edinburgh
That first Christmas, nothing was
straightforward. This is an invitation to
join Mary and Joseph as they anticipated
the coming of Jesus: the uncertainty,
hope, nervousness, the sense of a future
beyond their control. What does it mean
for us, as we celebrate him born in us?
Again, there will be time for guided and
individual reflection, rest and creativity.
Each quiet day costs £25 (£15 unwaged),
which includes lunch. To book please
email wordsmansfield@gmail.com. Day is
conditional on sufficient numbers.
Susan Mansfield 07803
Faith in Older People
3 NOVEMBER 2015 - St John’s Episcopal Church, Perth 10.30am-2.00pm
A discussion about bereavement based on the book of this title which includes anecdotes,
reminiscences and personal experiences after the death of husband, wife, partner, soul-mate
Alison Pringle & Graeme Pagan
£20.00 includes a copy of the book and lunch
Click HERE to go directly to our online booking page.
Tel: 0131 346 7981 Email: info@fiop.org.uk
Website: www.faithinolderpeople.org.uk