CMNS 220 Report – Aritzia

Integrated Cash System
Action: Implementation of an integrated cash register to increase efficiency for
Prepared for:
Brian Hill
CEO, Aritzia
Prepared by:
Alex Chartier
Bill Van Luven
CMNS 220
Table of Contents
Memorandum of Transmittal ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Breaking Down the Integrated Cash Sysytem ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
How will the system work? ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
What are the benefits? .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
What are the challenges? .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
What are the expected costs? ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion ...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Documentations/Persons Interviewed/Contact Information........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendices..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix A- Brief Summary of Interview .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix B- Survey .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix C- Results ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix D- Follow-up Survey ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix E- 10 Suggestions for a Successful Report ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix F- Report Analysis ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Alex Chartier
School of Business Student
Capilano University
2721 Edgemont Blvd
North Vancouver, B.C., V7R 2N3
February 8, 2012
Brian Hill
CEO, Aritzia
611 Alexander Street
Vancouver, B.C., V6A 1E1
Business Report Assignment – Overview
Dear Brian Hill,
II am currently working part-time at Aritzia, a women’s apparel store located at Park Royal. I was
originally hired as a sales associate where my duties included assisting customers and maintaining the
cleanliness of the store. I have recently been promoted to cashier, where my job consists of hundreds
of transactions a day and capturing customer’s information to track purchases.
Capturing a customer’s personal information is done manually at the moment, starting with asking for
their last name. This can take time due to duplicate last names and out of town shoppers. A cashier’s
capture rate is extremely important; this is how the senior management rates our efficiency, monitors
purchases and is able to avoid discrepancies with customers.
I would like to introduce a computer system that enables us to capture customer’s information by
starting the transaction with their telephone number. Currently, capturing information is done by
starting with the customer’s last name – increasing the risk of duplicate names. Using their telephone
number limits the amount of duplicate customer files. The second option will be to register a frequently
used credit card to the customer file; when the credit card is used, the customer file appears
automatically. This would increase efficiency profusely; therefore avoid a line up at the cash register
and keep customers from becoming annoyed.
A new computer system is underway but I would like to recommend a few changes to the software.
The specific actions I would recommend to the head office are as follows:
1. A computer system that connects the debit and credit machine to the store computer used to
capture customer’s information and ring through transactions. This machine will create an
integrated system for Aritzia and provide more efficiency and effectiveness.
2. Currently, customer files are selective to each store. This software will include a panel on the
right hand side of the screen including all the customer’s purchases, nationally. This will avoid
tedious action taken to search and track purchases.
3. This new computer system will provide an option to customers for a paper receipt, or an
automatic e-mail of the receipt sent to the e-mail address stored on file. Included, the cashier
side will be paper-free. This will decrease the likelihood of misplacing important documents as
well as reducing Aritzia’s carbon footprint. When a signature is required from the customer, an
electronic tablet will be available to them.
All three of these recommendations are to benefit the customers and the cashiers. My thoughts will
be heard by my store manager, Frank Nyguen. From there I will be meeting with a group of people
from the Software Department at head office to discuss the value and accessibility of these
recommendations. Once completed, I will present my report to Brian Hill, the CEO of Aritzia.
Alex Chartier
Business Student
Capilano University
2721 Edgemont Blvd
North Vancouver, B.C., V7R 2N3
I have been an employee at Aritizia for 8 months now and work as a cashier. Aritzia is a women’s
clothing store targeted at a range of different age groups. Aritzia is the leader in women’s fashion
across Canada. As a cashier I ring through hundreds of transactions a day. I am determined to enforce
an integrated cash system; involving the debit and credit machine to be connected to the store
computer. New software is underway to make such changes. This change to the cash system will
increase efficiency for cashiers, and provide faster service for customers.
I have conducted primary research as well as surveys and interviews with managers and fellow cashiers.
Through my report I will outline the following:
How the implementation of an integrated cash system will work
The benefits of an integrated cash system
The challenges the company will face implementing the system
Implementation costs
This report will explain and show the research conducted in obtaining such thoughts and ideas, a
breakdown of how the system will work, a look into the system itself, and a paper-free path for Aritzia.
Customer satisfaction is one of the most important elements in a successful business; Aritzia has a high
level of customer satisfaction but I believe there is potential for amazing growth and opportunities by
implementing a new integrated cash system.
Breaking Down the Integrated Cash System
How will the system work?
Essentially, the most important element to this system is to connect the debit and credit machine to the
store computer. The store computer is a database full of customer files and inventory data. Instead of
starting a transaction by acquiring the customer’s last name, we will start off with their phone number –
this will avoid confusion for cashiers dealing with customers with common names. The second option to
starting the transaction will commence with scanning all the clothing through, and the customer paying
by credit card. The card is registered to the customer’s file and their information will automatically
appear on the screen – this will increase the efficiency for cashiers and customers. This portion of the
software will generally be used for our customers whom we call “super tier customers”; otherwise
known as very frequent shoppers.
With the current software, a customer sales history look up is a tedious task. To make matters worse,
each location has its own database; therefore customer files are subjective to each store. Upon opening
the customer’s file when they are making a purchase, a list will appear on the right hand side of the
screen with all purchases, at any location. This will reduce discrepancies with customers when wanting
to return an item without a receipt.
In order to keep up with the ever changing world and to decrease our carbon footprint as a company,
Aritzia will be going paperless, on the staff side. Customers will receive a paper receipt if requested, but
will have the option to be e-mailed, to the e-mail address on file, an electric copy of their receipt
instead. When returns are made and signatures are required, a signature will be obtained on an electric
tablet – this eliminates the need to sort the receipts at the end of the night.
What are the benefits?
The main benefit I am striving for by introducing an integrated cash system is to increase
efficiency for cashiers. Increasing efficiency will lead to less tedious work and less aggravated
customers. Aritizia strives to be the leader in women’s fashion and by introducing new software
we can become the leader in customer service as well.
Starting a transaction with the customer’s phone number will exceptionally decrease
discrepancies with customer files and purchase history and avoid confusion for cashier involving
duplicate customer names. For “super tier” customers, having a credit card registered to their
account will make it easier for cashiers to provide the best customer service available as well as
track purchases at pristine accuracy.
Introducing a panel on the right side of the screen will enforce a simple way for cashiers and
managers to look up customer sales history nationally, instead of per store. This will make
returns without receipts present much less complicated.
It will be a big step economically for Aritiza to go paper-free. The benefit of the electronic
receipt and the electronic tablet for signatures, from the staff perspective, is it eliminates the
need to sort out receipts at the end of the night. Having all store copy receipts in electronic
form will reduce Aritzia’s carbon footprint tremendously and avoid misplacing important
What are the challenges?
As with any new project, a large challenge is cost. Luckily, the cost of the actual software will be
covered by the company, but the cost of implementing the system into each location will be
covered by each location itself.
Another big challenge will be retraining all the cashiers to use the new system. Formal training
will be held at each location for all cashiers. The costs endured with retraining staff will also be
a challenge.
With the new software, a new inventory system will be in place, called Real Time Inventory
Order Management System. Converting all inventory files from the current software to the new
software will pose a major challenge.
What are the expected costs?
The cost of entering this software into all the computers, throughout the entire company, is a multimillion dollar project. This cost will be covered by the company. The current software is used in the
retail stores, the warehouse and the support office – all of which would be needed to be updated. My
report is targeted at the Park Royal location. A trial term, of 6 months, will be implemented at no cost
to the location. I am seeking the cost to cover the permanent implementation of the software into the
Park Royal location. This cost is estimated to be $9,500 – including labour costs and the cost of moving
all customer files from the current software to the new software.
In conclusion, my recommendations will be extremely beneficial in the present and the future. Being
able to provide the best women’s fashion is important, but ultimately if the customer does not endure
excellent customer satisfaction, they will not come back. Providing effective and efficient service to
every single customer is what Aritzia strives for – currently we are not meeting our full potential. I
believe my recommendations are a large step in the right path to decreasing unnecessary, tedious work
for cashiers and providing efficient service for customers. I realize this is a large investment, but in the
long run less conflicts will be endured, less paper will be needed, less disorganization will take place and
more happy customers will walk through the door.
Documentation/Persons Interviewed
“Best Practices in Cash Flow Management and Reporting” 2009-2011. Retrieved February 15-12
Nyguen, Frank – Wednesday, February-15-12
Nyguen, Frank – Tuesday, February-28-12
Contact Information
Frank Nyguen, Store Manager
cell: 604-349-3837
work: 604-913-1586
Appendix A
Brief Summary of Interview with Frank Nyguen, Store Manager, Aritzia
1. How feasible is the idea of introducing the integrated cash system into the Park Royal
This is a very realistic idea; extremely feasible. By asking for the telephone number to start off the
transaction, this would reduce confusion for cashiers immensely. I believe the cashier will be
extremely welcoming to such an idea.
2. What are the expected costs?
This is a multi-million dollar project you have here. This is because the current Point of Sale system
we currently use runs through the entire company. It runs through all the stores nation-wide, the
support office and the warehouse. Fortunately, a new system is currently underway with the
software team. The only costs we would be required to cover is to actually implement the system
into our store. This is a very realistic and price efficient change I am willing to make to our location.
The expected cost could be anywhere up to $9,500.
3. Would implementing an integrated cash system be proactive for the company?
Absolutely. The Point of Sale system we currently use, Apropos, is very outdated- some call it
archaic. It was made in the 1980’s; therefore we are due for an upgrade. This system would benefit
the cashiers and managers more than the customers. Brian Hill invests a lot in this company and he
wants to be the best of the best, to do this we need to be the most efficient and effective as our
potential allows. Introducing this new system is a brilliant idea.
4. What are the disadvantages?
The main disadvantage I can see is to do with the inventory system. The inventory system shows
data for the stores nation-wide, including the warehouse. All this information would need to be
transferred, with absolutely no errors. As usual, cost is always an issue – but I am sure Brian Hill
would have no problem helping out with this. This issue of retraining is prominent as well. The
company will have to hold many training sessions and seminars to not only train themselves, but
their cashiers as well. This will be the most time consuming issue of all of them. A lot of the cashiers
are set in their way and making them change to a totally new system which they are not comfortable
with will definitely pose a challenge – or should I say a “learning opportunity”.
5. How do you feel about being able to provide a paper-free option?
Excellent idea. Being able to provide a paper-free option to our guests would increase our customer
service tremendously. Though it may not maximize their overall experience, for customers to have
the option is important; people like choices. Becoming paper-free on the company end would be a
great step. Introducing an electric tablet for signatures and keeping all documents electronic will
decrease confusion and work for cashiers. Brilliant!
Appendix B
This survey was presented to all cashiers and managers at the Park Royal Aritzia, on February 1512.
As valued employees at Park Royal Aritzia, please take a few minutes to answer these simple
questions regarding an integrated cash system.
1. Do you like the current Point of Sale system, Apropos?
2. Do you think the Point of Sale system requires an upgrade?
3. Do you know what an integrated cash system is?
4. Would you be willing to be retrained on a new Point of Sale system?
5. Do you think Aritzia should become a paper-free company?
Appendix C
50% of staff like using Apropos.
100% of staff believe Apropos requires an
100% of staff are educated about what an
integrated cash system is.
83% of staff are willing to be retained on a new
cash system.
50% of staff are open to the idea of becoming a
paper-free company.
Appendix D
Follow Up Survey
This survey will be taken by staff member affected by the integrated cash system, 6 months after being
put into action.
1. Do you prefer the integrated cash system over Apropos?
2. Is the new system for efficient for you?
3. Did becoming a paper-free company benefit you?
4. Is the new system easier to use?
5. Was introducing the new Point of Sale system a wise move for the company?
6. Do you have any further comments? Please explain.
Appendix E
10 Suggestions for a Successful Report
1) Is your topic a “non-starter”?
PROBLEM: Even the most brilliant, insightful, and well-minded report topic might have a fundamental
problem: it’s just not “do-able”! There could be many reasons for this: there’s no money; they tried it
last year and it didn’t work; the competition next door is already doing it; management is not open to
innovation…the reasons go on and on.
SUGGESTION: You need to make sure you do a little PRELIMINARY investigating to ensure your report
has a shot…otherwise, why bother pouring hours and effort into it. Is your topic FEASIBLE? If not, ask me
NOW about the deadline for topic change.
2) Consider the report's layout to be as important as its content.
PROBLEM: Many reports are muddied by not using simple and effective layout techniques.
SUGGESTION: Wide margins, clear, 12-14 point font, bulleted text, graphs and diagrams that are
explained when you see them, page numbers, clear documentation techniques...all contribute to making
your report persuasive and effective.
3) Give Me a Break.
PROBLEM: Reports that have long, monolithic slabs of text.
SUGGESTION: Make your report reader-friendly. Use lots of paragraph breaks, headings, and short
sentences. (Sentences that average 10 to 16 words are easiest to comprehend. Take a look at a typical
page of your report: How does your average compare?) Finally, use REPORT QUESTIONS (as discussed in
class) to define headings throughout the document.
4) Make sure your interview really happened.
PROBLEM: In lesser reports, there will be a reference to an interview that supposedly happened...but
the report itself seems sketchy and vague on details surrounding this interview; there are no relevant
insights or analysis of the interview…and often no CITATIONS.
SUGGESTION: Do NOT include any details or talk about an interview that was either irrelevant or nonexistent. If you decide to include an interview component, make sure you
a) discuss/analyze/interpret the interview in sufficient detail as to make it a worthwhile addition to your
b) include at least ONE of the following: your interviewee's email address, current phone number or
mailing address. (You may decide to put this info in your letter of transmittal or your sources cited...or
both). If this info is NOT included, then the interview will not be counted towards your final mark.
5) Make sure your survey really happened.
PROBLEM: Like the report interview, surveys are frequently mentioned in passing but not interpreted in
any detail.
SUGGESTION: Same as with the interview: if you choose not to discuss or interpret your survey results in
any detailed or meaningful way, consider dropping it from your report altogether.
6) Something's Missing!
PROBLEM: In addition to the major report components that have been discussed, there are also some
pages that need to be attached to your report. Every term, there are those who omit required material
from their reports.
SUGGESTION: Make sure you're clear on what needs to be included. If in doubt, ASK.
7) Be realistic about the scope and limits of your report.
PROBLEM: This is the most common reason that an otherwise excellent report slips into mediocrity:
your limits are unrealistic; you take on a topic that, in order to do it justice, requires far more time and
resources you have been given.
SUGGESTION: Think of the scale of your report in these terms: rather than have your report be the tide
that raises all ships, you should focus on the steps needed to unclog the sink in the bathroom.
Remember that your report is about persuading a select audience to do something specific.
8) Ok, I've read what am I supposed to do?
PROBLEM: Perhaps the biggest report challenge of them all: despite the many times this subject has
come up in class, there will still be reports submitted that are not clear as to what the audience is
expected to do.
SUGGESTION: So here it is one last time: In the context of this course, the purpose of your report is to
motivate the reader to ACT in a very specific way. This is why you were encouraged to come up with the
verb for your report; you must clearly articulate the specific action(s) you expect your reader to take.
Think about the old marketing axiom: it is much easier to get a few people to buy a lot than a lot of
people to buy a little. Try to avoid letting your report become an essay; you want to do more than
simply showcase an opinion or merely inform the reader. Make sure the reader is very clear what it is
that they are being motivated to do. If you come up with something “fuzzy” like " conclude, the
government must be prepared to take a leadership role in this matter." you are simply missing the point
of the exercise. Please be clear and specific with your recommendations; think of them as an easy-tofollow action plan for your audience.
9) Why not go out on a limb?
PROBLEM: Many reports are short on “measurables, deliverables, and timelines”.
SUGGESTION: The range of topic choices this assignment was very broad and from a galaxy of
possibilities you chose the one you did. Hopefully, you chose it because you’re interested in it and/or
you have some degree of experience or knowledge about it; your opinion counts and so should your
conclusion(s)! Specifically, get into the practice of providing the reader with information that has a “realworld” meaning and application for them: if by following your report’s suggestion things should get
better then say so. How much more revenue will be generated next year? How many person-hours of
needless effort will be spared? By what percentage will productivity go up? Of course, no one ever
knows these numbers precisely…but you of all people are in a good position to make and educated do it; make some clear, specific, quantifiable predictions.
10) Get behind your report.
PROBLEM: There’s no accounting for your success.
SUGGESTION: Here’s a suggestion to make readers feel more confident about your report: provide some
mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of your report’s suggestions/conclusions. For example, you
might suggest that some form of review or study take place 3, 6, or even 12 months after your report’s
ideas have been adopted by the reader(s). Maybe you’ll come by and do interviews to see if people
realized the benefits presented in your report...or perhaps it’s more appropriate for you to arrange for
an independent group to assess whether or not your report’s ideas worked. Whatever follow-up
strategy you propose, the fact that you’ve done so will show your readers that you have confidence in
your report and its conclusions.
Appendix F
Report Analysis
Please Attach This Sheet to Your Report’s Appendices
Profile (including Oral Presentation of Report Topic and Draft):
A+ 14.5 or over
A 14
A- 13.5
B+ 13
B 12
B- 11.5
C+ 11
C 10.5
C- 10
D 9
1) Letter of Transmittal
 acknowledgements
 audience identified
 brief report summary
 conclusion stated
3) Introduction
 purpose clear
 report plan clear
 thesis statement
4) Report Body
headings effective (Q/A?)
report "verb" clear
topic specific/focused
active: author's voice used
appropriate tone
effective use of survey/interview
"Challenges" section
5) Gram., Dict., Punct., Sp., Layout
6) Conclusion/Recommendation(s)
 required action(s) clear
persuasive, confident style
“MDT’s” showcased
suggestions for follow-up
7) Appendices
 informative and relevant
8) Documentation
 sources cited page
 ideas well supported
 Oral Presentation of Report Topic (2)
 Report Topic Memo
Presented Report Draft? Y____ N____ Init______________
Assignment Total: