week of 11-2

Reading &Language Arts Newsletter/Lesson Plans
November 2 – 6, 2015
Veterans Day: No School
Wednesday, November 11th
November 23rd – 27th No School
Thanksgiving Break
Week At A Glance
Monday: The teacher will introduce the essential question:
“What makes different animals unique?” Students will
participate in an interactive read aloud “Bear, Beaver, and
Bee”. The teacher will introduce the weekly vocabulary
words and words to know. Students will participate in a
Close Read using “Inchworm’s Tale”. The teacher will model
using the text to visual the story.
Tuesday: The teacher will review the weekly vocabulary
words, words to know and reread Inchworm’s Tale. Students
will practice asking questions and rereading to find the
answers. Students will also discuss the problem and
solution. The teacher will introduce the weekly language skill:
Plural Possessive Nouns.
Wednesday: We will read Martina the Beautiful Cockroach
and identify and discuss the problem and solution. Students
will practice stopping to ask questions as they read. We will
review the weekly vocabulary words and words to know.
The teacher will introduce the vocabulary skill: synonyms.
The students will work with the teacher to write sentences
with plural possessive nouns.
Thursday: The teacher and student will participate in a
Close Read of Martina the Beautiful Cockroach. The teacher
will stop periodically throughout the story to encourage
students to stop and ask questions and discuss the events of
the story. The teacher and students will identify examples of
synonyms in the text. Students will do various activities with
plural possessive nouns.
Friday: Students will complete a weekly reading
Reading Skill:
Reading Strategy:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Grammar Skill:
Problem and Solution
Plural Possessive
Spelling Words: Test Friday
1. whirl
4. firm
7. stern
10. nurse
13. pearl
2. Third
5. fern
8. serve
11. turns
14. word
3. girls
6. herds
9. hurt
12. learn
15. world
Reading Vocabulary:
Words to Know: Quiz Thursday
Reading & Language Standards:
I CAN ask and answer questions to check for
understanding of what I am reading.
I CAN identify problems and solutions in a text.
Students will participate in small group activities throughout
the week to reinforce skills and build fluency and
I CAN use plural possessive nouns
(CCR#:SL.3.1; SL.3.2; RL.3.1; RL.3.2; RL.3.3;
RL.3.4; RI.3.3;)
Math and Social Sciences Newsletter/Lesson Plans
November 2-6, 2015
 Please practice multiplication facts
each night. This will help prepare
them for their speed tests.
 Math Vocabulary:
Perimeter- the distance around
the outside of a shape.
Area- amount of space inside
a shape.
Dimension- measurement of
length or height in one direction
Special thanks to Hoyt Sanders, Judy
Averett, Allyson Harris & Mrs. Brown
for sending candy and pipecleaners.
They had a blast making the
Math Standards (CCR: 3MD5, 3MD6,
I CAN find the perimeter of a rectangle or
I CAN find the perimeter of an irregular
I CAN solve word measurement problems
by finding the area and perimeter of shapes
I CAN tell, write and show the difference
between the area and the perimeter of a
Week At A Glance: Social Studies
COS# 13:
For the next two weeks students will explore and
discuss ways prehistoric and historic American
Indians survived. This will include their different
cultures, types of housing and ceremonial rituals.
They will learn about the American Indian culture in
Alabama; Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw.
We will also visit the Paleo & Woodland prehistoric
Week at a Glance: Math
Monday: This week we will focus on perimeter and
area. Since students have already connected area to an
array, we will start this week teaching perimeter. A
vocabulary lesson will show students the definition of
perimeter where they will write what the word is and
how it is used in the real word. Students will build
shapes using square tiles and find the area and
perimeter of these shapes. Today they will use the
strategy of counting sides and tiles. They will build
new strategies each day.
Tuesday: Today we will read the book Spaghetti and
Meatballs For All. This is a book that helps students
see what area and perimeter look like in the real world.
Students will then have an investigative lesson on
measurement units and end the lesson by measuring
shapes around the classroom and calculating the
perimeter. Today student’s knowledge will move from
counting to using addition and multiplication to find
area and perimeter.
Wednesday: Students will work on a perimeter task
today in groups. Students will be presented with a real
world word-problem task and will work in partners or
groups and use strategies to show their work. In math
workshop students will review previous skills such as
elapsed time, multiplication, and subtraction.
Thursday: Students will put together and complete a
perimeter flipbook. The flipbook will cover the many
different problems students will see on the test the next
day such as counting the perimeter units, adding the
sides of an irregular shape, word problems and finding
missing sides.
Friday: Students will take weekly skills assessment
with previous taught skills and the new skill of area
and perimeter. We will also have a multiplication
speed drill.