Midterm exam 2014

Midterm Exam – Summer Semester 1434/1435
COMP 324 Computer Data Security & Privacy
Name: ______________
SID: ________________
Section A (4 Marks)
Answer ALL the questions. Each question carries HALF a mark.
1 (a) True or False
(4 x ½ =2 Marks)
The process of scrambling messages is called decryption..
Symmetric encryption algorithm generates a key pair (a public and private keys).
Caesar Cipher is an example of a transposition cipher.
Cryptographic hash function provides availability.
1 (b) Fill in the blanks
(4 x ½ =2 Marks)
Text in its encrypted form is called ______ text.
The number of keys needed in a symmetric key system with 4 users is ________.
Text in its unencrypted form is called ________ text.
_________ is a method of encryption by which the positions held by units of plaintext are
shifted according to a particular system.
Section B (6 Marks)
Answer ANY THREE questions. Each question carries TWO marks.
2. Define the following terms, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
3. What are the types of attacks?
4. Briefly explain the types of threats.
5. Explain what is a Caesar cipher using a suitable example.
Section C (10 Marks)
Answer ANY TWO questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
6. Compare between symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
7. What does DES and AES stand for, compare between them.
8. Explain what a cryptographic hash function is, and what do we mean by a one way function.
Good Luck