3. 14. Associate Teacher’s Guideline Parnell District School Introduction Parnell District School accepts college teachers from Massey University (Albany), Auckland College of Education, AUT and the University of Waikato. We also have an on-going relationship with the University of Indiana, and have taken Australian college teachers. Associate teachers must be fully registered teachers with a current practising certificate. Advisory The college teacher is under the associate teacher’s guidance, and allowing the college teacher full control is an expectation, provided the associate teacher is nearby. If the associate teacher is away, then the relief teacher is expected to give guidance and support to the college teacher. The associate teacher should be in the room on most occasions. Rationale Professional partnerships underpin successful and meaningful engagement between the training institution, the school and the college teacher. Associate Teachers can provide valuable assistance to college teachers Associate Teachers need to provide opportunities for college teachers to try new strategies, and be there to support them in constructive ways Guidelines Ensure the college teacher has a induction into the relevant area of the school and is introduced to key staff Ascertain the requirements of the training intuition in terms of practicum expectations. This is provided in a booklet from the training intuition. Associate teachers need to provide college teachers with access to the staff handbook, charter, school policy and procedures and other documents they might need to complete assignments College teachers should not be permitted to teach until the associate teacher has seen and approved the planning Provide advice to facilitate the requirements of the lesson and practicum assignments. Observe the college teacher teaching and provide open and honest feedback against the expectations of the college requirements. Ask the college teacher for their own self reflection. Discussion to lead to feed –forward. As the college teacher becomes more confident, allow more opportunities for them to assume full control. Discuss with the college teacher your expectations as associate teacher when teaching your class, and your expectations of the pupils in that class when the college teacher is teaching. Complete the associate teacher feedback form provided by the training institution. The associate teacher will receive payment from the training institution (if New Zealand based), at the agreed rate per week in the current award. June 2013.