1 WESTERN OKLAHOMA STATE COLLEGE MATH and SCIENCE DIVISION INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA SYLLABUS (MATH0123) Spring 2011 TIME & DAYS: 9:00 – 9:50 am; MWF ROOM: B-3 INSTRUCTOR: Pía Rodezno Bauer pia.bauer@wosc.edu Office Phone No.: 477-7942 Office: C-9 COURSE NUMBER: MATH 0123 COURSE TITLE: INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA CREDIT HOURS: 3 INSTRUCTOR’S OFFICE HOURS: 7:45-8:45am, MWF 1:30-3:30pm, MW 8:15-9:15am, 10:45-11:45am, 3:45-5:15pm, TTh 10:50-11:50am, F PREREQUISITE: Appropriate placement score or satisfactory completion of (MATH 0113) BEGINNING ALGEBRA COREQUISITE: NONE CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Course content includes conic sections, polynomials, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, solving systems of equations, and sequences and series. TEXTBOOK: REQUIRED: Algebra for College Students, 6th edition, Lial, Hornsby, & McGinnis, Pearson AddisonWesley, 2007 AND RECOMMENDED: Lecture Notes (posted in this Moodle class in the WOSC website). CALCULATOR: A scientific calculator is REQUIRED in this course. NO GRAPHING CALCULATORS ALLOWED!! STUDENT SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMMODATIONS According to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), each student with a disability is responsible for notifying the College of his/her disability and requesting accommodations. If you think you have a qualified disability and need classroom accommodations, contact the Counseling Office (C-1E). To receive services, you must submit appropriate documentation and complete an intake process during which the existence of a qualified disability is verified and reasonable accommodations are identified. Please call (580) 477-7710, or email april.dill@wosc.edu for more information. 2 Please advise the instructor of your disability as soon as possible to ensure timely implementation of appropriate accommodations. Faculty have an obligation to respond when they receive official notice of a disability from the Counseling Office but are under no obligation to provide retroactive accommodations. WOSC’S TOBACCO POLICY: As of August 1, 2010, WOSC is Tobacco Free! No tobacco products of any kind are allowed on WOSC property. This includes the dorms, athletic facilities, vehicles, parking lots, and buildings. This policy is not intended to control your choice to use tobacco products outside of this facility, but rather to create a healthier environment for those who work here, attend classes here, or visit our campus. Thank you for your cooperation! LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course, the student should be able to demonstrate competency in the following areas: 1.0 Polynomial Functions 2.0 Polynomial Factoring 3.0 Rational Expressions 4.0 Roots and radicals including complex numbers 5.0 Quadratic equations and inequalities COURSE REQUIREMENTS: OPTIONAL Homework: Practicing the concepts and exercises covered in class is crucial to success in any mathematics course and this one is no exception! A list of suggested exercises can be found on page 4. You are not required to turn in these exercises. However, you may turn in the exercises from the sections covered on a test on the day of the test for 10 extra credit points towards that test. The number of extracredit points will be based on how many exercises are completed. The suggested exercises must be turned in on the day of the chapter test. LATE EXTRA-CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REQUIRED Homework: Only selected exercises will be collected for credit. These selected exercises are compiled in twenty-six assignments that sum up the important points and types of exercises in the sections covered in class. The problems are selected from the textbook exercises. For specific assignments and due dates, see page 5. Each assignment will be worth 20 points. The average of the homework assignments will be 40% of the overall grade. Homework will be assigned daily and collected the next class meeting at the beginning of class* right after the instructor answers questions on the assignment. At the end of the semester, the five lowest homework assignments will be dropped.* Some assignments have one or two extra credit problems. These problems are due when the homework for that section is due, and the points earned go towards the score on the assignment for that section only. *IMPORTANT: Failure to turn in the Homework Assignments before the rest of the class gets theirs back graded will result in a zero on the homework assignment. If a student is absent on the due date of the assignment, alternate homework assignments are possible ONLY if the student has communicated with the instructor and turns in the alternate assignment by the next class meeting after the due date. E-MAIL THE INSTRUCTOR PROMPLY TO GET THE ALTERNATE ASSIGNMENT. Otherwise, the zero on the missed assignments will be one of the five dropped. Tests: There will be 5 tests 3 At the end of the semester the lowest test grade will be dropped. The average of the 4 highest test grades will make up 40% of the overall Tests can be made-up only if the student takes it before the rest of the class gets their graded tests back. Next class meeting might be too late!! For due dates for tests see page 5. Comprehensive Final Exam: Monday, May 16th, 8:00 – 9:50 am. The final exam is comprehensive. The final is not optional and counts as 20% of your overall grade. METHOD OF EVALUATION: Homework: 40% Tests: 40% Final Exam: 20% Final grades will be given as follows, related to your accumulative test grades. S…….70-100% U…….0-69% ATTENDANCE POLICY: YOUR attendance is the greatest predictor of your success. Student attendance at EVERY class is expected. You should expect that each absence will ADVERSELY affect your course grade. Please see the Instructor regarding anticipated absences or conflicts due to college-sponsored activities. MAKE-UP WORK will be allowed as long as it is made up before the rest of the class gets graded papers back. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor to make up the work. Next class meeting might be too late!! ACADEMIC ETHICS: Students are expected to comply with the regulations regarding cheating or plagiarism as Stated in the Western Oklahoma State College catalog. 4 OPTIONAL HOMEWORK (Chapters/Sections covered in traditional/lecture class). These exercises will be collected on the day of the chapter test. See page 4 for test dates. Chapter Chapter 4 Review Chapter 5 Review Chapter 6 Review Chapter 7 Review Chapter 8 Review Section 8.7 & Chapter 9 Review Final Exam Review Page Suggested exercises (ODD problems unless otherwise indicated.) No. 278 338 384 457 529 532 590 534 595 1-13 19-21 1-37; 41-55; 61-75 1-49 1-19; 25-29 1-117 121-135 1-18 all except 8 15, 17-29all, 34-45all 6-9all; 22, 24-36all, 39-40all 5 Tentative Schedule for REQUIRED Homework and Tests (Sections covered) Course Requirement HOMEWORK #1 HOMEWORK #2 HOMEWORK #3 HOMEWORK #4 HOMEWORK #5 TEST 1 Sections Covered 4.1 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 4.1-5.3 Page No. 237 259 296 305 315 10,16,18,22,28,32,34,38,42,44,48 2,4,6,8,12,18,20,22,24,28,30,32,34 X5, 10-120; X3,129-141 EC 124, 126 X5-80; 84 X3-27; EC 66 1/24/11 1/28/11 1/31/11 2/4/11 2/7/11 2/7/11 HOMEWORK #6 HOMEWORK #7 HOMEWORK #8 HOMEWORK #9 HOMEWORK #10 HOMEWORK #11 TEST 2 5.4 5.5 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 5.4-6.4 324 331 350 358 364 368 X5-80; EC 92, 126 X4-48; EC 54 X4-56; EC 60 X4-64 X3-63; EC 76, 82 X4-72 2/14/11 2/16/11 2/18/11 2/23/11 2/28/11 3/2/11 3/2/11 HOMEWORK #12 HOMEWORK #13 HOMEWORK #14 HOMEWORK #15 HOMEWORK #16 TEST 3 6.5 7.1 7.2 7.4 7.5 6.5-7.5 376 397 407 423 435 X4-44; EC 50, 54 X5-90; EC 96, 98 X3-84 except 18 X3-42; EC 44 1-21 odd EC 20 3/9/11 3/11/11 3/23/11 3/25/11 3/30/11 3/30/11 HOMEWORK #17 HOMEWORK #18 HOMEWORK #19 HOMEWORK #20 HOMEWORK #21 HOMEWORK #22 TEST 4 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.1-8.6 471 479 489 495 504 513 X3-78, except 42, 45, 48 X3-96 X5-115 X3-57; EC 64, 66 X5-105; EC 42, 112 X3-57; EC 58, 64 4/6/11 4/8/11 4/13/11 4/15/11 4/20/11 4/25/11 4/25/11 HOMEWORK #23 HOMEWORK #24 8.7 9.1 521 545 X3-78; EC 88 X3,6-75; EC 75 5/2/11 5/4/11 HOMEWORK #25 9.2 554 X3,6-48; EC 60 5/9/11 HOMEWORK #26 9.3 563 X3,3-27; EC 30 5/9/11 TEST 5 8.7, 9.1-9.3 Review for Final Final Exam Exercises Assigned Due Date 5/9/11 ALL 5/11/11 ALL 5/16/11