Policy Title: Course Reassigned Time for Service Activities Policy Summary: This policy explains when course reassigned time is appropriate for service beyond the expected level of service.. Effective date: 2016-17 Policy Statement: Preface: The Faculty Handbook (dated September 2014) states: As a performance standard for administrative guidance, the normal full-time teaching load is 15 credit hours per term, including 12 credits of assigned courses and 3 credits of reassigned time for advising, committee and departmental assignments, and faculty governance. Thus, 20% of each faculty member’s workload should, on average, be service that includes advising. On a 40 hour per week model, a faculty member should spend, on average, 8 hours per week on service related activities. As a general guideline, a faculty members’ service contribution consists of: Advising, @ 40 hours per term (includes activities in addition to face-to-face advising such as writing letters of recommendation, discussions of career paths, etc. Department Service, @ 40 hours per term: including program assessment work College-wide service, @ 40 hours per term, on average 2.5 hours per week Non-chair service: For the purpose of weighing relative college-wide service time demands we suggest 3 levels of committee work: Level 1: < 30 hours per semester Level 2: 30 – 50 hours per semester Level 3: >50 hours per semester Expectations for full-time faculty would entail serving on one Level 2 committee to fulfill their college-wide service obligations It is expected that members of Faculty Standing Committees (as defined in the Handbook, and reporting to Faculty Senate) that experience a period of substantial increase in workload may negotiate reassigned time and/or stipends with Academic Affairs. It is expected that members of Academic Affairs Task Forces (as defined in the Handbook, as convened by the Provost for a specific task, and reporting to the Provost) may negotiate reassigned time and/or stipends with Academic Affairs. A Level 2 service averages 40 hours over the term. Some committees (and committee chairs) require more time than this and are rated as “Level 3”. Other committees have lesser time commitments and are rated as “Level 1.” A faculty member would serve on ONE Level 2 committee (workload) for the school year. Alternatively, they could serve on two “Level 1” committees. Any reassigned time discussed in this document is separate from and exclusive of reassigned credit allotted for research and scholarly pursuits. Service beyond Level 2 service should receive reassign time. In particular, the following committee assignments should receive reassign time: 1. Senate President 2. BOT Rep 3. Chair of Curriculum Committee 4. Chair of Liberal Arts Core Committee 5. Chair of Handbook Committee 6. Chair of IRB Reassign Time for Department Chairs: Chairs and directors of academic departments and programs should receive reassign time. We will measure the relative demands of departments and programs via number of faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, term, adjuncts, lectures, instructors – anyone who teaches a course for a department or unit and hence requires recruiting, supervision, evaluation, etc.) and number of majors. We use only these two measures for the sake of simplicity and in the hope that these two measures reflect numerous demands on chairs and directors. As with reassign time for other service we will group departments and programs into three categories: Small, Large, and all other departments and units. Roughly: Large: >150 majors and/or > 12 faculty members Small: < 30 majors, < 4 faculty members (faculty members who are reviewed, recruited, etc. under another chair do not count) All other: All departments, academic units, programs that are neither small nor large. A chair or director of a medium sized department should receive 3 credits of reassign time per term. This accounts for the majority of departments. Small programs and departments should receive 3 credits of reassign time per year. We suggest these programs are (Fall 2014): NAIS, GWS, Honors, and Liberal Studies. Large programs should receive 9 credits of reassign time per year. These credits should be allocated to the department as a whole. The chair/director of the department may choose to reallocate this reassign time to other members of the department in exchange for service. Departments in this category are (Fall 2014): Exercise Science, Biology, Music, Physics/Engineering, Psychology, English, and Art. (Note: we exclude from this discussion reassign time for Assistant and Associate Deans.) Additional Reassign Time Chairs and Directors of Academic Departments and Programs may request from their Dean additional reassign time if their service exceeds standard levels of service. Some duties that may warrant additional reassign time include: Accreditation (external agency) Authorization (state of CO) Chair/directorship requires service on committees exceeding general faculty expectations Maintenance of equipment for safety and/or repairs Time intensive student related issues particular and sustained to a department or program Faculty personnel composition—sole responsibility for department personnel duties Supervision of staff beyond the typical support staff size If additional reassign time is negotiated an expiration date (no longer than 5 years) should be set and reassessed at the time of expiration. Stipends Stipends for serving as chair/director should be transparent and equitable. Current discrepancies between stipends and the chair/director compensation policy should be rectified. Summer expectations Expectations of chairs during the summer should be explicit and compensated accordingly. Reason for Policy: To provide explicit, equitable, and appropriate reassign time to faculty members for service to the college.