July-August 2008 - 9 th Issue (Word File)

The Lighted Way
“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
Psalm 119:105
July-August, 2008
Lighted Way Ministries, P.O. Box 742, Canyonville , OR 97417, www.lightedway.org, (541) 672-1514
Ministry in Molokai
The Time of Trouble May
be Coming Sooner Than
You Think!
Our Current Ministry
Also Enclosed...
Looking Ahead to the
October Retreat
Order Forms
Ministry in Molokai
Highlights from Our July-August Mission Trip to Hawaii
As you may have heard, our dear friends Brenda and Denny Kaneshiro
invited us to come to the small island of Molokai, Hawaii, for a month-long
mission trip. We were asked to share a couple of workshops. The first was
the Keys to Living Like You've Been Saved Workshop (which is a new 6session workshop on victorious Christian living that we shared for the first
time while in Hawaii). Second, we shared the Growing Godly
Relationships workshop (a 6-session workshop on teen purity).
Molokai is very beautiful! It is one of the most natural and least
commercial of all the Hawaiian Islands. Because of the tropical sun and
frequent mists it is called the Island of the Rainbows. It is also known as
the "dark island" of Hawaii. It is an island known for rich Hawaiian
"culture," which often is a “nice” term for old fashioned spirit worship.
Much of the pagan elements of Hawaiian religion were originated on
Molokai. Thus, from the outset, we knew this trip would be prayer matter.
And it certainly did keep us on our knees. We would have a victory, only
to be followed by another serious spiritual attack. But, in spite of
all the devil had to dish out, the ultimate victory gained by the
Kingdom of Heaven was great – for which we praise YHWH!
We arrived on Molokai on July 10, 2008 and departed
on August 10, 2008. It was a wonderful month-long
ministry trip.
We arrived in Molokai on July 10th.
But the first workshop wasn’t
scheduled to begin until July 18th, so
we helped out with the SDA church
Vacation Bible School program and
got to know the people a bit. It was a
fun week and allowed us to develop
friendships prior to starting anointings
and workshops. This time later proved
to be a blessing we couldn’t have
completely foreseen. Because of this
initial week, several of the more shy
folks became comfortable enough to
be open to having prayer sessions
with us in the days that followed.
Our son, Christopher (age 13) leads
his “tribe” through the daily VBS
Bible lesson.
Continued on page 2
The Lighted Way
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Ministry in Molokai - continued from page 1
The Kaneshiro’s had invited us to share both the Keys workshop and the
teen relationship workshop on Molokai, but the meeting location was
undetermined at first. Then we received an invitation from Pastor Kurt
Unglaub, to hold the two workshops in the Molokai SDA church.
Mark and Shauna teaching the Keys
Workshop as a team.
The meetings were well advertised and very well attended – again all glory
goes to God! The first night of the Keys to Living Like You’ve Been Saved
workshop was attended by about 35 people (see the picture on the lower
left, taken the first night). The attendance grew to over 50 people as the
workshop progressed. We had printed 100 of the new workbooks to
accompany the workshop, so we had enough materials for everyone. Each
attendee (except small children) received a free workshop workbook and a
free Keys to Living Like You’ve Been Saved booklet. Pastor Unglaub
pulled us aside during the week of the first workshop and exclaimed, “this
is a VERY good turnout!”
During the workshop we covered practical
guidelines for victorious Christian living
and training on warfare and intercessory
prayer. The workshop was designed to
help folks not only learn how to live a
sanctified lifestyle, but also how to minister
to others after the pattern found in the
early Christians in Scripture.
Our daughter Katy stands by a
banana tree in back of the home
where we stayed while on Molokai.
On a couple of nights, Denny Kaneshiro (pictured on the right) blessed us all
with special music selections performed
on violin.
with worshipful
Denny and Brenda also
helped by leading out in
one of the group sessions
which met each evening
at the closing of the workshop.
On the first night of the Keys
workshop there were about 35 people
in attendance. This number grew to a
little over 50 as the week progressed.
The above photo was taken on the
first night as the people listen to first
session of the Keys to Living Like
You’ve Been Saved workshop.
From this workshop, there
were 14 individuals who chose to submit totally to Christ and
experience the cleansing of an anointing prayer session.
Several who received the anointing began anointing their
family and homes. We were thrilled to see how the precious
people were not only applying the information gained in a
personal way, but were lifting the ministry banner and
carrying the work of intercession forward.
Many miracles took place in the lives of the dear ones who experienced the
anointing. One couple had been nearly torn apart by a variety of spiritual
“cancers” including rage and violence, but expressed that the change in
their lives and home after the anointing was dramatic. They continue to
walk in victory in Yahshua and are praising God as the devil loses ground
in their lives and home.
Another individual had been suffering stomach problems and food
allergies. YHWH not only brought spiritual healing, He also lifted these
physical afflictions during the anointing!
Continued on page 3
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The Lighted Way
Ministry in Molokai - continued from page 2
Another person was sorely tempted to skip the anointing surrender. The
enemy attack was so great this individual went out and got drunk the night
before the anointing was scheduled to take place. Still, with all glory to God
and in answer to many fervent prayers, this precious soul came fully to
Christ the next day and went through with the full cleansing of the anointing
service. Throughout the remainder of our stay in Molokai, it was a joy to
see how dynamic and real the transformation was in this person’s life.
Shauna teaches the Growing Godly
Relationships workshop to a group of
parents and young people.
Prior to the workshop, one young teen had been experiencing demonic
manifestations such as seeing threatening forms and having demonic
presences making themselves visibly known to her. Thoroughly frightened,
the young lady was impressed, during the Keys workshop, to be anointed
and surrender to Christ. She and her family
faithfully attended the workshop every night. This
in itself was evidence of God’s power, as the
young people in this family didn’t often desire to
attend religious meetings. Additionally, the teens’
mother expressed joy at finding them praying
together of their own volition, which she hadn’t
seen them do for about nine years.
And these are just a few of the mighty things God
was doing in the lives of the precious folks we
were blessed to pray with and minister with on the
island of Molokai. We are still praising His Name
for the way the Heavenly Father dynamically
changes submitted lives!
Shauna prepares to pray with the 11
young people who came forward at the
altar call on the last night of the Growing
Godly Relationships workshop.
The second workshop was titled Growing Godly
Relationships for teens and pre-teens. Shauna taught this workshop, which
was attended by about 15 young people, and several of their parents. At
first, we found it amazing that parents were bringing their nine and ten year
olds to the meetings designed to teach about godly dating and sexual
purity. But, several parents quickly assured us that this was necessary as
the young people in Molokai commonly become sexually active between
10 and 11 years old.
During the workshop, the young people and their parents were taught how
the world “loves” in a way that uses others. This was compared with how
Heaven does relationships. Night-by-night the heavenly pattern for real
friendship and marriage was prayerfully revealed in stark contrast with the
worldly “fool’s gold” of relationships based on selfishness.
The Manfredine and Kaneshiro families
enjoy the breathtaking view from atop the
sea cliffs of Molokai (the tallest sea cliffs in
the world). Mark is taking the picture.
Each workshop participant received a free Growing Godly Relationships
workbook to fill out during the sessions. At the end of the 6-night session, a
group of 11 young people answered the “altar call” and came forward for a
special prayer session in which they committed their lives to Yahshua
(Jesus) and to purity. All those who came forward for this prayer session
received a free Keys to Living Like You’ve Been Saved booklet.
We ask you to continue praying for the work YHWH is still doing with the
precious people in Molokai. Many of those who were anointed take
seriously the Gospel commission. Not only are they now living a changed
life in Christ, they are working to help others find the power of an active,
life-changing Gospel. Praise YHWH, our time there was only a beginning!
The Lighted Way
Page 4
The Time of Trouble May Be Coming Sooner
Than You Think!
As most are aware, there are some fairly sobering things taking
place in the world that clearly indicate we are living in the last
days. But, many of us may be noticing the world events while still
thinking that we have time before the trouble really begins
because we’ve been taught that the really serious stuff happens
after the national Sunday Law is enacted. But the idea that the
abomination that maketh desolate happens before any winds of
serious trouble begin isn’t a pattern born out in Bible history.
“And when these
things begin to
come to pass, then
look up, and lift up
your heads; for
your redemption
draweth nigh.”
Luke 21:28
Recently, some information has come into our hands that
suggests an imminent crisis may be coming in the next few
weeks, which will likely precede the expected national Sunday
Law. We do not now share some of this information with you to be
alarmists. Rather we share what we have found as a warning about POSSIBLE
developments which may take place in September and October of this year. In our
view, it is better to take precautions and be wrong, than to take no prayerful action
at all, because one is not sure these things will come to be. As the Bible says in
Proverbs 22:3, “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the
simple pass on, and are punished.”
Before we go any further into sharing SOME of what we are finding, it is essential
that we remind you dear ones to NOT BE AFRAID! YHWH is so mighty a
Heavenly King that fearing the future is a terrible lack of faith on our part. In
Revelation 21:8 we find that the fearful are the first listed who will be cast into the
lake of fire in the end. Why? Because YHWH is love and fear is of the enemy. (1
John 4:18-19) So, before reading on, be reminded of Hebrews 13:6, “So that we
may boldly say, The Lord is my Helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto
me.” Let none of us fall prey to the mindset of the 10 spies whose hearts failed
them in fear at the prospects of facing “giants” in the land of Canaan!
Now with a trust-in-God mindset, we are ready to share with you what we are
finding. We are hearing from a variety of sources that a collapse of the US
economy is scheduled (yes, we did say “scheduled”) to take place in September of
2008. Here are a few quotations in this regard:
“According to LEAP/E2020, the end of the third quarter of 2008
(September, 2008) will be marked by a new tipping point in the unfolding
of the global systemic crisis … The collapse of US real economy means
the virtual freeze of the American economic machinery: private and public
bankruptcies in large numbers, companies and public services closing
down massively.”
(Les dessous de l’information mondiale - Downside World News Global
systemic crisis - September 2008 - Phase of collapse of US real economy)
“…We are now resolutely stepping into an era with no historical
precedent. Our researchers insisted on that many times in the last two
years: any comparison with the previous crises of our modern economy
would be fallacious. It is neither a “remake” of the 1929 crisis nor a
repetition of the 1970s oil crises or 1987 stock market crisis. It is truly a
global systemic crisis, that is to say a crisis affecting the entire planet and
questioning the very foundations of the international system upon which
the world was organized in the last decades.”
http://www.hotstockmarket.com, Global systemic crisis / September 2008 - Phase
of collapse of US real economy
Several sources report that banks may take an extended “holiday” or go
completely belly up during this time. The “holiday” would mean banks would close
denying Americans access to their bank accounts.
Continued on page 5
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The Lighted Way
The Time of Trouble…
Continued from page 4
Sources report that this bank “holiday” may extend for
about five months.
The probability is high that many banks will never reopen. Thus, if this financial crisis does take place in
September, 2008, many US citizens could lose their
money entirely if it is left in the banks during this time.
During the bank holiday, many Americans will be unable
to pay their bills or buy necessities. Property could be
repossessed due to a lack of payment. It is believed that
in such an economic crisis, American cities could become
riot zones with mass looting and other social turmoil.
This would certainly be the right environment for the
next part of the plan. Sources claim that there will not
be a November election, due to the United States
undergoing martial law.
In one article titled Martial Law, Bush’s October
Surprise by Frank Morales, we find the following:
“In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into
law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick
Leahy (D-Vermont), will actually encourage the
President to declare federal martial law (1). It does so
by revising the Insurrection Act, a set of laws that limits
the President's ability to deploy troops within the
United States.”(www.towardfreedom.com)
Dr. Jerome Corsi was interviewed on C-SPAN,
Washington Journal, regarding an article he had written
on World Net Daily, May 24, 2007. The article was titled:
Bush Makes Power Grab. In the interview, Dr. Corsi
explained that George W. Bush has signed a series of
laws into place that undo the former checks and
balances on the presidency. The term “national
emergency” has been redefined. President George W.
Bush now has full power to declare Martial Law at any
time these loose definitions of “national emergency”
take place. It should be noted that a financial collapse of
the US economy or the closing of the US banks would
certainly qualify under the new definition as a national
emergency. This interview can be viewed on YouTube at:
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=jatpX6kuxHQ.
What would Martial Law mean? The following laws
Lighted Way Ministries
Mark and Shauna Manfredine
P.O. Box 742
Canyonville, OR 97417
(541) 672-1514
indicate some of the ramifications of Martial Law:
All communications media seized by the Federal
Government (10995); electrical power, fuels and
minerals would be seized (10997); all food
resources, farms and farm equipment would be
seized (10998); all kinds of transportation,
highways, airports, railways and seaports would be
seized (10999 & 11003); civilians could be seized
for work under Federal supervision and relocated
(11000 & 11004). And these are just some of the
legal provisions for Martial Law in the U.S.
On July 5, 1987 the front page of the Miami Herald
Newspaper carried a now famous article describing
secret White House plans to: DECLARE AN
Dear ones, this is not a time for great fear. Rather
it is a time for great faith. It is also not a time to
bury one’s head in the sand. Should you take any
steps to prepare in case these warnings are wellfounded? That’s between you and God. We suggest
that you begin by prayerfully making certain there
is nothing between your own soul and your Saviour.
Unconfessed, unrepented of sin is the only thing
that will keep you from being protected under
Heaven’s shield (Romans 8:28). Be watchful, and
seek YHWH with your whole heart. In addition, the
Spirit of Prophecy councils to get out of cities and
have a garden are becoming exceedingly relevant.
A word to the wise…
More information can be found at the following
Martial Law- www.pej.org
FEMA Camp Footage- www.youtube.com/
Our Current Ministry Schedule
July-September, 2008 (full calendar online)
New Moon, July 4, 2008 - New Moon meeting –
6-8 PM in our home.
July 10-August 10 – Molokai Ministry Trip
New Moon, September 1, 2008 - New Moon
meeting – 6-8 PM in our Roseburg home. A light
supper of soup and bread will be served,
followed by singing, prayer and Bible study.