PRACTICUM OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT Educational Sciences Teaching and Research Unit BACHELOR IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION AND PRIMARY TEACHING (7991 – 8091) (120 CREDITS) PRACTICAL TRAINING GUIDE PRACTICUM CALENDAR at the university Preparatory courses: From the start of the session to the date of entry into the practicum school, for the practicum period. Feedback seminars: Following the end of practical training, until the end of the university’s academic year (Practicum I, II and III). Year in the school Fall 1st year Total length: 60 hours 2nd year Winter Practicum I 12 weeks – 1 day a week. Date: mid-January to midApril, 2014. Practicum II 1 day a week for 6 and 3 weeks consecutively. Total length: Date: November 5 to22, 105 hours 2013. 3rd year Total length: 225 hours 4th year Practicum III 1 day a week for 6 and 3 weeks consecutively (120 hours). Date: November 5 to 22, 2013. 1 day a week in December. Practicum III Return to the school for 1 day a week (January and February) and 3 consecutive weeks (105 hours). Date: April 7 to 25, 2014. Practicum IV Practicum IV 1 day a week from 15 weeks in the school September to November. setting. Total December: Presence in the length: 460 hours school for a minimum of 5 consecutive days of full responsibility. Date: January to April 2014. STA4125E PRACTICUM I AND SEMINARS: INITIATION TO THE PRACTICE OF THE TEACHING PROFESSION (3 CREDITS) PREREQUISITE(S): EDU2332E OBJECTIVES Becoming initiated into the teaching practice. Learning about the various aspects of the teaching task. Elaborating teaching-learning situations and intervening sporadically in class under the supervision of the associate teacher. Content Introductory days to the teaching profession in the school institution alternated with seminar-type meetings held at university. Elaboration of teaching-learning situations adapted to student needs and characteristics using new information and communication technologies. Conduct of teaching-learning situations under the supervision of the associate teacher. Acclimatization to communicate clearly and efficiently in the teaching language, both orally and in writing, in various teaching contexts. Initiation to cooperative work deemed necessary between the school team and parents. Study of professional, ethical and accountable teaching practice. Oral and written presentation to express thoughts on the initiation experience with the teaching profession. STA4126E PRACTICUM II AND SEMINARS: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (3 CREDITS) PREREQUISITE(S): STA4125E OBJECTIVES Used as an integration environment, the second practicum contributes in many ways to the development of pedagogical intervention skills in school. In real-life educative intervention situations and under the direct supervision of an associate teacher and university supervisor, students develop and iron out intervention skills with preschool and primary students. Emphasis on development of skills in classroom management and professional action analysis. Students learn to solve problems in classroom intervention contexts. Content Practicum II is closely linked with the course entitled Classroom Management Foundations and Strategies (EDU2113). It consists of seven seminars and one practicum session where the trainees have the opportunity to acclimatize to the classroom in the course of six attendances, followed by three intensive weeks where they take charge of the classroom on a continuous basis during five to seven consecutive days. This course enables teachers-to-be to discuss periodically with peers on their respective experience. Training workshops on teaching-learning activity planning and pedagogical interaction and communication technologies (ICT) allow future teachers to learn the basics of: activity elaboration and conduct for the three pedagogical periods; pedagogical questioning; reinforcement and retroaction; interpersonal communication; explicit teaching; and to enhance their capacity to use them efficiently. The practicum II seminar on classroom management aims to increase the students’ capacity to give some thought to their teaching practice in a perspective of continuous professional development. STA4137E PRACTICUM III AND SEMINARS: LEARNING CONTENTS AND PROCESS I (3 CREDITS) PREREQUISITE(S): EDU2332E; STA4125E; STA4126E OBJECTIVES This medium length practicum phases over two semesters: fall (STA4137) and winter (STA4147). It aims for the progressive development of skills necessary to conduct various teaching tasks. In the course of the first part, the students are required to gradually take full lead of the classroom under the supervision of their associate teachers. The professional skills acquired during that period relate to real-life situations experienced in the course of the practicum. They are: elaborating, selecting, organizing and conducting teaching-learning situations; communicating with students, colleagues, and parents using an appropriate language level both orally and in writing; evaluating student learning progression; respecting professional ethics; objectifying and analyzing one’s classroom participation and intervention experience on the basis of the didactical issues relating to student learning. Content Development of disciplinary knowledge through an approach of competence. Transformation of curriculum knowledge into situations likely to trigger student learning. Analysis of spontaneous situations as opportunities to work on knowledge acquisition. Questioning on links between the contents learned by the students; types of knowledge; cognitive tasks; didactical and pedagogical variables of teaching-learning devices. Conceptual analysis of the notional contents of the teaching language and mathematics (competence 1). A priori analysis of teaching-learning situations in terms of target, cognitive task and possible student conduct. The quest for consistency between pedagogical and didactical decisions most likely to foster knowledge acquisition. Pedagogical and didactical differentiation of one’s teaching practice to meet particular student needs (competence 7). Observation of students’ knowledge appropriation and progression (competence 5). Analysis of complex professional situations experienced in classrooms in terms of resources to mobilize. Ethical dimension of the teaching profession (competence 12). During the second part of Practicum III, the student is required to pursue the development of competencies related to taking total responsibility for a class, under the supervision of the mentor teacher. STA4148 PRACTICUM IV: THE PRACTICE OF THE TEACHING PROFESSION (13 CREDITS) Objectives Bringing students to assume a full lead of the teaching task as required by the ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (2001): elaborating and conducting teaching-learning situations according to the pupils and target skills to develop under the training program as professional heirs, critics and interpreters of knowledge and culture; adapting one’s interventions to the needs and characteristics of the pupils experiencing difficulties; evaluating the learning progress and skills acquisition level of pupils in regard to the teaching contents; organizing and supervising the group-class modus operandi in order to foster pupils’ learning and socialization; communicating clearly and efficiently in the teaching language, both orally and in writing, in contexts relating to the teaching profession; integrating information and communication technologies in professional activities; cooperating with team-school colleagues and partners of the social environment initiating a professional development process; acting ethically and responsibly in the course of one’s duties. Content Preparation for taking full lead of a classroom involves progressive integration, long-term planning and elaboration of an innovation project. Project planning and elaboration constitute a first step towards reinvestment of skills acquired in didactics, planning and evaluation courses. The practicum completed in winter enables students to take full responsibility of a teaching task in preschool or primary school: planning and conduct of teaching-learning activities; interventions with pupils experiencing difficulties, evaluation of learning and skills, classroom management, meetings with parents, working with team-school members, participation in activities. All of the professional skills are solicited. In cooperation with the school institution, this intensive practicum is conducted under the supervision of an associate teacher, school management and a university professor for ensuring integration of theoretical and practical contents. The students are evaluated on a consensus basis (committee) by partners committed to supervising the students. THE STUDENT TEACHER develops knowledge, skills, aptitudes and attitudes essential for the practice of the teaching profession; is introduced to the professional teaching role by gradually assuming complete responsibility for assigned tasks; becomes familiar with the school setting in which they evolve; learns to analyze their teaching practice, to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses with the help of resource-people; meets the associate teacher and the school principal before the start of the practicum in order to determine the respective expectations of each party; communicates with the practicum professor during the first week of practicum to let them know whether everything is working out as planned; is punctual, and present on the required days at the beginning of the day and waits until the days activities are over, to leave; notifies the principal and associate teacher of any absences; participates according to the practicum objectives and according to instructions from the associate teacher, in every class and school activity; interacts positively with students and school staff; diligently researches and assumes the responsibilities given to them; plans and teaches courses in different subjects, for which a homeroom teacher has responsibility; demonstrates competency in the content to be taught, and uses adapted teaching-learning strategies; collaborates with the associate teacher, the school principal and the practicum professor in the completion of the final practicum evaluation; ... THE MENTOR TEACHER welcomes the student teacher into their class; is a resource and a guide for the student teacher’s practical learning and their discovery of the various facets of the school and professional setting; maintain complete responsibility for their groups of students for the duration of the practicum; remains at the school for the duration of the practicum, to meet the needs of their students and the needs of the student teacher; clarifies their expectations about the tasks given to the student teacher; assists the student teacher in the design, the planning, the implementation and the evaluation of teaching-learning situations, in relation to programs of study; advises the student teacher regarding workplace norms and practices; provides the student teacher with regular feedback about their teaching, pedagogical behaviours and their professional attitudes, as part of a reflexive analysis process; supports the university in the training process; meets with the university professor and provides them with any information relevant to the evolution of the practicum; participates in the evaluation of the student teacher; ... THE UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR prepares the student teacher for the practicum, in seminars; serves as a link between the university, school staff and the student teacher; supervises and ensures that the necessary support is provided to the student teacher during the practicum period; establishes a schedule of visits and a supervision plan with the school, the associate teacher and the student teacher; complies with school and university policies; meets with the student teacher in the school setting to ensure consistent monitoring (formative and summative evaluations) (see note 3); maintains a professional exchange between the school board, the school, the associate teacher and the student teacher; observes the student teacher in pedagogical situations and obtains any help necessary: in cases where the student teacher is having major difficulties, studies the situation with the school, and if needed, with the student teacher’s program director; assists the student teacher with the design and planning of teaching learning activities; supports the mentor teacher’s supervision of the student teacher; assists the student teacher with their objectivation process; leads post-practicum seminars; evaluates the student teacher’s performance in collaboration with the associate teacher and the school principal; assumes responsibility for the summative evaluation; ... makes the university’s needs known to their teachers, so that they may receive students; invites and encourages potential associate teachers to welcome and integrate student teachers into the school setting; informs associate teachers of their responsibilities; welcomes student teachers and facilitates their integration into the life of the school; ensures the cooperation of teachers as well as the school team in the process of integrating the student teachers into the school’s life; supervises the student teachers in the school; keeps in touch with relevant university staff; officially recognizes the role of associate teacher as well as the contributions of practicum activities to the life of the school; participates in the resolution of problems encountered by the associate teacher and student teacher; ensures that the relationship between the associate teacher and the student teacher is a positive one; participates in the summative and formative evaluations of practicum students in the school; assesses the effects of practicum on their schools; … OTHER INFORMATION 1. Mondays are set aside in the timetable for the gradual integration of student teachers into the school setting. Monitoring is accomplished with periodic communications by telephone, email, or meetings, if required, between the university professor and mentor teacher. 4. Practicum II consists of a practicum period of three weeks, where the student gradually takes full responsibility for teaching a class for 5 to 7 consecutive days. 5. Practicum III extends over two sessions and consists of two practicum periods: the first in the Fall requires the student teacher to take gradual responsibility for teaching a class for 7 to 10 consecutive days, and the second, in the Winter session, requires gradually taking responsibility for teaching a class for 12 to 15 consecutive days. This practicum takes place with the same class, in both cases. It is important that the student teacher experience the specific events connected with students’ return to school. 6. Practicum IV extends over two sessions and consists of a gradual 12 days integration in the Fall, followed by a minimum of 5 consecutive days of full responsibility for a class in December and full responsibility for a group of students for a period of 15 weeks, from January to April. 7. For all practicum, the university assigns a supervisor to each student, who participates in supervision committee meetings and who is available for consultation by the mentor teacher. 2. Prerequisite practicum courses include classes dealing with conceptual topics, in order to ensure adequate preparation for the practicum period. For some practicum, integration and review seminars are also scheduled, post-practicum. Dates for these classes and seminars are indicated in the course syllabus given to students. 3. Practicum I includes implementation activities. During their presence in class, student teachers must carry out co-teaching activities, in order to be able to gradually take responsibility for two full days in the classroom. For more information, please contact: Melissa Mckenzie Practicum Coordinator Educational Sciences Module Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue 445, boul. de l’Université Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X 5E4 Telephone: (819) 762-0971, ext. 2235 Fax: (819) 797-4727 Email: Adapté et révisé : Suzane Caron, juin 2008 (version traduite : septembre 2008) THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL supports the university in the training process;