
February 6th 2015 FDA approved the release of Dutrebis
Used for the treatment of: HIV.
 Dosage: Oral tablet twice daily without food.
 Marketing Information from Manufacturer: According to
Special points of interest
Du tr eb i s (DOO-tre-bis)
D UTR EB I S sh ou ld n ot b e
Merck, Dutrebis will not be commercially available in the U.S. at this
u sed in ch i ld r en u n d er 6
Benefits and Concerns of the Drug: : Dutrebis is a fixed-dose
ye ar s o f a ge or in
combination product, containing two currently available commercial
ingredients. Clinical trials have not been specifically performed with
Dutrebis. The indication of Dutrebis is based on efficacy and safety
data demonstrated in clinical trials with the individual components,
lamivudine and raltegravir.
p eop l e wh o we i gh le ss
Coverage Recommendations: These recommendations are
th an 66 lb s ( 30 k g) .
Gen er ic N am e lamivudine
and raltegravir
available to IPC/EvergreenRx clients from their Account Manager or
Clinical Pharmacist.
T 636.614.1344
A Brown & Brown company
Please contact us with any questions or comments