Training Elementary-Aged Physical Education Peer Teachers/Tutors


Training Elementary-

Aged Physical

Education Peer

Teachers/Tutors for

Adapted Physical

Education Assistance

Spina Bifida;Myelomeningocele

ESS 437/537; Teaching Models in Adapted

Physical Education

Spring 2012

B y :

J o e D o l f a y

M e l i s s a F r o m m

R a c h a e l P e r r a u l t

E r i n S i e b e r t

Lesson #1: Understanding spina bifida (myelomeningocele)

Age Level: 6 th

/7 th


Objective: The students will be able to describe spina bifida (including definition, cause, characteristics). The students will be able to describe what a person with spina bifida may experience in the physical education environment.


“Today we will learn about people with spina bifida. We are going to begin with an activity to see what we know about spina bifida.”

Activity 1:

Give students a worksheet with a “What I Know about Spina Bifida” column and a “What I

Learned about Spina Bifida” column. Ask students to fill out the first column and describe what they think causes the condition, characteristics of the condition, and the definition of the condition.

Students will then go to a computer lab and use the following websites to fill in the second column of the worksheet:

- Spina Bifida Association -

- Kids Health -

- Spina Bifida Info -

Teacher will walk around and ask questions and provide assistance as needed so students record the correct data (including definitions of the types of spina bifida, characteristics, causes).

Students go back to gym after 5-10 minutes giving worksheets to teacher.

Activity 2:

Students will get a second worksheet in the gym with questions numbered 1-10 and a space to write a letter after the number. Students will run to different cones in the gym that have a number on them (corresponding to the worksheet), read the question, and write down the letter of the answer they believe is correct (this is the content that is obtained during the previous activity).

Go through the worksheet once everyone is finished.


Spina bifida happens… a.

At birth b.

After birth c.

Before birth (while in the mother’s belly)

2) Spina bifida myelomeningocele is when what part(s) of the spine are out of place (outside the spinal column)? a.

Spinal cord, nerves, and meninges b.

Spinal cord and nerves c.



3) True or False. If a person has spina bifida occulta they are MOST likely in a wheelchair. a.

True b.


4) True or False. If a person is paralyzed at the hips, this means that they cannot move or feel anything below their hips. a.

True b.


5) Which activity should a person with spina bifida (myelomeningocele) avoid or not do from the choices below (unless they talk to a doctor first)? a.

Parachutes b.

Headstands c.

Scooter Activities

6) Which type of spina bifida does not require surgery to fix it? a.

Myelomeningocele b.

Meningocele c.


7) Spina bifida is thought to be caused by what? a.

Genetics and the environment b.

Genetics only (get it from their parents) c.

Environment only (something the parents do not do while the baby is in the mom’s belly)

8) What type of vitamin decreases the chance of having a baby with spina bifida by 70%? a.

Vitamin B (folic acid) b.

Vitamin C c.



Characteristics of spina bifida myelomeningocele can include the following EXCEPT… a.

Muscle weakness b.

No feeling below the spot where it is c.

No upper body strength

10) True or False. Most people with spina bifida do not have a cognitive disability. a.

True b.


Activity 3:

Students will learn about their roles and responsibilities as peer tutors. Give examples of each of these while explaining their roles.

-Be the student’s partner when it’s their turn to be a peer tutor

-Make sure the student is included in a game by passing to them and making sure others pass to them

-Helping the student if the student asks for help

-Thinking of ways to change an activity to include the student more (change rules, equipment, positions, etc.)

-Give extra demonstrations and directions if the student needs more information

- (Teach system of least prompts- try a verbal prompt, then verbal prompt with visual demo, increasing the amount of assistance)


-Work with the student on skill similar to what the class is working on off to the side if necessary

-Give student feedback and reinforcement related to their performance

Activity 4: Wheelchair Basketball

Objective: The students will gain awareness of how a student with Spina Bifida can participate in activity through the use of a wheelchair. They will learn how to wheel around, shoot a basketball, and play a 3v3 game.

Closure and Review:


What is spina bifida?


What are some characteristics of spina bifida?


What are some things you could do to help someone with spina bifida out with in

Physical Education?


What are some things you could do to help someone with spina bifida in our classroom?


What are some conditions someone may face if they have spina bifida?

For Next Time:

Assign Right Under My Nose by Austin to read for the next time students meet.

Lesson #2: Expanding our knowledge on spina bifida

Age Level: 6 th

/7 th


Objective: The students will be able to further explain what spina bifida is. The students will gain an understanding of person first terminology, and the students will understand different types of mobility aids students with spina bifida may use.


“Today we will continue exploring our knowledge of spina bifida from last class.

We will review some of the most important things we learned yesterday and then take a deeper look into the life of a person with spina bifida.”

Review: worksheet on facts about spina bifida from last class period. Have students discuss questions and answers with peers around them then ask them to put their sheets away to see what they can recall.


Activity 1:

Have students move chairs into a circle and take out their book Right Under My Nose to discuss from last class.

What did everyone think about the story?

Did anything in the story surprise you or stand out?

What were some of the activities that Eddie could do?

How did Eddie get around from place to place?

What was Eddie worried about in the story?

Does anyone remember what a shunt is from the story?

Activity 2:

Person first terminology: Explain to the students that it is important to always think of our friends with disabilities as people first and not define them by their disability. Whenever we talk about our friends with disabilities we must refer to them first. It may be by using their name, talking about them as “boy, girl, my friend, my neighbor, my boyfriend, he, she, they.” Basically any term or word we use to talk about someone must always come before we mention their disability.

Can we think of some other words and terms we use to talk about people?

Find printed articles from papers, magazines, or books that don’t use person first terminology and display them for the class to see. Have them work together to figure out how these statements could be changed to use person first terminology.

Activity 3:

Examining different devices and aids that help people with spina bifida get around every day.

Students will take a trip to the gym where there will be different devices set out for them to investigate and try out to experience what it is like to use a mobility device. Encourage them to try using each piece of equipment to move the length of the gym and try to picture themselves using these devices at all times. (Devices will include: arm crutches, crutches, wheelchair, walker, and braces)

After students have had a chance to try out all of the equipment bring them back into a circle in the gym to discuss how they felt about using the equipment.

What types of issues might these pieces of equipment cause in the gym?

How could you help your classmate who uses arm crutches while playing a soccer game?

How can we help our classmates who are wheelchair users?


Activity 4: Big Base

Objective: The students will gain an awareness of their peers with spina bifida and how they participate in a kick ball game. The students will use the arm crutches and try to kick the ball and run to the bases. Specifically students will work on approaching the ball, balancing using their arms and kicking with their legs, or balancing using their legs and striking the ball with the arm crutch. They will also have the opportunity to field the ball and throw and catch with crutches. The students will practice walking with arm crutches, attempting to pick up an item while balancing using only one arm crutch and throwing a ball while supporting their body weight using only the arm crutches.

Because of limited number of people one person will be kicking while everyone else is in the field

Everyone will use their arm crutches the whole time

Each player will receive two turns to kick

Runner must stop when ball gets back to the pitcher, the ball is caught in the air, or they are tagged out.

Equipment: One kickball, 6 cones, home plate, arm crutches

3 rd Base 2 nd Base


4 th Base 1 st Base


“Today we investigated what it is like to live with spina bifida including the types of activities these students can participate in to how they move and get around using different modes of mobility. We also talked briefly about what it means to use person first terminology, this is very important and something I hope you can all teach to your fellow classmates.

How can we fix this statement? There is an autistic boy in my class.

Who can name one of the mobility devices we used today in class?

Who can tell me one way we could help our friend with spina bifida who uses arm crutches play soccer?

Does anybody remember what a shunt in from the story we read for today?


Name: _____________________ Date: _____________

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer for each question on the line or write a response on the lines provided.

1) ___True or False. Spina bifida happens before birth (while in the mother’s belly). a.

True b.


2) ___True or False. If a person has spina bifida occulta they are MOST likely in a wheelchair. a.

True b.


3) ___True or False. Spina bifida myelomeningocele is when the spinal cord, nerves, and meninges are out of place (outside the spinal column). a.

True b.


4) ___ True or False. Many people with spina bifida are NOT allergic to latex (balloons, surgical gloves, playground balls). a.

True b.


5) ___True or False. A common characteristic of people with spina bifida myelomeningocele is that they lack upper body strength and endurance.


True b.


6) ___True or False. The only type of spina bifida that generally does not require surgery to correct is spina bifida occulta.


True b.


7) ___ When a person is paralyzed at the hips, this means what? a.

They cannot move or feel anything below their hips b.

They cannot move or feel their hips only c.

They cannot move or feel anything above their hips

8) ___Which activity should a person with spina bifida (myelomeningocele) avoid or not do from the choices below (unless they talk to a doctor first)? a.

Parachutes b.

Scooter Activities c.



9) ___Spina bifida is thought to be caused by what? a.

Genetics and the environment b.

Genetics only (get it from their parents) c.

Environment only (something the parents do not do while the baby is in the mom’s belly)

10) ___What type of vitamin decreases the chance of having a baby with spina bifida by

70%? a.

Vitamin C b.

Vitamin B (folic acid) c.


11) ___ People with spina bifida... a.

Sometimes have a cognitive disability b.

Always have a cognitive disability c.

Never have a cognitive disability

12) ___People with spina bifida may have trouble with all of the following, EXCEPT: a.

Attention and memory b.

Hyperactivity and sequencing c.

Guessing and asking

13) List three ways you could help someone with spina bifida who uses arm crutches





14) Give an example of an activity that would be appropriate for a student with spina bifida.





If you were watching another student’s throwing ability as a peer tutor, what would you be watching for (i.e. specifics body parts, etc.)?






Children’s Literature:

Austin, C., Mizokawa, S. (2006). Right Under My Nose. Los Angeles: Children’s Hospital Los


Right Under My Nose is a story about a little boy who has spina bifida. It is his turn to share something interesting at show and tell. He decided to share his story about having spina bifida. All of the students were very interested and he felt good letting people know why he was in a wheelchair.

Haring, K.A. (2010). What Can You Do?: Inspiring Kids to Play . Booksurge Llc.

Megan, a young girl with spina bifida tries to make a new friend by telling her all the ways that they can play together. The book helps introduce young children to other kids with special needs. This book has been designed for young children just starting to read and introducing them to other kids with disabilities or their own.

Mayer G., Mayer M. (1993). A Very Special Critter. Western Pub. Co.

Alex, a new critter at school, uses a wheelchair to get around, and at first the other critters aren't sure how to treat him. But when they get to know Alex, they find that even though he's a special critter, he's really just one of the gang.

Travis, K.S. (2001). Christal: Coping With Spina Bifida. Branden Books.

Within an hour after she was born, Christal underwent major surgery.

They had to connect all the nerves in the spinal column to their various organs and muscles. It was one of many operations this little girl would face. She learned to walk at the age of twelve months with the aid of a child-sized walker. Throughout the book you are a witness to her determination, such as learning how to roller skate and even to become a cheerleader. The book is a testimony to the care of her parents and those who helped her to learn to live with her illness.


Peer Teachers/Tutors Websites:

Kids Health -

The website breaks up content for parents, kids, and teens. Explains what spina bifida is including the different types of spina bifida, and informs children of the proper terminology. The site is very user friendly and provides content to further explain the disability and links to other similar content.

Children’s Memorial Hospital -

This site provides information specifically designed for teens and young adults. The site also provides stories and videos about real life kids with spina bifida. Additionally, the site goes into greater detail covering secondary issues regarding mobility, obesity, and bathroom issues.

SBTween2Teen -

The site is specifically designed for kids with spina bifida. It provides blogs, stories from real teens with spina bifida, and an open forum for asking questions and discussing topics related to spina bifida. The site also provides relevant information for pre-teens or “tweens”, such as how to make friends.

Spina Bifida Association -

This site has a wealth of in-depth information and is a great site for students to go to get just the facts about spina bifida. The site focuses on covering vocabulary related to spina bifida.

Wikipedia -

The site provides a scientific overview of the disability. Information on the website is appropriately organized so students can seek out the information they need. Additionally, the site provides visually appealing graphics to help illustrate the anatomical issues with the spinal cord.

Spina Bifida Info -

This website provides information in a question/answer format. It can easily be printed as a handout or be a quick reference for students. The site covers frequently asked questions and covers the nitty-gritty of the disability.

YouTube – Videos to be shown in class to students. Followed by in class discussions about the topics covered.



Spina Bifida - ite.htm . APE /newsletters/hottips24.pdf

