Questions having to do with cats and mice

Cat and Mouse - 6/21/14
1. If the cat is away, what will the mice do?
Play. When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
2. What’s the name of John Steinbeck’s famous novella about two migrant ranch
workers during the Depression.
Of Mice and Men
3. According to the nursery rhyme, who ‘… ran after the farmer’s wife / Who cut off
their tails with a carving knife?’
Three Blind Mice
Three blind mice. Three blind mice. / See how they run. See how they run.
They all ran after the farmer's wife, / Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life, / As three blind mice?
4. Eric Von Zipper was the leader of a gang called the Ratz and Mice in a series of
beach party movies featuring Frankie Avalon. His leading lady was once a
Mousketeer. What was her name?
Annette Funicello
5. The plague or Black Death, which claimed about 74 million lives in 14th century
Europe, was thought to have been caused by a bacterium that lived in a flea that
lived on what small mammal?
6. John Robie, the character played by Cary Grant, was a notorious but retired cat
burglar in this Hitchcock movie featuring Grace Kelly.
To Catch a Thief
7. The inept Inspector Jacques Clouseau was played by Peter Sellers in a series of
movies featuring the music of Henry Mancini. The name of the series comes from a
famous diamond featured in the first film in the series. What was the name of the
The Pink Panther. (A pink diamond)
8. Jane Fonda and Lee Marvin starred in the title role of this 1965 comedy Western
film about a woman who hires a notorious gunman to protect her father’s ranch.
What was the name of the movie?
Cat Ballou
9. A pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion on a surface and
translates it into the motion of a pointer on the display of a computer.
10. Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me?
Mickey Mouse (M-I-C—K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E)
11. If you want someone to be very quiet, you ask them to be quiet as what?
Quiet as a mouse.
12. This green-clothed figure and his flute will solve all your rodent problems. Just
keep an eye on your children.
Pied Piper of Hamelin
13. “Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock.” What did the clock strike?
Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.
14. The Mouse King appears in the Nutcracker, a ballet set to music by this famous
Russian composer.
Pyotr Tschaikovsky (Peter Tchaikovsky)
15. In E. B. White’s 1945 children’s novel Stuart Little, human parents have this
surprising offspring.
A talking mouse
16. If you don’t have much money, you are poor as a what?
Poor as a church mouse
17. This cat from a European fairy tale wore extraordinary footwear.
Puss in Boots
18. Speedy Gonzales, an animated mouse in the Warner Brothers Loony Tune and
the Merrie Melodies, is portrayed as the fastest mouse in what country?
19. In Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, this creature vanishes leaving behind
only its smile.
Cheshire Cat
20. This cynical orange cartoon cat appears in the comic page of over 2,500
newspapers along with his owner John and John’s dog Odie.
21. This wonderful, wonderful cat from the silent era onward takes his name from
the Latin word for happy
Felix the Cat
22. This cartoon character, first appearing in 1942, originally named Super Mouse,
had an alliterative name change and became much more famous by his subsequent
Mighty Mouse
23. This chocolate-covered biscuit bar consists of strips composed of three layers of
wafer. It is over 100 years old.
Kit Kat bar (Hint: jingle is Gimme a Break)
24. I tought I taw a puddy cat. Who saw Sylvester the cat?
Tweety Bird
25. This luxury British automobile is named after a South American spotted panther
26. Someone who imitates someone else is what kind of cat?
Copy Cat
27. Not a chicken, but a frightened fearful feline
Scaredy Cat (Fraidy cat)
28. Leo the Lion is the mascot of what classic Hollywood film studio?
MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
29. Elsa the lioness was raised by George and Joy Adamson, game wardens in Kenya.
Joy wrote a book about returning Elsa to the wild, later made into a highly
successful film. What’s the name of the film?
Born Free
30. Morris, the world’s most finicky cat, is the advertising mascot for a brand of cat
food, whose name alludes to a popular belief about feline reincarnation. What is the
9 Lives
31. Socks, an adopted stray cat, ended up living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as the
pet of the nation’s first teenager. Name the teen’s presidential father.
Bill Clinton (her name is Chelsea)
32. The Tale of Tom Kitten and Two Bad Mice were written by the author of the much
more famous Peter Rabbit. Who is the author?
Beatrix Potter
33. According to folklore, it’s unlucky to have one of these animals cross your path.
Black cat
34. A historical multi-tailed whip used for severe physical punishment, particularly
in the Navy and Army of the United Kingdom
Cat-o-nine-tails (inflicts scratches like the claws of a cat)
35. This tiger was famous for declaring enthusiastically that Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes
were GrrrrEAT!
Tony the Tiger
36. This professional golfer’s real first name is Eldrick. He had a series of sexual
escapades that ended his marriage.
Tiger Woods
37. Tigger was the tiger in A. A. Milne’s children’s books about a much more famous
bear. Name the bear.
Winnie the Pooh
38. In the 1960s, Esso gasoline company spent hundreds of millions of dollars
encouraging people to put one of these animals in their tank
A tiger
39. There is an Aesop’s fable about two mice that teaches: To live in security with
little is better than to live in fear with a lot. One mouse is City Mouse. Who is the
Country Mouse. City Mouse and Country Mouse.
40. Siegried and Roy are a German-American pair of entertainers and magicians
who are known for their appearances with lions and tigers of an unusual color.
What is the color?
41. A dog is more formally known by its Latin derived name canine. What is the
formal Latin derived name for a cat?
Canine: ORIGIN late Middle English … from French, from Latin caninus,
from canis ‘dog.’
Feline: ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from Latin felinus, from feles ‘cat.’
42. The first volume in C. S. Lewis’s children’s fantasy book series is called The Lion,
the Witch and the Wardrobe. In what mythical land are these chronicles set?
Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia)
43. This creature sought courage from the Wizard of Oz.
Cowardly Lion
44. Traditionally, what animal is known as King of Beasts?
45. In the famous African song with the refrain wimoweh, wimoweh, when does the
lion sleep?
Tonight (The Lion Sleeps Tonight)
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight...
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight", also known as "Wimba Way" or "Wimoweh"
46. Computed Axial Tomography is also known as what kind of scan?
CAT scan (hint: a medical imaging x-ray technology used to look at structures in the
47. According to folklore, what kind of animal cannot change its spots?
48. The fastest animal on land, this kind of cat, the largest feline in Africa, has been
clocked at 70-75 miles per hour.
49. This kind of cat is known by seven different names.: cougar, mountain lion,
catamount … Name one more:
cougar, mountain lion, puma, panther, painter, mountain cat, catamount
50. Someone who drills for oil in areas not yet known to have oil fields is known by
this informal name.
51. In this 1959 Peter Sellers comedy, the tiny European duchy of Grand Fenwick
declares war on the United States. What is the name of the movie?
The Mouse that Roared
52. This plant is a member of the mint family, and cats go crazy for it.
53. A short siesta is known as this kind of nap.
Cat nap
54. When someone is smug or self-satisfied with a hint of guilt, we can say he is the
cat that ate what?
The canary. The cat that ate the canary.
55. A loud or raucous cry to express disapproval an audience might use to criticize a
a performer they don’t like.
56. A European animal goes by this name, but in the U.S., this is another name for a
57. Tall wetland plants found in marshes or bordering ponds whose leaves look like
giant blades of grass, and “flowers” look like brown sausages with yellow spikes.
58. The bee’s knees, or a really good thing, feline-style.
Cat’s pajamas (or cat’s meow)
59. A game played with a string stretched between the fingers of two people.
Cat’s cradle
60. A kind of toy marble or a gemstone which displays a luminous streak of reflected
light perpendicular to its fibers named for a part of a cat.
Cat’s eye
61. This freshwater fish has whiskers!
62. Bobby Seale and Huey Newton founded this black revolutionary socialist party
in 1966.
Black Panthers
63. The University of Kentucky’s mascot
64. A strike action not authorized by union leadership
Wildcat strike
65. 3. According to the proverb, what killed the cat?
66. According to popular wisdom, a cat that is dropped will land where?
On its feet.
67. Singers Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and three others were members of a
group of co-performers known by what collective nickname?
The Rat Pack
Rat Pack a group of five friends and co-performers prominent in … the 1950s and
1960s … (Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Joey Bishop, and Peter
68. If you sense something is wrong, or someone has done something wrong, what
kind of rodent do you smell?
A rat. “I smell a rat.’
69. This 1994 Disney hit movie is about a cub who will be a future king.
The Lion King.
70. The plural of ‘mouse’ is ‘mice’. What is the plural of ‘moose’?
71. In 1948, Ed Lowe tried to market small nuggets of kiln dried clay, used as an
industrial absorbent, to farmers for nesting chickens. But household pet owners
soon recognized another use for the absorbent nuggets. This marked the invention
of which product?
Kitty Litter.
72. These fibrous bundles in your body are named from a diminutive of the Latin
word mus ‘mouse’ because its as if small animals are moving under your skin. What
in your body is named for mice?
ORIGIN late Middle English: from French, from Latin musculus, diminutive
of mus ‘mouse’ (some muscles being thought to be mouselike in form).
73. According to the saying, if you give away a secret, what animal have you let out
of which container?
The cat out of the bag. Who let the cat out of the bag?
74. A fund of money for communal use, made up of contributions from a group of
people, is known by this feline name.
A kitty.
75. King Richard I, who reigned from 1186 until his death in 1199, was known by
this name because of his reputation as a great military leader and warrior..
Richard the Lionheart
76. A young dog is called a puppy. What’s a young cat called?
77. A feeling of satisfaction with one’s achievements. A group of lions forming a
social unit.
78. According to folk wisdom, the month of March goes out like a lamb. What does
it come in like?
A lion. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
79. This 1968 historical film is set in the 12th century and dramatizes the
manipulations related to the succession to the English throne after King Henry II. It
starred Peter O’Toole and Katherine Hepburn.
The Lion in Winter.
80. The early bird may get the worm, but what does the second mouse get?
The cheese.
81. Finish the line …
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring …
Not even a mouse.
82. The brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright became the first in flight on December
17, 1903 in what North Carolina town?
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
62. If you are in an enviable position, or have the upper-hand, you are sitting where?
Catbird seat
34. One of the most famous short stories in the English language, written by Frank R.
Stockton, is about a man having to make a choice between two doors. Behind one of
the doors is a lovely woman, and behind the other a fatal feline. The title of the story
has become a short-hand for a problem that is unsolvable.
The Lady or the Tiger
11. In this Aesop fable, The Lion and the Mouse, the lion catches the mouse but lets it
go free. What does the mouse subsequently do for the lion?
The mouse chews through a net and releases the trapped lion
16. Jerry Mouse’s nemesis’s name
Optional: This successful 1970s British singer changed his name from Steven
Georgiou to Yusuf Islam in 1978 and gave up his singing career. His hits include
Wild World, Peace Train, and Moonshadow. For a stage name, he took the name Cat.
Cat what?
Cat Stevens