External Advisor`s Report - University of Southampton

External Advisor’s Report
Name of programme(s):
Name of Faculty:
Contact details:
External Advisor:
Home institution:
Programme proposer/lead:
Date of this report:
Please submit your report under the headings below by typing in the boxes provided.
Please answer the specific questions in section 1 and comment as required.
In section 2 the questions give an indication of the type of issues to be addressed under each
heading but are not meant to be either prescriptive or exhaustive. You are invited to customise
your response to suit the nature of the programme(s) under consideration. As a guide, an external
advisor’s report for a standard undergraduate or taught masters programme would normally be in
the region of two to four sides of A4.
Section 1
In your view, on the basis of the documentation you have received (please delete as applicable):
The programme(s) correctly align to the relevant FHEQ level
The programme(s) make appropriate use of relevant subject benchmarks
The design, and content of the programme(s) will enable students achieve the intended
learning outcomes
The assessment methods will enable students to achieve and demonstrate the intended
learning outcomes
Where applicable, if the programme(s) will be delivered off-site or in collaboration with others,
issues specifically related to the mode or place of delivery have been addressed appropriately
in the documentation
Section 2
Curriculum Design, Content and Organisation
Is there evidence that the design, content and organisation of the programme(s) will enable students to
achieve the intended learning outcomes in terms of knowledge and understanding, subject-specific
skills, professional skills, key skills, progression to employment/further study, and personal
Is the programme content and design clearly informed by, the relevant subject benchmark(s),
developments in the subject, current research and scholarship or changes in occupational/professional
requirements (where appropriate)?
How appropriate to achieving the intended learning outcomes are the levels and modes of study, their
breadth and depth, coherence, flexibility, extent of module choice?
Does the curriculum content and design demonstrate progression through parts of the programme(s)?
Does the design and content of the programme(s) reflect a flexible and inclusive approach to learning
and teaching to enable all students to be able to access the curriculum and demonstrate achievement of
all the intended learning outcomes?
Does the design and content of the programme(s) recognise that students have different learning styles
and come from diverse backgrounds, for example by using examples and resources drawn from a range
of sources, cultures and viewpoints
Please draw attention to any characteristics of the programme(s) which you feel are particularly
distinctive or innovative
Please comment below and list any specific issues to be considered/addressed
Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Feedback
Will the teaching learning and assessment methods proposed enable students to achieve and
demonstrate the intended learning outcomes?
Is a suitable variety of teaching methods proposed, to recognize diversity of learning styles and is there
sufficient breadth, depth, and challenge in the curriculum to be offered?
Is there is a flexible and inclusive approach to learning and teaching, with indication as to where
individual reasonable adjustments may need to be made for disabled students?
Is there an appropriate range of assessment methods to effectively evaluate the attainment of learning
Is there sufficient provision for formative assessment and other forms of feedback to students which will
identify opportunities for students to improve their performance?
Is there clear information about the contribution of placement learning or study time spent abroad, to
the programme (where applicable)?
Are there any issues about the requirements for progression?
Please comment below and list any specific issues to be considered/addressed
University of Southampton
External Advisor Report
Academic Support and Guidance
Where the nature of the programme(s) indicates that there are particular requirements for support and
guidance for students is there clear evidence that this has been addressed in the documentation?
Does the student support and guidance provided (as referenced in the documentation) reflect the
potential diversity of needs of the student body?
Please comment below and list any specific issues to be considered/addressed
Quality Assurance and Enhancement
Is it clear how students can be involved in the development and enhancement of the programme(s)?
Please comment below, and list any specific issues to be considered/addressed
Learning Resources for the programme(s)
Is there clear evidence that appropriate learning resources are or will be available to support student
learning on this programme(s)?
Please list any specific issues to be considered/addressed
Placement or work-based learning associated with the Programme(s)
Is clear information provided about any placement or work-based experience which is part of the
programme(s) – for example whether, and how, this is assessed?
Is there clear evidence that this will be appropriately managed and quality assured?
Please list any specific issues to be considered/addressed
General presentational issues
Will the programme specification(s) clearly enable students to understand what the programme(s) will
enable them to achieve and how such achievement is realised through the learning, teaching and
assessment methods used?
Is straightforward and inclusive language used, recognising the diversity of the audience and avoiding
culturally specific references without clarification?
University of Southampton
External Advisor Report
Please list any specific issues to be considered/addressed
Please list any specific issues to be considered/addressed
Document Information
Owner (committee)
Approved Date
Last Revision
Type of Document
University of Southampton
AQSC, Senate
April 2005, June 2011, July 2012
19 June 2013
External Advisor Report