APUSH Shangraw Name: Unit Overview and Schedule: The Rise to

APUSH Shangraw
Name: ______________________
Unit Overview and Schedule: The Rise to Globalism
By 1945, the combination of American industrial power and military might, which had been crucial to the
defeat of the Axis, confirmed U.S. leadership of the Western world. Ideological and strategic conflict
with Stalin’s Soviet Union compelled the nation to move quickly from victory in World War II into a
forty-year-long Cold War that challenged America to fulfill its new role as a global policeman. Even as
most Americans enjoyed unparalleled prosperity at home, the demands of international leadership
strained the country’s physical and psychological resources. By the 1960s, the civil rights movement and
Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty” culminated in sweeping social reforms that promised a brighter
future ahead. However, the combination of the Vietnam War, persistent socio-economic inequalities, and
the Watergate scandal called into question America’s ability to preserve its ideals in the face of hard
international and domestic realities. The Reagan Era of the 1980s witnessed a revived economy and the
end of the Cold War. The collapse of the USSR in 1991 left America standing as the world’s only
remaining superpower.
For this final unit, we will change our approach to begin to prepare for the AP Exam.
 Class Time: Class lectures and notes will be very high-level, to orient you to the big picture
themes and concepts of the time period. We will also spend time in class on AP review activities.
 Decades Presentations: You will work in groups to prepare and present on one of four decades
in the late 1900’s – the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. This assignment will count as a test grade for
the 4th quarter. You will have some time in the lab and in class to work on this, but a significant
amount of the work will be done (and graded) independently.
 Independent Reading/Homework: To help alleviate some of the pressure prior to the AP
Exam, you will not be assigned a great deal of written work for most of the textbook assignments
(chps. 27-31), especially since there is a lot of material to cover and you will also be working on
reviewing for the SOL, the AP exam and your Decades presentation. You are expected to read
the material and be familiar with the terms listed for each chapter by the end of the unit, and to
complete a limited number of short answer questions for each chapter. The Decades
Presentations later this month will help fill us in on important details from the reading.
 Quizzes: To ensure that you are doing the reading, there will be short reading quizzes every few
 AP Review Materials: We will spend time in class, and you will have HW assignments, to
complete AP review materials. These will contribute to your quarter grade.
Tues Apr 2
Reading Quiz Ch 26. Cold War Review. Discuss 4th quarter plans and decades
DUE: Ch. 26: Read and Short Answer (Spring Break HW). (IDs Optional - keep)
Thur Apr 4
Ch 27 Overview // Computer Lab – Decades Project
DUE: Read Ch 27 – Read and Short Answer (IDs Optional)
Mon Apr 8
Reading Quiz Ch 27-28. Ch. 28 Overview AP Review
DUE: Read Ch 28 and Short Answer (IDs Optional)
Wed Apr 10
Chap 29 (905-919) // Computer Lab – Decades Project
DUE: Read Ch 29 (IDs Optional)
Fri Apr 12
Finish Chap 29 // Essay Workshop
DUE: Read Ch 29 (919-933) and Short Answer (IDs Optional)
Tues Apr 16
Chap 30 Overview // AP Review
DUE: All materials for Decades Presentations
Thurs Apr 18
Decades Presentations 1950’s/1960’s
Mon Apr 22
Decades Presentations 1970’s/1980’s
DUE: Read Ch 30 and Short Answer
Wed Apr 24
Test on Ch 26-30 (Open Note)
DUE: Decades Questions, Optional IDs 26-30
Fri Apr 26
AP Exam/SOL Review
DUE: Bring all review materials to class.
Tues Apr 30
SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: Worth 5 points each.
Chapter 27
1. What did Eisenhower’s “Dynamic Conservatism” or “Modern Republicanism” mean?
What were some acts and programs covered under Dynamic Conservatism?
2. List the major cases covered by your reading of Earl Warren’s court. How was Earl Warren’s
appointment regarded in the South?
3. Who was John Foster Dulles and what did he think U.S. foreign policy should be towards communism?
What was Domino Theory and how was it used to get the U.S. involved in Vietnam?
4. After WWII the U.S. enjoyed unprecedented prosperity. What caused that prosperity and what were
some of its impacts? (i.e. Baby Boom, growth of the suburbs)
Chapter 28
1. What occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis and how was the crisis resolved?
2. How was Martin Luther King’s tactics for fighting for equality different from the teachings of Malcom
X and the Black Power movement?
3. Describe at least three programs of LBJ’s Great Society programs. What was the overall aim of these
4. How did Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique influence the Women’s Rights Movement? What did
the National Organization for Women (NOW) do?
Chapter 29
1. What were young people who were part of the counterculture protesting against? What were some of
their goals?
2. Why is 1968 considered such a pivotal year in U.S. history? (think about the major
events that took place).
3. What were some of the failures of the Vietnam War? What was Vietnamization?
4. What was Nixon’s foreign policy? What is detente and describe shuttle diplomacy?
Chapter 30-31
Identifications (Use these to help guide your Decades Presentations.)
Ch. 27, “America at Midcentury, 1952-1960” (Plus a few from Ch 26)
Hydrogen bomb/NSC-68/National Security Council
Korean War/Douglas MacArthur
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)/Federal Employeee Loyalty Program
Alger Hiss/Whittaker Chambers/Klaus Fuchs/Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Joseph R. McCarthy/McCarthyism/McCarran Internal Security Act
Election of 1952/Adlai Stevenson/Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dynamic conservatism/Interstate Highway Act/Army-McCarthy hearings
Earl Warren/Warren Court/Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Southern Manifesto/Little Rock Central High School/Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960
John Foster Dulles/brinkmanship/atoms for peace/new look defense program
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)/Allen Dulles/covert action/Iran/Guatemala
Vietminh/Ho Chi Minh/Dienbienphu/domino theory
Gamal Abdel Nasser/Suez Crisis/Eisenhower Doctrine
Fidel Castro/U-2 incident/military-industrial complex
John Kenneth Galbraith's The Affluent Society
International Business Machines (IBM)/computers
David Riesman's The Lonely Crowd/credit cards/consumerism/suburbia/Sun Belt/Levittown
Baby boom/Dr. Benjamin Spock's Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care
Domesticity/Billy Graham/religious revival/television culture/rock and roll/Beats
Rosa Parks/Martin Luther King, Jr./Montgomery bus boycott/civil disobedience/SCLC
Sputnik/NASA/National Defense Education Act
Ch. 28, “The Liberal Era, 1960-1968”
John F. Kennedy/Richard Nixon/Election of 1960
New Frontier/Robert McNamara/Robert Kennedy
Rachel Carson/Silent Spring/Clean Air Act
Peace Corps/Laos/Bay of Pigs/Nikita Khrushchev/Berlin Wall/Cuban Missile Crisis
Lyndon B. Johnson
War on Poverty/Economic Opportunity Act/VISTA/Project Head Start/Great Society
Election of 1964/Barry Goldwater
Eighty-Ninth Congress/Medicaid/Medicare/Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Thurgood Marshall/Baker v. Carr/Miranda v. Arizona
Freedom riders/SNCC/James Meredith
Bull Connor/George Wallace/March on Washington/Civil Rights Act of 1964/EEOC
Mississippi Freedom Summer Project/Voting Rights Act of 1965/Twenty-Fourth Amendment
Race riots/Kerner Commission/Black Power/Malcolm X/Nation of Islam/Black Panthers
Cesar Chavez/La Causa/chicanos
National Organization for Women (NOW)/Betty Friedan/The Feminine Mystique/women’s lib
Ngo Dien Diem/Vietcong
Vietnam War/Gulf of Tonkin Resolution/Operation Rolling Thunder/hawks and doves
Ch. 29, “A Time of Upheaval, 1968-1974”
New Left/Students for a Democratic Society/Port Huron Statement
Berkeley Free Speech Movement/New Mobilization/Kent State
Counter culture/hippies/Timothy Leary/Ken Kesey/Woodstock/Haight-Ashbury
Sexual revolution/Roe v. Wade/gay liberation
Eugene McCarthy/Tet Offensive/Robert Kennedy/James Earl Ray
Chicago Democratic Convention of 1968/Yippies/Hubert Humphrey
Richard Nixon/Henry Kissinger/Nixon Doctrine
My Lai massacre/William Calley/Vietnamization
1972 Christmas bombing/Paris Accords
détente/opening to China/SALT I
Six-Day War/PLO/Yom Kippur War/Arab oil embargo/shuttle diplomacy/Chile/Salvador Allende
Apollo 11/Neil Armstrong
EPA/Occupational Health and Safety Administration
Huston Plan/ the plumbers/Daniel Ellsberg/Pentagon Papers
Southern strategy/Warren Burger/Spiro Agnew
Election of 1972/George McGovern/Committee to Re-Elect the President
Watergate/John Sirica/Woodward and Bernstein/Archibald Cox/Sam Ervin/John Dean
Saturday Night Massacre/Gerald Ford/Nixon’s resignation
Ch. 30, “Society, Politics, and World Events from Ford to Reagan, 1974-1989”
Yuppies/VCRs/Three Mile Island
Roe v. Wade/Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)/AIDS/Moral Majority/televangelists
Gerald R. Ford/WIN/Mayaguez incident/Election of 1976
Jimmy Carter/Love Canal/Panama Canal Treaty/SALT II/Iran hostage crisis/Camp David
Ronald Reagan/Reagan Revolution/Reaganomics/deregulation/Contras/Grenada/Beirut bombings
SDI/Election of 1984/Iran-Contra Affair/Mikhail Gorbachev/START/INF Treaty/Pan Am 103
Ch. 31, “Beyond the Cold War: Charting a New Course, 1988-1995”
George H.W. Bush/end of the Cold War/invasion of Panama/Gulf War
Election of 1992/Pat Buchanan/H. Ross Perot
Bill Clinton/NAFTA/health care reform/welfare reform/Republican Revolution (1994)
Multiculturalism/immigration patterns/growing diversity/the “new economy”/culture wars