Memorandum for 2015 ACOG AFD Junior Fellow Educational Fund

Memorandum for
2015 ACOG AFD Junior Fellow Educational Fund Application
Dear Program Director or Department Chief,
This letter is to notify you that _________________________, your resident or staff member,
is applying for a grant from the Junior Fellow Educational Fund of the American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Armed Forces District. The purpose of
this grant is to provide funding for Junior Fellows that are residents or in practice to
attend the Armed Forces District Meeting in October 2015. The award of at least
$1000 will go towards paying the Junior Fellow’s airfare and hotel. Awards are
based on a complex point system that takes into consideration the Junior Fellow’s
level of training, research he/she is presenting at the meeting, resume, prior
meetings attended etc. This grant will only be awarded if the Junior Fellow in
question has permission from his/her Department Head or his/her Program
Director to attend the entire meeting. This year, the Armed Forces District meeting
will be held in Norfolk, Virginia, and will start on the morning of October 17th and
conclude on October 21st. All Junior Fellow applicants have been instructed to
enclose this letter with their application packet for the Junior Fellow Educational
Fund. Absence of this letter will automatically disqualify an applicant from
The AFD Junior Fellow Council:
Maj Kristen Zeligs, MD - AFD JF Chair
Maj Josh Combs, MD - AFD JF Vice-Chair
Maj Melissa Wollan, MD, FACOG - AFD JF Past-Chair
Nancy Petit, MD, FACOG - AFD JF Advisor
Junior Fellow Applicant Signature: _________________________________________________________
Department Head or Program Director Signature: _______________________________________