Lesson Plan - personal . plattsburgh . edu

Autumn Love
Lesson Title
“To keep or not to keep- indigenous languages” (focus on WEIRDO/subjunctive)
“Guardar o no guardar- lenguas indígenas” (un foco de WEIRDO/subjuntivo)
Spanish- Checkpoint “C”- 11th Grade
NYS Standards 1 & 2:
“Students will be able to use another language other than English. Students will
develop cross cultural skills and understanding.”
National Standards:
Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information,
express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a
variety of topics.
Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture
through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
1.) Students will be able to apply prior knowledge of forming subjunctive verbs
to the new lesson.
2.) Students will be able to identify and define WEIRDO verbs.
3.) Students will be able to identify the subjunctive sentence form using two
separate clauses with two separate subjects while using a WEIRDO verb.
4.) Students will be able to reflect critically on the purpose of learning and
preserving foreign languages.
1. Brainstorm: (slide 2) Teacher will ask analytical questions: Why do we study
foreign languages? Should we be worried about preserving indigenous
2. Video: (slide 2: link) Teacher will introduce the Guaraní language as an
official language of Paraguay but also used in other countries of Latin
America. Play the minute-long movie, and have class reflect aloud as a class
3. Quick Review: (slide 3) Teacher will remind students of the previous class
when we formed sentences using the personal “se” and conjugating verbs
into the subjunctive.
4. Introduce WEIRDO Verbs: (slide 4) Teacher will define what WEIRDO verbs
are and give handout of commonly used WEIRDO Verbs. The second
handout will include the formation of sentences using the WEIRDO verbs
How to form the present subjunctive forms of verbs.
Vocabulary necessary to communicate feelings and thoughts.
Forming and using the impersonal “se”.
Autumn Love
and the subjunctive.
Flash Card Review/Game: (slide 4: link) The teacher will inform students of
the flash card game. Students cannot scream out the answer. They must
raise their hand the quickest to get a shot at translating the word. Teacher
will click the screen for the card to turn to the Spanish word.
Forming WEIRDO sentences: (slides 5-7) Using the handouts previously
given out, the teacher will explain the simple structure of the WEIRDO
sentences (refer to slide 5). The following two slides (slides 6-7) are
Juego de Tarjetas: (slide 8) Teacher will introduce the assessment game and
pair students together. Each pair will receive a pack of pre-made cards.
(Refer to slide 8 for directions on how to play the game.)
Closure: (slide 9) Teacher will introduce the homework assignment, linking
it into the hook used by bringing the lesson full circle. The articles will be
about the Guaraní language. Students be instructed to read the articles and
write a short essay using the structures learned today to form sentences
expressing their feelings, thoughts, desires, and beliefs in regards to the
Students will use their critical thinking skills in order to answer a series of
analytical questions at the beginning of the class and throughout the class. I
will be assessing the use of their prior knowledge at this point.
Students will be selected at random to reiterate instructions, as a check for
We will do a “quick draw” game using electronic flash cards. Students will
answer with the appropriate Spanish word.
Final assessment will be assessed in pair work. The teacher will rotate from
group to group as the students engage in the Card Game the teacher has
The teacher will close by summarizing the lesson and introducing the homework.
(The homework will be listed on the final slide of the PowerPoint presentation with
all instructions written in Spanish.)
 Students will read the two articles previously printed (refer to materials
section) about the Guaraní language.
 Instruct students to write a brief essay of 150 words describing their
thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and desires in regards to the information read in
the articles.
 The students must also prepare roughly 3-5 key sentences to share with the
class that supports their views stated in their essay.
 REMIND THEM: This is an exercise to practice forming sentences using the
WEIRDO verbs + que + subjunctive. This is expected to appear in their essay
and their prepared sentences.
The teacher will be walking around checking on students as they work in pairs. In
Autumn Love
Support Staff
Resources or
addition, the teacher will provide opportunities for questions to be asked. All
information will be displayed in multiple formats in order to effectively activate the
learning process in different types of learners.
Time Required
Hook video: YouTube title: IDIOMA GUARANI Spot Tv Pública Paraguay:
o Use Projector screen; check volume levels
Hand-outs of WEIRDO verbs: http://quizlet.com/634925/study
o Make 15 copies.
Hand-out: WEIRDO defined:
o Make 15 copies.
Flashcards of WEIRDO verbs: http://quizlet.com/634925/flashcards
o Put on the projector screen.
CARD GAME- (index cards made by Autumn Love)
Article 1 for homework: Bicentario del Paraguay sin GUARANI:
o Make 15 copies.
Article 2 for homework: Quieren preserver el guaraní en Bolivia
(tecnología): http://www.abc.com.py/internacionales/quieren-preservar-elguaraní-en-bolivia-637628.html
o Make 15 copies.
30 minutes
I will make notes on my lesson plan in regards to how effective the lesson was able
to address the objectives and in a timely manner. I will notate each procedure
listed with both positive and negative feedback from the lesson. In this manner, I
will allow for revisions to be made for future classes in which I may use this lesson.