Gold Vocab

Unique Suspense Vocabulary – Level 1
Objective: Learn to use 5 new words every week. You will work with ONLY the words you
do not already know.
Flashcards: You will make a flashcard for each word. Do NOT throw them away!
Test: Spell word, write a definition, and use each word in context in a paragraph.
Bad Ex: Math is tedious (the meaning of tedious is unclear, so this will not earn points)
Good Ex: Picking lint off a sweater is a very tedious job (tedious clearly meaning boring)
1. Alibi – (n) an excuse, the defense of being somewhere else at the time of a crime
2. Allegedly – (adv) stated without proof
3. Apathetic – (adj) no emotion or lacking interest
4. Apparition – (n) ghost, supernatural appearance
5. Avert – (v) to look away
6. Detrimental – (adj) harmful or hurtful
7. Docile – (adj) easy to manage or handle; trained
8. Enthrall – (v) to captivate or charm
9. Envelop – (verb) to enclose around or surround
10. Frivolous – (adj) not important, of little value
11. Lethal –(adj) deadly
12. Mournful – (adj) sad, sorrowful
13. Precaution – (n) doing something to avoid possible trouble
14. Rant –(v) to rave or speak wildly
15. Sagacious – (adj) mentally sharp and shrewd
16. Sinister –(adj) the threat or warning of evil
17. Succinct – (adj) expressed in a few words; concise
18. Vehement – (adj) passionate, intense
19. Vex –(v) to irritate, annoy, or torment
20. Vile – (adj) unpleasant
Teacher signature that you passed all words in Level 1 ____________________________________
Unique Suspense Vocabulary – Level 1
No student should be working from this list unless they have passed the Level I test
and acquired a teacher’s signature on the front of this sheet.
Vocabulary List - Level 2
1. Absurd: completely senseless and illogical
2. Amiable: friendly and social
3. Analysis: a detailed examination
4. Aspect: a piece, quality, or thing
5. Beneficial: helpful
6. Bland: not exciting; dull
7. Conscious: aware of the surroundings; awake
8. Chaos: total confusion
9. Concise: saying much in few words; brief but full of meaning
10. Defiantly: (adv) going against authority; disobeying on purpose
11. Devastate: to ruin through violence or a violent action
12. Elaborate (VERB): to carefully add detail to expand
13. Fascinate: to hold attention completely; interest greatly
14. Ingenious: smart; resourceful; original
15. Irresistible: too tempting or powerful to withstand
16. Magnificent: impressively beautiful and detailed
17. Mimic: to copy or imitate
Unique Suspense Vocabulary – Level 1
18. Nemesis: vengeful enemy
19. Peculiar: strange; unusual
20. Precise: being carefully and exactly stated or defined
21. Privilege: a special right or advantage available to only a few
22. Significant: of great importance
23. Skeptical: doubting; disbelieving
24. Thorough: complete; done completely
25. Tragedy: an event that causes destruction and suffering
26. Turmoil: state of great agitation
27. Vital: extremely necessary (usually necessary to survive)
28. Vivid: bright or very clear
29. Whimper: a soft, broken cry
30. Wrath: anger; rage
Teacher Signature for Passing Level 2 __________________________________________