Marking Scheme:
Knowledge/Understanding: /5
Thinking/Inquiry: /8
Application: /10
Communication: /9
TOTAL: /32
/2 (K/U)
/3 (K/U)
Animals can get caught in the trash, but they also choke on it when they accidentally eat it. a.
How many birds does plastic garbage kill each year?
_______________________ b.
How many other ocean animals, like dolphins and turtles,
also die?______________________________
Experts described the floating trash as “plastic soup” because it is a mixture of all different garbage like plastic bags and bottles. What are some of the other items that can be found in the floating trash? List 6 from the article. ( /0.5 marks each) i.
__________________ iv.
__________________ v.
__________________ vi.
CGC1D: “OCEAN OF TRASH” Miss. Salmon 1
/4 (T/I)
/2 (T/I)
/2 (T/I)
/6 (A)
The article was written in 2010. Given that we are in the year 2014, do you think that the floating trash pile issue has gotten better, worse, or stayed the same? How might it have changed in the last few years? Using complete sentences, provide 2 reasons or short explanations to support your answer.
The graph in the article shows the amount of garbage found on American beaches. a.
Thinking about Canada, other than beaches where else might these garbage items be found? List two. (2 marks)
________________________________________________________________ b.
Can you think of one place in particular that you visited or a place that might have trash lying on the ground? What trash did you see there? Describe the place and what you saw in two complete sentences.
The article explains how the plastics trash impacts animals in several ways. Consider the ways Canada deals with garbage by using open landfills.
With this in mind, how might trash impact animals on land? What animals might be affected? List 2 impacts and explain how they might impact certain animals on land.
Use complete sentences.
CGC1D: “OCEAN OF TRASH” Miss. Salmon 2
/4 (A)
/2 (C)
The article explains how different parts of the hydrological process moves trash into the ocean. For example: trash in rivers can flow into larger bodies of water like oceans. These same processes occurs in Canada too.
How might you use this knowledge of the hydrological process to prevent garbage in
Canada from reaching our rivers, lakes or oceans? Provide one strategy and explain how it might prevent garbage and trash ending up in different bodies of water. Use 2 or more complete sentences. (Remember the hydrological process describes the movement and distribution of water on Earth)
It can seem that many people understand that littering is not good for the environment. However, many people do not know how even a little bit of trash can impact the environment in bigger ways such as creating the floating trash pile.
Imagine you are the head of Environment Canada, and the President of the United
States has asked you to create a campaign about the floating trash pile off the coast of California. a.
Design a slogan that you would use in the campaign. (Remember, a slogan is a short phrase or motto that is easily remembered and recognizable—it is important it sticks in the minds of readers).
CGC1D: “OCEAN OF TRASH” Miss. Salmon 3
/4 (C)
/3 (C) b.
The President wants you to create a poster for the floating trash campaign.
Posters can be informational or persuasive. Informational posters provide important facts or statistics to the public. Persuasive posters tell the public to take action—stop doing something or start doing something.
Identify what type of poster you will use, and list two things you would include on the poster from the material in the article. Provide your answer below using
3 or more complete sentences.
Posters are only one way that you can get your slogan or message to the public.
There are many other forms of media that you could use. For example: twitter,
Television advertisements, newspaper articles or advertisements, magazines,
Facebook, Youtube, radio broadcasts, cereal boxes, and more.
If you were trying to reach as many young people in grades 7-12 as possible which form of media might you use? Provide 2 reasons why you might use this form of media. Use complete sentences to provide your answer.
CGC1D: “OCEAN OF TRASH” Miss. Salmon 4
Overall Expectation:
B1. The Physical Environment and Human Activities: analyse various interactions between physical processes, phenomena, and events and human activities in
Specific Expectations:
B1.4 explain how human activities can alter physical processes and contribute to occurrences of natural events and phenomena
B2.1 analyse interrelationships between physical processes, phenomena, and events in Canada and their interaction with global physical systems
(2 marks)
Animals can get caught in the trash, but they also choke on it when they accidentally eat it. a.
How many birds does plastic garbage kill each year? 1 million birds per year b.
How many other ocean animals, like dolphins and turtles, also die? 100,000 ocean animals also die
(3 marks)
What are some of the other items that can be found in the floating trash? List 6 from the article. Possible answers: (1/2 mark each) a.
Bottle caps b.
Toothbrushes c.
Fast-food forks d.
Fishing lines e.
Fishing nets f.
Litter from streets g.
Cigarettes and filters h.
Food wrappers i.
CGC1D: “OCEAN OF TRASH” Miss. Salmon 5
THINKING/INQUIRY (8 marks total)
(4 marks)
The article was written in 2010. Given that we are in the year 2014, do you think that the floating trash pile issue has gotten better, worse, or stayed the same? How might it have changed in the last few years? (1 mark for stating whether better or worse, 2 marks for each reason/explanation for their answer, 1 mark for complete sentences used.)
Possible answers: a.
Better: scientists have looked at ways to clean it up; people have started to clean it up; people are aware of the issue and therefore use less plastic/don’t litter; people are trying to clean up other areas so garbage doesn’t make it all the way to the ocean; ships are aware of the issue and don’t dump garbage. b.
Worse: lack of awareness; people use a lot more plastic products; people still litter a lot (on land); ships may not care about ocean life; clean up may have stopped
(affects marine life); efforts to clean up may have stopped because of lack of funds; c.
Stay the same: lack of awareness; people still using plastic products; people still litter; people are aware of it but don’t care; not enough awareness or promotion in public eye; scientists still looking for ways to clean up properly.
(4 marks total—2 each)
The graph in the article shows the amount of garbage found on American beaches. a.
Thinking about Canada, other than beaches where else might these garbage items be found? List two. (2 marks)
Lakes, rivers, swamps, creeks, trails, school yard, street, parks, camp sites, lawns, playgrounds, parking lots, amusement parks etc. b.
Describe the place and what you saw in two complete sentences. (1 mark for saying place, 1 mark for describing area or garbage there) Possible answers: can name any of the places mentioned above—either by specific place name or description of area. Description of trash—can be from only a few pieces of trash to a lot; any trash items they saw are acceptable—plastic bags, cans, paper product, old furniture, junk etc.
APPLICATION (10 marks total)
(6 marks)
List 2 impacts and explain how they might impact certain animals on land. Use complete sentences. (2 marks for impacts identified, 2 marks for explanation provided, 1 mark for complete sentences used, 1 mark for identifying specific animal(s))
Possible answers:
(animals: bears, birds, squirrels, chipmunks, coyotes, wolves, dogs, cats—any other animals on land that may be around landfills)
CGC1D: “OCEAN OF TRASH” Miss. Salmon 6
Choking: animals (above) may eat the garbage from the landfill and choke on it b.
Tangled/caught: garbage items may trap or fall onto animals; get stuck in things like pop-rings (heads, feet, legs, beaks all can get stuck) c.
Chemicals: plastic contains dangerous chemicals, so when they eat the garbage they can get really sick from it (animals above all eat garbage) i.
Also could go further and explain how garbage chemicals seep into the ground of landfills and get into water systems and poison other living things like animals, plants and humans.
(4 marks)
How might you use this knowledge of the hydrological process to prevent garbage in
Canada from reaching our rivers, lakes or oceans? Provide one strategy and explain how it might prevent garbage and trash ending up in different bodies of water. Use 2 or more complete sentences. (1 mark for strategy identified, 1 mark for explanation given, 1 mark for strategy being related to the hydrological process, 1 mark for complete sentences)
Processes referred to in article: 1) garbage left on beaches can wash into the lakes 2) trash in streets—rain overflows storm drains and garbage ends up in rivers 3) garbage in rivers can flow into lakes 4) garbage in lakes flows into oceans
Possible strategies related to processes above: a.
Garbage on beaches (can also relate to garbage on trails or sidewalks): make sure to clean up beaches/trails etc; have garbage cans for trash; promote awareness; use less plastic waste products b.
Garbage on streets: community clean up; garbage cans; people shouldn’t litter; public awareness; use less plastic c.
Garbage in rivers: community clean up; by-laws enforcing no litter/dumping; public awareness; use less plastic; school clean up; put up signs about no litter etc; d.
Garbage in lakes: community clean up; by-laws posted and enforced; public awareness; boat operators/ship operators not allowed to dump garbage;
Students may also refer to waste water from factories along bodies of water that release garbage.
COMMUNICATION (9 marks total)
(QA: 2 marks, QB: 4 marks)
a. Design a slogan that you would use in the campaign. (Remember, a slogan is a short phrase or motto that is easily remembered and recognizable—it is important it sticks in the minds of readers). (1 mark for slogan being related to trash in water systems, 1 mark for being catchy or original)
CGC1D: “OCEAN OF TRASH” Miss. Salmon 7
Identify what type of poster you will use, and list two things you would include on the poster from the material in the article. Provide your answer below using 3 or more complete sentences. (1 mark identifying type of poster, 1 mark for each item from article they would use (fact/stat, what actions to take), 1 mark for complete sentences)
(3 marks) c.
If you were trying to reach as many young people in grades 7-12 as possible which form of media might you use? Provide 2 reasons why you might use this form of media. Use complete sentences to provide your answer. (1 mark for identifying media, 2 marks for reasons chosen) .
CGC1D: “OCEAN OF TRASH” Miss. Salmon 8