Paragraph 1: Where and when the famous person was born and where he/she grew up. Name: Person: Topic Sentence (Write a “catchy” first sentence to start out your report that will grab the reader’s attention): Where they were born: When they were born: Where did they grow up: Paragraph 2: The early years of this person’s life Name: Person: Write in complete sentences! Topic Sentence: Tell about their family: Tell about their home: Find at least three facts about when they were young: 1. 2. 3. Paragraph 3: The major contributions that made this person famous. Name: Person: Write in complete sentences! Write about the major contributions that made this person famous. Write a topic sentence first and then list details below (need at least 4 details). Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Paragraph 4: Facts about his/her life. Name: Person: Write in complete sentences! Write at least 6 facts about their life that you haven’t included yet that are important, but don’t fit anywhere else. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Paragraph 5: Conclude or summarize this person’s life…why did you pick them and what did you learn? Name: Person: Write in complete sentences! Why did you choose this person: Tell what you learned (summarize in 2-4 sentences what you learned about this person’s life): MN History “Live Museum” Project Students will research a famous Minnesotan using Internet, Northern Lights Textbook, library books, and any other source they can find to discover information. Students will prepare a written account of the life of a famous Minnesotan in a 5 paragraph essay. Then the students will present a “live museum” memorized speech about their character. This speech will include information about the life of the character, background information about the character, and why this person is important. Students will bring or make props including appropriate clothing that would be worn by the famous Minnesotan. Things to Research for the 5 Paragraph Essay: _____ P1: Where and when the famous person was born and where he/she grew up. _____ P2: The early years of this person’s life. _____ P3: The Major contributions that made this person famous. _____ P4: Facts about his/her life. _____ P5: Conclude or summarize this persons life...why did you pick them and what did you learn? Presentation Checklist _____ Memorized Part _____ Props, including costume _____ Practice Part after Memorized _____ Speak Cleary and Distinctly _____ Practice appropriate body language and eye contact _____ Remember to stay in Character _____ Area set up and ready on Presentation Day “Live Museum” Project Name _______________________________________ Research, note cards, source page, on-task, use of time (50 Points) 5 Paragraph Essay (25 Points) ___________ ___________ Presentation (25 Points) TOTAL (100 Points) Teacher Comments: ___________ ___________ Bibliography Page List of Resources You must have at least 3 resources for your presentation. Your resources cannot all be internet resources, remember to search on Gale too. Book Resources: Publication City:_________________________ 1. Author/Editor (Last, First): _______________ Publishing Company: _____________________ _______________________________________ Copyright year:__________________________ Title: __________________________________ 2. Author/Editor (Last, First): _______________ _______________________________________ Title: __________________________________ Publication City:_________________________ Online Sources: 1. Author (if known; Last, First): _________________ Publishing Company: _____________________ ____________________________________________ Copyright year:__________________________ Document Title: ______________________________ 3. Author/Editor (Last, First): _______________ _______________________________________ Website Title: ________________________________ Date of Electronic Publication:___________________ Name of Sponsoring Institution:__________________ Title: __________________________________ ____________________________________________ Publication City:_________________________ Date Information was accessed:__________________ Publishing Company: _____________________ URL: ______________________________________ Copyright year:__________________________ 2. Author (if known; Last, First): _________________ ____________________________________________ Date Information was accessed:__________________ Document Title: ______________________________ URL: ______________________________________ Website Title: ________________________________ Database Sources: Date of Electronic Publication:___________________ 1. Author (if known; Last, First): _________________ Name of Sponsoring Institution:__________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Document Title: ______________________________ Date Information was accessed:__________________ Database Title: _______________________________ URL: ______________________________________ Date of Electronic Publication:___________________ 3. Author (if known; Last, First): _________________ Date Information was accessed:__________________ ____________________________________________ URL: ______________________________________ Document Title: ______________________________ 2. Author (if known; Last, First): _________________ Website Title: ________________________________ ____________________________________________ Date of Electronic Publication:___________________ Document Title: ______________________________ Name of Sponsoring Institution:__________________ Database Title: _______________________________ ____________________________________________ Date of Electronic Publication:___________________ Date Information was accessed:__________________ Date Information was accessed:__________________ URL: ______________________________________ URL: ______________________________________ 3. Author (if known; Last, First): _________________ ____________________________________________ Encyclopedia: Document Title: ______________________________ 1. Author (If Known; Last, First): ____________ Database Title: _______________________________ _______________________________________ Date of Electronic Publication:___________________ Title of Article: __________________________ Date Information was accessed:__________________ URL: ______________________________________ Name of Encyclopedia:____________________ 4. Author (if known; Last, First): _________________ Edition (If know): _____________________ ____________________________________________ Copyright year:__________________________ Document Title: ______________________________ Interview: Database Title: _______________________________ 1. Speaker (Last, First): ____________________ Date of Electronic Publication:___________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Type of Interview: ________________________ Title of Article: __________________________ Date of Interview: ________________________ Publication Name:________________________ Magazine or Newspaper Article: Date:___________________________________ 1. Author/Editor (Last, First): _______________ Page Number(s):________ Essay Format NAME IN TOP LEFT CORNER Title in Center 5 Paragraphs Left Justified...indenting each paragraph & DOUBLE SPACED! Due Dates to Remember Friday, January, 31st – Notes w/ sources Friday, February 7th – Rough Draft Friday, February 21st – Final Copy Monday, March 3rd – Presentation Day (5:30 – 6:30)