Prefix - Pre - before prepaid - paid beforehand preheat - to heat before cooking or baking 1. 2. Prefix: post - after postgame - after the game postgraduate - after graduation 1. 2. Prefix: anti -against antidepressant - works against depression antifreeze - works against freezing 1. 2. Bellringer directions: Copy each sentence. Circle the word that contains a prefix. Then put a box around the prefix and underline the base word. Then define the word. 1. The bruises on the body were discovered postmortum. 2. The anti-aircraft fire shot down the enemy planes. 3. Stacy preordered the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book to ensure she would have a copy the day it was released. Prefix: super - above, beyond, over superhuman - beyond human superpower - beyond "normal" powers 1. 2. Prefix: non - not nonstop - not stopping nonexistant - not in existance 1. 2. Bellringer Prefix: il-not illogical - not logical illegitimate - not legitimate 1. 2. Prefix im- not impassable - not able to pass through imbalance - not balanced 1. 2. Prefix: ir - not irreversible - not reversibe irrelevant - not relevant 1. 2. Prefix: in - not insane - not sane inaccurate - not accurate 1. 2. Prefix: mis - not or wrong misunderstood - not understood misinterpret - interpret wrongly 1. 2. Prefix: sub - under, beneath, inferior to submerge - to go under (merge below) subzero - below zero 1. 2. Bellringer Prefix: semi - half or partly semisweet - partly sweet semiprofessional - partly professional. 1. 2. Bellringer Prefix: micro - small microbiology - study of small living things microbiologist - someone who studies small living things 1. 2. Bellringer Prefix: fore - before, front forethought - thinking beforehand forewarned - warned before 1. 2. prefix: ultra - beyond ultraviolet - beyond the violet wavelength ultraconservative - extremely conservative 1. 2. Bellringer Prefix: under - below, lower in position underachieve - achieving below expectations underbid - to bid below 1. 2. Bellringer -copy the sentence. After the sentence, write the meaning of the underlined word. 1. He had the misfortune to forget his wallet. 2. The lieutenant gave a sharp order to her subordinate. 3. The circle was divided into two equal semicircles. Bellringer Prefix: mid - middle midafternoon - middle of the afternoon midterm - middle of the term (quarter, semester) 1. 2. Bellringer - copy the sentences. Define the underlined word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The cactus is able to thrive in a semidry climate. My brother drives a midsize car. Brenda is a firm believer that antiaging cream will help her look young. It's important that teachers do not forejudge their students. Many underdeveloped nations have wide spread disease and famine. Bellringer Prefix: para - beside, near paraphrase - restate something near to what was originally said. paraprofessional - a person that works beside a professional. 1. paranormal 2. paralegal 3. parallel – Bellringer Roots/Prefixes: bi - 2 tri - 3 quad - 4 bicycle - cycle with 2 wheels tricycle - cycle with 3 wheels quadruplets - having 4 babies 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Bellringer Root: cardi - heart 1. cardiac - relating to the heart 2. cardiogram - measures changes in heart contractions. 1. 2. Bellringer Root: bio - life microbiology - the study of small living things. biohazard - hazardous to life 1. 2. Root: hydro - water hydrology - the study of water rehydrate - to drink water again 1. 2. Bellringer - copy the sentences. Define each underlined word. 1. The cardiologist studied the patient's electrocardiogram. 2. The biographer wrote a book about the life of Adam Sandler. 3. She needed to rehydrate after the race. Bellringer root: graph - to write biography - story written about someone's life photograph - an image is "written" onto paper that is sensitive to light. 1. 2. Bellringer Root: phon - sound phonograph - an instrument that produces sounds on a grooved disk phonics - sounds of letters 1. 2. Bellringer Root: aud - to hear audience - people that hear a performance audio - the sound that is heard 1. 2. Bellringer - copy the sentences. Then define the underlined word. 1. She included a bibliography at the end of her research paper. 2. The deaf moose had an injured auditory nerve. 3. Becky went to the symphony last week. Bellringer - Copy the sentence. After each sentence, define the underlined word. 1. Mary Beth can foresee something bad happening in the near future. 2. I told him the night before to call a paralegal and have the paperwork signed. 3. My friend won't get on the boat because of his hydrophobia. Bellringer Root - port - to carry deport - to be "carried" (taken) back to your original country. porter - someone who carries your luggage 1. 2. Bellringer Root: peri- around/near periscope - used in submarines to see around the outside 1. 2. Bellringer Root: cide - to cut or kill genocide - killing an ethnic group matricide - killing your mother 1. 2. Bellringer Root: astro/aster - star, heavens astronomy - study of space (heavens) asterisk - a star used to designate something (*) 1. 2. Bellringer root: cred - to believe credit - buying something with the belief it will be paid back discredited - not believed 1. 2. Bellringer Root: photo - light photocopy - copy made by the action of light on an electronically charged surface. photon - a unit of light 1. 2. Bellringer Root: vis - to see vision - the ability to see invisible - not able to be seen 1. 2. Bellringer Root: man - hand manipulate - to use your hands manual - having to use your hands 1. 2. Bellringer root: ques - to ask/seek quest - a journey to seek something 1. 2. Bellringer 1. She made her request known to the waitress. 2. Bethany gave a report about tsunamis to her science class. 3. Brett was struggling to drive the manual transmission car. Bellringer Copy the sentence. After each sentence, define the underlined word. 1. If the asteroid struck the earth, it would be a disaster. 2. An overexposure to the sun's photons gave her a sunburn. 3. What do you envision happening next year? Directions: 1. Copy root, 2 examples (including definitions) and the sentence. 2. Copy the sentence. Highlight the affix. 3. Define the underlined word. Highlight context clues that helped you. Bellringer Root: bene - good/well benediction - a blessing (good will wish) benevolent - good hearted 1. Rich's new job has fringe benefits: a gas card, company car, and a quarterly bonus. Directions: 1. Copy affix, 2 examples (including definitions) and the sentence. 2. Copy the sentence. Highlight the affix. 3. Define the underlined word. Highlight context clues that helped you. Bellringer Affix: Cycl/cycle - circle/wheel/ring bicycle - 2 wheels recycle - to go through the cycle (circle pattern - from beginning to end) again. The cyclone destroyed hundreds of homes, but fortunately it missed our house. Directions: 1. Copy affix, 2 examples (including definitions) and the sentence. 2. Copy the sentence. Highlight the affix. 3. Define the underlined word. Highlight context clues that helped you. Affix: de - away, from, down, undo(opposite of) defend - to keep enemy away deplete - to take away There is a major problem with deforestation in the rainforest near the Amazon River. Directions: 1. Copy affix, 2 examples (including definitions) and the sentence. 2. Copy the sentence. Highlight the affix. 3. Define the underlined word. Highlight context clues that helped you. Affix: di - two, split dialogue - speaking between 2 or more people diameter - splits a circle into 2 halves After 10 years of marriage, Becky's parents decided to get a divorce. Directions: 1. Copy affix, 2 examples (including definitions) and the sentence. 2. Copy the sentence. Highlight the affix. 3. Define the underlined word. Highlight context clues that helped you. Affix: ex - out, from exit - a way out express - to speak out The surgeon was able to excise the tissue with a scalpel. Directions: 1. Copy affix, 2 examples (including definitions) and the sentence. 2. Copy the sentence. Highlight the affix. 3. Define the underlined word. Highlight context clues that helped you. Affix: ambi - around, about, both ambiguous - having a double meaning (meaning both) ambidextrous - using both hands 1. The temperature in the display case was 20 degrees lower than the ambient temperature. Directions: 1. Copy affix, 2 examples (including definitions) and the sentence. 2. Copy the sentence. Highlight the affix. 3. Define the underlined word. Highlight context clues that helped you. Affix: mono - one monologue - one person speaking monogamy - one marriage A room with all white decorations is monochrome. Directions: 1. Copy affix, 2 examples (including definitions) and the sentence. 2. Copy the sentence. Highlight the affix. 3. Define the underlined word. Highlight context clues that helped you. Affix: arch/archy - ruler/government biarchy - rule by 2 people matriarch - female head (ruler) England is, or once was, ruled by a monarchy. Directions: Copy each sentence. Define the underlined word. Use your knowledge of the affixes we've studies and the context to help you. 1. Parker's dilemma was whether to study dinosaurs or bumblebees. 2. After the plane landed, the passengers debarked immediately. 3. His exorbitant lifestyle took him around the world . Bellringer Review Copy the affix and write the definition and a few words that contain the affix... de ques arch/archy mono di ex ambi peri bene cred man - Affix: pseudo - false/untrue pseudonym - false name used by authors pseudograph - false document His science book was shunned and labeled by the science community as pseudoscience because sufficient research and evidence was not used to support the claims in the book. Affix: mar/mari/mer -sea marine - related to the sea mermaid - marine creature that lives in the sea The marina was dotted with the masts of hundreds of sailboats. Affix: duc/duct - lead abduct - to lead away by force induce - to lead or move by persuasion The WEB leaders will conduct tours of Wilson to help the new 6th graders become familiar with where their classes are. Affix: eu - pleasant, good, well euphoria - a feeling of well being eulogy - words of praise for the dead 1. The euphony of the wind ruffling the leaves of the trees was calming and reassuring." Affix: mal - bad, evil maltreated - treated badly malignant - extremely evil The malicious man tried to steal the old lady's glasses so she would not be able to see. Affix: tempo - time temporal - limited by time contemporary - at the present time, belonging to the same time 1. There was a temporary detour during construction on the bridge. Affix: dorm - to sleep dormative - causing sleep (drug or sleep potion) nondormant - not sleeping for a period of time When Ariannah went to college, she lived in a dormitory. Affix: flex/flect - bend flexible - able to bend reflex - to bend or turn back The sunlight deflects off of the surface of the water, creating a blinding glare . Affix: macro - large/excessive macrobiotics - science of prolonging life macrochemistry - does not require a microscope 1. We are the microcosm to the macrocosm. Affix: calor - heat calorie - a unit of heat caloric - giving off heat In 1911 he constructed a special calorimeter that measured specific heats at very low temperatures. Copy each sentence. Write the word from the list that best fits in each sentence. Use your highlighter to mark clues that helped you pick the correct answer. mariner reflect credible semimonthly dormant astronomy 1. It's really hard to meet the ____________ schedule of our school magazine. 2. Now dark smoke was rising from the volcano that had been _________ for so many years. 3. Don's interest in _________ really picked up when he first looked at the stars through his dad's telescope. 4. The retired _________ told us all about the ship models on display in the museum . Bellringer review Copy the words. Identify the affix in each word by highlighting it, and write a definition of the affix. euphemism malcontent maritime macrobiotic inducted phonic temporal ambilateral exile hydrosphere Select a word from those listed above to correctly complete the blank. Highlight context clues that helped you. Beth used a ____________ to avoid using bad language to describe the condition of the gas station restroom. Bellringer Review Copy the words. Highlight the affix. After each word, write the meaning of the affix. underachieve forejudge paraphrase stenographers inquest benevolent Copy the sentence. Choose a word from the list above to complete the sentence. Highlight context clues that helped you. 1. 2. 3. 4. It's important that teachers do not _______ their students. An ______ is being carried out into the exact cause of death. The service uses highly skilled ____________ who transcribe the hearing or event. The ________ donor helped the homeless by purchasing them clothes and food. Affix: syn/sym/sys - with or together symphony - sounds played together by musical instruments synonym - words with the same meaning 1. Sheila had finally figured out a system that enabled everyone to complete their chores. Affix: anthrop - man anthropology - the study of man, mankind philanthropy - concern for man The slender hands and feet and long eyelashes of these anthropomorphic mice help make their mannerisms believable. Affix: epi - upon, beside, among, close to epilogue - "speech" besides the regular text/speaking (comes after the conclusion) episode - an instance among a series of events 1.Various groups have posed possible solutions to the country's obesity epidemic. Affix: corp - body corpse - a dead body corporate - combined into one body 1. The school's new policy prohibited teachers from using corporal punishment to discipline their students. Affix: ob, oc, of, op - against, toward, in the way offend - against moral law oppose - place oneself against 1. I found the amount of trash in the park obscene! Affix: valu/vale/vali - strength, worth validity - legal strength equivalent - equal worth 1. A valiant fireman saved several people in a burning building. Affix: cat/cata - down, with against cataclysm - downward sweep of water catalogue - lists of names written down 1.The oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is an environmental catastrophe of epic proportions. Affix: trans - across Transatlantic - across the Atlantic Ocean transport - to carry across 1. The United States built a transcontinental railroad. Bellringer Review Copy the affix and write the definition and a few words that contain the affix... 1.Pseudo – 2. de 3. ques 4. arch/archy 5. mono 6. di 7. ex 8. ambi 9. peri 10. bene - 11. cred 12. man 13. valu/vale/vali 14. ob/op/oc/of 15. cat/cata 16. trans -