SI Newsletter January 2015

S.I Rhyl and District Newsletter
Janurary 2015
Newsletter No 10
Message from President Joan
May I wish you all a very happy, healthy and exciting 2015. This is a very important year for the
club its 50th Anniversary coming up. I am sure like me you are looking forward to all the special
events that have been organised for our club and to Doreen taking over as President is April.
The time has passed so quickly by since I became your President last April and I have enjoyed
the experience very much.
December was a busy month once again for me with all the preparations for Christmas as well
as business as usual.
I would like to mention the very moving Human Rights Day service the Reverend Peter
Allsworth and Debbie so kindly arranged for us. There were poems, Bible reading, prayers and
Carols and I thank all of you who attended and especially those of you who took part. It was so
good to see our dear friend Ruth Renowden at the church. The little church is Sinan All Saints
was very welcoming, cosy and warm, and the pretty little candles Joyce brought along just
added that little extra to the occasion. Members enjoyed, before and after the service a glass of
mulled wine, mince pies and some stollen cake. All who attended enjoyed the occasion and
£100.was raised at the collection this money will go towards the South Africa water sprinkler
project. Thank you Esther for arranging the venue and Doreen for printing the service sheets
This year members went to the Panto at Theatre Clwyd which was a great success. Supper was
enjoyed at the Glasfryn prior to going over to the Theatre where we all relaxed and sat back for
the Rock and Roll Theatre Clwyd version of Jack in the Beanstalk. It was a good production
with multi talented members of the cast singing, acting, playing various musical instruments,
magic etc. they were so impressive and entertaining. I would like to thank Denny for organising
the Theatre tickets for us – they were excellent seats.
The following week I attended with Shirley and Peter, Denny , Doreen and her daughter Helen a
the South Caernarfon annual Christmas Carol Concert and lunch. The service was held in
beautiful church in Llanbedrog which had the most magnificent stained glass windows depicting
a scene from the First World War. This church was visited by Oliver Cromwell and had a vast
history. (I intend to visit again in the spring) Following the service we made our way to Criccieth
and the Bron Eifion Hotel for the Christmas lunch. There was a magnificent Christmas tree in
the hallway and the dining room was all decked out ready for Christmas. I had a thoroughly
enjoyable day and thanks Shirley for driving me there.
On the Saturday before Christmas I visited June Jeffries and Margaret Rickards, with a small gift
each. I had a thoroughly enjoyable time at their homes. June told me all about her time as
President and Regional President and was showing me Christmas Cards she had received from
Soroptimists she had met many years ago. I thought how nice this was that they had made such
strong friendships. Margaret also had lots of cards from Sorioptimists and was regaling me with
lots of happy memories she had from her days as a very active member. I will always remember
her coming in to meetings with jars of delicious marmalade which would soon be purchased by
the members. I do hope to visit them again in the next few weeks as it was such a pleasure to be
in their company. They both wished to be remembered to you all. A very happy afternoon.
The following Sunday I went along to the Cathedral to listen to the Trelawnyd Male voice choir
sing wonderful carols and some of the choir members read from the bible or read poetry. The
Dean Reverend Nigel Williams welcomed us and gave the closing prayers. The Cathedral was
full and I thank Mel for organising the sale of the tickets.
Last week I attended the Bee Project Meeting and arrangements are now in hand to begin
visiting schools again in the Spring. Yvonne is now busy contacting the schools who will be
taking part in the project this year. Thank you again Yvonne for your continued0 commitment
to the Bees Project.
Arrangements are now in hand for the next meeting which is on the 21st of January 2015. The
Speaker is from Bangor and she is from a wonderful organisation called Mercy Ships. I am sure
like me you will be looking forward to seeing and hearing all about this worthwhile charity. I
look forward to seeing you all again. I know there are some members away on holiday and I
hope you all have a very enjoyable time. Can I ask that members bring a candle to the meeting
as per the Sigbi email. I will bring some extra with me.
Mel is busy organising a Valentines Ball for Saturday 14th February and this will be at Elwy Hall
in Rhyl. This event is to raise funds for St. Kentigerns hospice. Please put this into your diaries
there will be a big band too. I am sure you will know that both Mel are hoping to walk part of
the Great Wall of China in late May. We have both started to get back into walking to try and get
fit for this venture. I look forward to the company of Chester Bevins (Ruth’s very fit little dog)
to accompany me on these long walks. See you all on the 21st.
Good wishes to you all
Social Secretary Report Shirley Whiteway
A Happy New Year to you all and I hope it is a happy and health one for you all. What a busy
time we had in December but on reading Joan’s letter, nowhere near a busy as Joan has just
described ! I do apologise for half a newsletter and for the lateness of it too. Hopefully next
month it will be a complete version and on time !
Our combined business/social meeting 21st Jan will be a full evening I understand as we have a
short business meeting, a meal and a wonderful speaker. I shall not therefore have a sales table
this evening. I shall however speak to Joan about whether she would like to run a raffle .
The meal for the evening has been booked at a cost of £ 12.50
Menu for the evening is -- Lamb Hotpot followed by chocolate brownie. Coffee/mints
Please could you let me know as soon as possible if you will be requiring a meal on the 21st.
Many thanks indeed
You may have all read in the in the SIGBI News Briefing 19 December 2014 about the call from
Talet Pasha to hold a candle-lit vigil to show our condemnation
of the atrocities and senseless murders in a Pakistani School
recently. Joan has asked if we could each bring a tea-light in a
holder to the meeting on 21st Jan where she will lead us as we
light candles in our vigil.
Hold a Candle-lit Vigil—Stand against Violence
Talat Pasha has called for all Clubs to hold a candle-lit vigil to show
their condemnation of the brutal and senseless murder of over 100 innocent school children. All children
have a right to education and to attend school without fear. Post photos of your vigil to your Club Website
and Social Media to show your support for the families of these children
Time to Act! Bookmarks
SIGBI HQ has a surplus of these bookmarks, which were produced for the
Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict. If any Club has an
event coming up for which these bookmarks would be a good item to
give away, then we are offering them on a first-come first-served basis,
for the cost of the postage only. Hurry because stocks are limited.
Programme Action Update – PAC Officer Denny
Hi Ladies,
Denny has asked if I could add the details of the Regional Concert to this month’s Newletter.
I have noticed that Doreen has kindly sent out the posters and details of the concert for your
Dates for the Diary - January
1. Saturday 24th January - S I Denbigh Ruthin and District
Are holding a Burns Night Charity Fundraising Ceilidh at Pwllglas Village Hall
Ruthin, between 7.00pm and 10.30pm
The event is open to all with a bring and share supper, bar and raffle. During the
evening there will be a tribute to Robbie Burns with an address to the haggis, as well as
a variety of Highland Dances. Tartan dress optional ! Tickets are £5 for adults, £2.50 for
children over 12 years. For tickets, please call 01824 705545 or 01745 816025
2. SIGBI Conference, Glasgow
Reminder – A deposit of £30 for hotel accommodation and travel is required by Yvonne
Johns no later than: 13th February 2015 (booking form attached)
3. Saturday 14th February - Valentine’s Day Ball
In aid of St. Kentigern’s Hospice, to be held at Elwy Hall, Rhyl 7.00 for 7.30 (Further
details to follow)
4. Saturday 21st February - Regional Meeting, Cheshire View
Coffee and Registration 10.00 am, Cost £20.00. Cheques payable to SI Cheshire, North
Wales & Wirral, required by 11th February
5. Regional Charity Concert - in aid of The Trussell Trust Food Banks, 18th April,
Civic Hall, Ellesmere Port, 7.00 pm (Flyer attached)
“Advanced Ticket Sales” - Tickets £12.00 - payment by Friday 13th February. Cheques
made payable to SI Cheshire & North Wales will be collected at the Business/Social
Meeting on
21st January. However, tickets will be available for sale at the
Regional Meeting on 21st February.
PLEASE NOTE: Change of email address for Lynne Bellis:
Thanks Doreen
Birthdays in January
Belated Birthday Wishes to Pearl for 2nd Jan and to Hilda for 11th January
Happy Birthday to Denny for 21st Jan and to Melissa for 26th January
We send you all our love and best wishes for a happy and healthy year