CURRICULUM VITAE VENUGOPAL MENDU Assistant professor Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA. Education: Ph.D (2003-2008) M.S (1998-2000) B.S (1994 -1998) Phone: 806 834 6327 E-mail: Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Program Dept. of Plant & Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, USA. Genetics & Plant Breeding , A.N.G.R. Agricultural University, India. Major: Agriculture, A.N.G.R. Agricultural University, India. Professional appointments: 2013 - present Assistant Professor Department of Plant & Soil Science Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, TX, USA. 2012 - 2013 Postdoctoral Fellow PI: Dr. Lionel Navarro, Gene silencing and plant innate immunity lab. Institute of Biology, École Normale Supérieure (IBENS), Paris, France. 2010 - 2012 Postdoctoral Fellow PI: Dr. Seth Debolt, Cellulose biosynthesis and biofuels lab Department of Horticulture, University of Kentucky, USA. 2008 - 2009 Postdoctoral Fellow PI: Dr. Peter D. Nagy, Molecular virology lab Department of Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky, USA. 2003 – 2008 Graduate Research Assistant Major supervisor: Dr. Guiliang Tang, Gene silencing & natural products lab Department of Plant & Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, USA. Publications (17 total) (* Corresponding author) From TTU 1. Rai, K. M., Balasubramanian, V.K., Welker, C.M. Pang, M., Hii, M.M., and Mendu, V.* (2015) Comprehensive analysis and web resource devolvement on cell wall degrading enzymes from phyto-parasitic nematodes. BMC Genomics, 15:187, DOI 10.1186/s12870-015-0576-4. 2. Welker, C.M. Balasubramanian, V.K., Petti, C., Rai, K. M., DeBolt, S. & Mendu, V.* (2015). Engineering plant biomass lignin content and composition for biofuels and bioproducts. Energies, 8, 7654-7676; doi:10.3390/en8087654. Before TTU 1. Mendu, V., Shearin, T., Campbell, E.J., Stork, J., Jae, J., Crocker, M., Huber, G., DeBolt, S. (2012) Global bioenergy potential from high-lignin agricultural residue. PNAS 109 (10): 4014-4019. 2. Lin, J-Y., Mendu, V., Pogany, J., Qin, J., and Nagy, P.D. (2011) The TPR domain in the host Cyp40-like cyclophilin binds to the viral replication protein and inhibits the assembly of the tombusviral replicase. PLOS Pathogens-8(2): e1002491. 3. Mendu, V., Harman-Ware, L., Crocker, M., Jae, J., Stork, J., Morton, S., Placido, A., Huber, G., DeBolt, S. (2011) Identification and thermochemical analysis of high lignin feedstocks for biofuel and bio-chemical production. Biotechnologyforbiofuels -4 (1): 43. 4. Mendu, V., Stork, J., Harris, D., and DeBolt, S., (2011) Cellulose synthesis in two secondary cell wall processes in a single cell type. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 6 (11), pp. 1638-1643. 5. Mendu, V., Griffiths, J., Persson, S., Stork, J., Downie, B., Voiniciuc, C., Haughn, G. W., DeBolt, S. (2011) Subfunctionalization of cellulose synthases in seed coat epidermal cells mediates secondary radial wall synthesis and mucilage attachment- Plant Physiology Vol. 157, pp. 441-453. 6. Mendu, V., Chiu, M., Barajas, D. Li, Z. & Nagy, P.D. (2010) Cpr1 cyclophilin and Ess1p parvulin prolyl isomerases interact with the tombusvirus replication protein and inhibit viral replication in yeast model host. Virology, Vol. 406 pp. 342–351. 7. Stork, J., Harris, D., Griffiths, J., Williams, B., Beisson, F., Li-Beisson, Y., Mendu, V., Haughn, G.W., and DeBolt, S. (2010) CELLULOSE SYNTHASE9 serves a nonredundant role in secondary cell wall synthesis in Arabidopsis epidermal testa cells. Plant Physiology, Vol. 153, p580-589. 8. Jia, X., Mendu, V. and Tang, G., (2010) An array platform for identification of stressresponsive miRNAs in plants. Methods Mol. Biol. 639: 253-69. 9. Jia, X., Wang, W., Ren, L., Chen, Q., Mendu, V., Willcut, B., Dinkins, R., Tang, X., and Tang, G. (2009) Differential and dynamic regulation of miR398 and its targets in response to ABA and salt stress in Populus tremula & A. thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology, 71: 51-59. 10. Tang, G., Tang, X., Mendu, V., Tang, X., Jia, X., Chen, Q., and He, L. (2008) The art of microRNA: Various strategies leading to gene silencing via an ancient pathway. BBAGene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1779: 655-662. 11. Mendu, V., Ansari, N.A. and Thota. R. (2003) Correlation and path analysis in maize (Zea mays L.) Crop Research. 25 (3): 525-529. 12. Mendu, V., Ansari N.A. and Kankati., K.G. (2002) Heterosis for yield and its component characters in maize (Zea mays L.). Research on Crops 3 (1): 72-74. Book Chapters 1. Lewis, R., Mendu, V., McNear, D., and Tang, G. (2009) Roles of microRNAs in Plant Abiotic Stress, Molecular Techniques in Crop Improvement. 2nd Edition, edited by S. Mohan Jain and D.S. Brar. Springer Netherlands. 2. Tang, G., Xiang, Y., Kang, Z., Mendu, V., Tang, X., Jia, X., Chen, Q., and Tang, X., (2008) Small RNA technologies: siRNA, miRNA, antagomiR, target mimicry, miRNA sponge and miRNA profiling. Current Perspectives in MicroRNAs, Springer Netherlands, pp 17-33. 3. Mendu, V., and Hildebrand, D.F. (2006) Plant Hydroperoxide Lyases and Related Enzymes. CRC press, Chapter 24, 399-417. IN: Ching Hou & Jei-Fu Shaw, Biocatalysis and Biotechnology for Functional Foods and Industrial Products. Abstract/Poster presentations 1. Mendu, V., Shearin, T., Campbell, E.J., Stork, J., Jae, J., Crocker, M., Huber, G., DeBolt, S. Global bioenergy potential from high-lignin agricultural residue. “World GIS day conference” 2011, University of Kentucky. 2. Hendon, B.R., C. Lowery, D.L. Auld, Burrow, M., V. Mendu, Xu, W., and Ray, I.M. 2014. The Mutation Creation Station. ASA International Annual Meetings. Long Beach, CA. Nov. 3. p. 98. 3. Welker C. M., V. Mendu, and M. Pang, 2015, Functional evolutionary studies of a cotton fiber initiation transcription factor. 27th Annual Meeting Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops (AAIC), Lubbock, Texas, USA. Teaching (TTU) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Course PSS4100 PSS5325 PSS4426 PSS5426 PSS5325 PSS4100 PSS5426 Term Fall, 2013 Spring, 2014 Fall, 2014 Fall, 2014 Spring, 2015 Fall, 2015 Fall, 2015 Title Senior Seminar, Transgenic and Plant Cell Genetics Introduction to genomics Functional genomics Transgenic and Plant Cell Genetics Senior Seminar, Functional genomics Student rating 4.6/5.0 4.8/5.0 5.0/5.0 4.9/5.0 5.0/5.0 Mentoring: 1. Graduate students: 1. Vimal Kumar Balasubramanian, Ph. D. program 2. Theophilus Tengey, Ph. D. program 3. Haydee Echevarria Laza, Ph. D. program 4. Nam Anh Bui Phu, Ph. D. program 5. Cassie Welker, MS program (Graduating, Dec, 2015) 6. Sandi Win Thu, MS program 7. Amrita Dhal, MS program, (Graduated, Aug, 2015) 2. Postdoctoral Fellows: 1. Krishan Mohan Rai (November, 2014-present) 2. Mingxiong (David) Pang (May, 2014- Aug. 2015) 3. Nagaraju Dharavath (November, 2013- August, 2014) 3. Visiting Graduate student: 1. Leonel Maona from Brazil (March, 2014-November 2014) 4. Visiting Borlaug Fellows: 1. Mei Mei Hii from Malaysia (January, 2015- April, 2015) 2. Tesfaye Disassa Bitema from Ethiopia (expected, Feb. 2016-April, 2016) 5. Undergraduate students: 1. Cassie Welker (September 2013-May 2014) 2. Julianna Shuneman (August, 2014- May, 2015) 3. Taylor Person (October, 2014-May, 2015) 4. Toritseju Arenyeka (August, 2015-present) Ph.D. dissertation committee member: 1. Kishor Gautam, Ph. D. (Graduated 2015), Major professor: Dr. Michael Ballou, Associate Prof., Dept. of Animal & Food sci., TTU. 2. Deepika Mishra, Ph. D. program, Major professor: Dr. Dick Auld, Professor, Department of Plant & Soil Science, TTU. 3. Jayan Ukwatta, Ph. D. program, Major professor: Dr. Huazhong Shi, Associate Prof., Dept. of Chem. & Biochem. TTU. 4. Travis Witt, Ph. D program, Major professor: Dr. Glen Ritchie, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU. 5. Karl Braur, Ph. D program, Major professor: Dr. Wen Wei Xu, Dept. of Soil & Crop Sci., Texas A&M University. 6. Poorna Tharaka Wansapura, Ph. D. program, Major professor: Dr. Noureddine Abidi, Department of Plant & Soil Science, TTU. 7. Sumedha Liyanage, Ph. D. program, Major professor: Dr. Noureddine Abidi, Department of Plant & Soil Science, TTU. 8. Amal Bouyanfif, Ph. D. program (2015, October-present), Major professor: Dr. Eric Hequet, Department of Plant & Soil Science, TTU. ORS Grants/Funding: (My share: $318, 593.5) 1. OIA: Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program, Ethiopia: USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service (2015). $32, 396. 2. OIA: Borlaug higher Education for Agricultural Research and Developmet (BHEARD)Kenya (2015). $63, 210.90 3. Deciphering seed coat cell wall factors underlying peanut resistance to Aspergillus flavus infection and aflatoxin production. USAID: University Linkage program (2015). $20,000 4. Role of small RNAs in regulating the abiotic stress response and acclimation in cottonUSDA-ARS Ogallala Aquifer Program (2014). $25,391 5. Office of International Affairs (OIA)-Borlaug higher Education for Agricultural Research and Developmet (BHEARD)- Ghana program: USAID/Michigan State University (2014). $150,704 6. OIA: Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program Asia & Latin America (Malaysia): USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service (2014). $27,990 7. Effects of Inoculants Added to Sorghum Ethanol Co-product and Low-quality Roughage Blend Silages on Silage Fermentation Profile and Losses: DeLaval Manufacturing (2013). $1,551 NON-ORS: Total funding ($10,779) 1. Robert Wright, Venugopal Mendu and Glen Ritchie: Identification of cotton microRNAs implicated in water-deficit stress, TAMU genome sequence program (2014): $6,779 2. Peter Keyel, Venugopal Mendu and Brayan Sutton: Texas Tech University Transdisciplinary Research Academy on bridging the mammalian and plant innate immune systems to generate a comprehensive understanding of pathogen recognition and defense response mechanisms (2013). $4,000 3. Institutional support from the PSS department at TTU (2013-2015): $55,160. International collaborations: 1. Dr. Harikishan Sudini, International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India. a. Understanding the Mechanisms and Cell Wall Factors Underlying Peanut Resistance to Aspergillus flavus Infection and Aflatoxin Production, USAID. 2. Mei Mei Hii, Sarawak Biodiversity Center, Kuching Malaysia. a. Identification of cell wall degrading enzymes from rainforest soil bacteria. Service: A. University committees and Service (TTU): India taskforce committee member: CASNR representative for India taskforce for improving the international recruitment at TTU Faculty search committee member (Plant genomics) Cluster hire committee member (3 committees) 1. High Throughput Phenotyping 2. Tackling the Phenome-Genome Challenge 3. Molecular genetics of gene regulation: ‘old school systems biology’ Dean’s representative for 2 graduate students Member of PSS curriculum development committee. Member of PSS Website committee. Member of PSS lab safety committee. B. Community: Science project judge: The South Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair, United Spirit Arena, February 14, 2014. Science project judge: The South Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair, United Spirit Arena, February 13, 2015. C. Professional and Honorary Societies: Member of Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of Agriculture (2014-present) American Society of Plant Biologist (2014-present) D. Peer reviewing service (from TTU) 1. BMC plant biology 2. The plant cell 3. BMC genomics 4. Molecular biotechnology 5. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 6. Plant Molecular Biology 7. Industrial Crops and Products 8. Journal of Experimental Botany E. Education: Guest lecture and lab session for “Research methods in ruminant nutrition”-Summer, 2015 Guest lecture for visiting Cochran Fellow’s from Pakistan on “Cotton fiber initiation and development”–Summer, 2015. Evaluation of Dr. Robert Wright’s hatch-project “Bacterial Blight Resistance in Cotton”, Summer-2015. Pre-submission review of manuscripts (Dr. Chris Rock), acknowledged in the manuscript.