Recommendations from the workshops CREATIVE EXPRESSION Main Issues & recommendations from the floor during discussions Shared Africa Asia Small States Main Issues 1. Deficit in adaptation and mitigation 2. Small nations and vulnerable populations are not given enough importance in the discourse 3. Less emphasis on mitigation as compared to adaptation 1. There is a gap between on-ground practice and the climate change concerns at the policy level Consensus Recommendations 1. Efforts are to be undertaken to create a mechanism for constant capacity building of actors 2. Mainstream their voices at least through Forums such as the Commonwealth 3. Energise discourse around both the issues. 1. Create communication and knowledge base to help promote the issue at the grassroots; and upstream local concerns at the policy level. 1. Lack of baseline information 1. Develop capacity and the discipline of 2. Lack of holistic approach and collecting data preparedness to climate change 2. Promote Conscious consumerism as a adaptation and mitigation part of Post-2015 framework 3. Certain nations are highly 3. Create a cross-boundary support vulnerable mechanism to help address problems 1. Issues are less understood by the 1. Raise their voice through forum such as global community the CPF 2. Very survival is in question. 2. Create effective mechanism for compensation and investment in mitigation and adaptation CLIMATE CHANGE Main Issues & recommendations Shared Africa Asia Main Issues 1. Deficit in adaptation and mitigation 2. Small nations and vulnerable populations are not given enough importance in the discourse 3. Less emphasis on mitigation as compared to adaptation 1. There is a gap between on-ground practice and the climate change concerns at the policy level Consensus Recommendations 1. Efforts are to be undertaken to create a mechanism for constant capacity building of actors 2. Mainstream their voices at least through Forums such as the Commonwealth 3. Energise discourse around both the issues. 1. Create communication and knowledge base to help promote the issue at the grassroots; and upstream local concerns at the policy level. 1. Lack of baseline information 1. Develop capacity and the discipline of 2. Lack of holistic approach and collecting data preparedness to climate change 2. Promote Conscious consumerism as a adaptation and mitigation part of Post-2015 framework 3. Certain nations are highly 3. Create a cross-boundary support vulnerable mechanism to help address problems 1 Small States 1. Issues are less understood by the 1. Raise their voice through forum such as global community the CPF 2. Very survival is in question. 2. Create effective mechanism for compensation and investment in mitigation and adaptation FOOD SECURITY Main Issues & recommendations Main Issues 1. Links to international trade 2. Provision of subsidies to local farmers 3. Availability of social security nets and secure incomes 4. Roles of donors, banks and FDI Shared Consensus Recommendations 1. Perth declaration on food security should be followed with the measurement of progress 2. Small farmers should be protected and supported 3. Promote sustainable land management GOVERNANCE AND DIVERSITY Key recommendations: 1. Develop a People’s Charter to assert human rights, and mandate consultation and recognition of civil society as the makers of our own destiny. 2. Put people at the centre of Governance by ensuring access, authority and accountability at all levels, and ensure capacity building initiatives ask people what they want at the local level, rather than impose or provide assumed solutions from the top down. 3. Commonwealth institutions of Governance should do more to include Indigenous peoples, including recognition in the Commonwealth Charter and as a priority in the Commonwealth’s post 2015 agenda. 4. Move away from historical models of only providing institutional care rather than empowering independence, choice and control amongst citizens. MIGRATION Key Issues - Rights of migrant workers to decent work - Migrants role in economic development of both host and country of origin (Diaspora remittance to Africa is more than what Africa receives in Aid, as agents of knowledge and skills transfer) - Factors that lead to migration that include increased unemployment, tribal clashes, Recommendations - Both countries of origin and recipient countries need to promote protection of right to decent work by migrant workers and their families weather document migrants or undocumented migrants - Need for a Harmonised, Transparent, accountable and participatory negotiations and policy formulation processes that will guarantee the rights of migrant workers and families - Need for Migration Management capacity and enhancing of international cooperation - To recognize and strengthen the role of migrants/Diaspora as a development partner or 2 war and political instability - Politicizing of migration. (securitization of migration i.e as an excuse to insecurity in host countries, as campaign tool that affects having sound migration policies in host countries) - The uniqueness of the small states migratory partners i.e the oceanic islands contribution to development, factoring in both peace and security of countries of origin RECONCILIATION Recommendations for best practice: 1. Importance of giving a voice to all sides of a conflict – the crucial role of a space to talk and negotiation. 2. Acknowledging each side’s voice and needs, develops respect for individuals and groups to regain their sense of identity and to re-humanise both sides of the dispute. Religion can be used as a tool to achieve this. 3. Essential to set out the process in advance – agreement of parameters. 4. Giving weight to the twin needs of justice and forgiveness enables disputants to look to the future. 5. Referencing and learning from other contexts, nationally, regionally and internationally. WOMEN’S SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT Recommendation 1: We call upon CHOGM for a Stand-alone Goal to empower girls & women and achieve gender equality be included in the Post-2015 Development Agenda [UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel Report (May 2013); Outcomes of the Women Affairs Ministerial Meeting (June 2013). Recommendation 2: We call upon CHOGM for Women Empowerment to be reflected in the Stand-alone goal and be intergrated into all other relevant goals, focusing on the following areas: Economic Empowerment:That women be empowered through entrepreneurship training; assistance and/or mentoring in setting up of small & medium enterprise; facilitate easy access to finance, credit, land and information, creation of safe and decent jobs ensuring that working conditions are consistent with conventions of the international labour standards. Social Empowerment:That legislative changes be made and/or established to reduce violence against women at home and/or in public, quality education for all girls, ending on early marriage; and mechanisms be set up to help victims; and that early education of girls in secondary schools on women empowerment to facilitate their understanding on these issues. Political Empowerment:3 That affirmative action such as quotas be taken to increase participation of women in Parliament; and human rights based approached be adopted to ensure inclusiveness to achieve quality education, economic empowerment, access to finance, land, property, environment sustainability, decent jobs, and peace & security. Recommendation 3: We call on GHOGM for political commitment on the ratification of the UN Conventions related to women & children including the: Convention for the Elimination & Discriminations Against Women (CEDAW); Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC); Core Conventions of International Labour Standards (ILS). YOUTH Practical recommendations responding to the issues raised Encourage self-employment through entrepreneurship. Government subsidized loans could be offered so that young people can start their own businesses. Necessity brings entrepreneurship and that’s an incentive for young people to start something of their own Get young people involved in volunteer activities and volunteerism early on so that they can acquire some real job skills. This will help them get their first job. This was mentioned by several persons from the audience Encourage and facilitate mobility among countries around the Commonwealth so that youth with skills needed somewhere else can leave their own country and find employment; in this respect, encourage the youth to learn not just one, but maybe two or three languages Increase the possibilities for apprenticeships by encouraging collaborations between higher education and business/employment sectors. Increase the possibilities for skills-based learning after school/college Educate youth to learn how to network. Include this in the curriculum, as networking is an important ability that can provide job opportunities Encourage youth to be more risk taking in their approach to getting a job One of the speakers ended with the following which I think was good: "Have confidence in the young people, give them a chance, and they will surprise you." - Kofi Annan 4