TUGAS DASAR DAN PROSES PEMBELAJARAN Jelia Nopilitawati jelianopilitawati@yahoo.com KOMUNITAS BLOGGER UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA A. Understanding Education Unit Level Curriculum SBC is composed of operational curriculum, developed, and implemented by each unit of education by paying attention to standards of competence and basic competencies developed by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). At the unit level education curriculum for upper secondary school (high school), especially the subjects of mathematics, there are six standards of competency for the class X (algebra, logic, trigonometry, geometry), there are six class XI IPA competency standards (statistical and opportunities, trigonometry, algebra, calculus), while for class XI IPS there are three standards of competence (statistics and chance, algebra, and calculus), class XII IPA there are five competency standards (calculus and algebra), there are four class XII IPS competency standards (calculus and algebra) B. Basic Concept Education Unit Level Curriculum SBC prepared and developed according to Law No. undagn. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System of article 36 paragraph 1), and 2) as follows. 1. Curriculum development carried out in accordance with national standards of education to achieve national education goals. 2. The curriculum at all levels and types of education developed by the principle of diversification in accordance with the educational unit, the potential of the region, and learners. C. Curriculum Component In the curriculum are the main components namely: 1. Education unit level educational purposes The objectives in the curriculum is divided into two parts, namely: a. The aim of the school (general) b. Goals to reach each eye pelejaran 2. Structure and Content SBC Structure and charge of SBC, which was stated in SI (Content Standards) includes five groups of subjects namely: a. groups of subjects noble religion and morals b. groups of subjects of citizenship and identity c. group of science and technology subjects d. aesthetic subjects group e. group of physical subjects, sports and health. 3. Mathematics Learning Strategies Ways to be taken in conducting the study by using an approach or method of presentation, group discussions, presentations and class discussions. In rows and rows of materials by using valuation techniques that is by writing test instrument to test the form fields. 4. Media or Source in Mathematics Learning materials\' performance, particularly in the concept of rows and rows of not very active in using the media, but can also use the computer while the source material may include textbooks, worksheets, internet. D. Content Standard Standard contents include material scope and level of competence to achieve competency in a particular grade and type of education, content standards are included in the basic framework and structure of curriculum, standards of competence and basic competence every subject in every semester of every type and level of basic education and secondary . Content standards established by Kepmendiknas no. 22 years old in 2006. As for who should be studied subjects performance on high school class XI: 1. Material concentration size measure are average, median, and modus 2. Basic of competency 1.3 Counting the concentration size measure, situation size measure and size measure spreading of data then its interpretation 3. Indicator 1. Read data in the form of frequency distribution tables 2. Present data in the form of frequency distribution tables 3. Determine the average, median, and modus E. Sandar Kompetensi Kelulusan (SKL) Competency standards are qualified graduate capabilities that include attitude, knowledge and skills as defined by Kepmendiknas NO 23 years in 2006. The SKL is: That must be achieved: students can solve this problem and can to find the average ,median and modus SEMESTER 1 Kalkulus Standard competence and basic competence Aljabar Standard competence and basic competence SEMESTER 2 Aljabar Standard competence and basic competence F. Application there are the value of mathematics examination skor Many of student 40- 1 49 50- 4 59 60- 8 69 70- 14 79 80- 10 89 90- 3 99 Question : determine the average of this data ! Answer : Skor Frequency Titik Fi.Xi Tengah (Xi) 40- 1 49 44,5 44,5 50- 4 59 54,5 218 60- 8 69 64,5 516 70- 14 79 74,5 1043 80- 10 89 84,5 845 90- 3 99 94,5 283,5 According to the formula of average , we can solve this problem : so the average is 73,75