LGS 6 Dove Holes - Chapel Parish Neighbourhood Plan


LGS 6 Dove Holes recreation area and green space behind

Local Green Space LGS 6

Criteria and reason for protection:

Dove Holes recreation area and natural green space behind.

1. Is the green space in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves?


YES: immediately adjacent to the built up area boundary, Dove Holes.

2. Is the green space demonstrably special to the local community and hold a particular local significance?

YES: It is extremely significant and allows access to the Ancient monument (Bullring Henge). It’s significance within the area is demonstrated by its constant use by all residents of our community and attracts residents from other communities to use our facilities. a) Are there significant views from the local area into or across the site? b) Does the site afford the public with significant views out into the wider countryside?

YES. Numerous dwellings overlook this site on three sides and have far and wide views over the landscape of the green space and beyond.

YES .This green space provides distant panoramic views all around the village of Dove Holes from the

Hills towards Buxton stretching around towards

Chapel-en-le-frith and Peak Forest. c) Does the site have special historic significance or features? d) Does the site have recreational value?

YES: The space includes the historic Bull Ring

Henge and Tumulus (English Heritage site) and the

Peak Forest Tramway Trail

YES: The Space includes two football pitches, cricket pitch, playing field, Multi use hard surface play area, children’s playground and attractive walking near to the village and along the route of the Tramway. e) Is the site particularly tranquil? f) Does the site have ecological value, trees, wildlife or habitat?

YES: The natural area near to the route of the Peak

Forest Tramway is tranquil and the wooded area adjacent to it.

YES: the natural area on the south eastern half of the site provides habitat for wildlife and wild flowers e.g. Scabious and rare Orchid flowers. g) Does the site form a significant green break within the settlement?

YES: it does create significant green space area within the built up area on three sides h) Are there other reasons that make the site special to local people?

This area from the playground site up to the border with the meadows (football field) and the Meadow to the rear of High Peak Bus garage is heavily used for recreational purposes and is the only site within

Dove Holes which has been developed for this purpose. It is held with high regards by all residents of our community.

It was noted that the High Peak Local Plan Impact

Assessment (Jan 2014) identified this as an area that could not accommodate development in landscape terms

i) Is there evidence demonstrating that the site is special to local people?

The children’s playground was developed, project managed and funds sourced by the playground committee and as a direct result of our survey when we developed our Parish Village Plan several years ago. The Junior football field was saved from potential redevelopment several years ago after the

Parish Council were petitioned and as a direct result they declined to have the site redeveloped.

Public survey results can be found within The Dove

Holes Village Plan.

See the photographs and comments from local people below.

3. Is the green area: a) local in character? b) an extensive tract of land?

Is there public access to the site?

Would the site provide the public with amenity value without public access? a) YES: clearly bounded by the built up area,

Dale Road to the south and the Peak Forest

Tramway track to the east b) NO: area only 0.4% of Neighbourhood Plan area.

YES: Open access and public footpaths some of which were developed and funded through

Derbyshire Aggregate Levy Funding Board.

Summary and recommendations: Recommend designation as a Local Green Space.

This space is special to local people for its recreational, historic and significant ecological value.

Comments from local people

Simon Youd “ This green space is vital to the well being of our community for generations to come and is used by all local children, dog walkers, archery club, cricket club, football club and our village school who also who use this space”.

Ken Gibson ”This green space is used by most villagers and by others not from the village. It is an integral part of our village historically with the ancient monument “The Bullring henge” and recreationally whether for sports or just walking and this has been developed over years by the local community”.

Hayley Khaira “ I have lived in the village for many years now and brought my family up here we use the green space of the field towards the Bullring, playground, hard surface area a lot. It’s amazing to see how much it is used by everyone”.

The Bull Ring Henge

Walk alongside the Tramway
