Lesson Plan B

Lesson Plan Format
Name: Jessica Livermore and Megan Snider
EDEL 200 Section: 3
Email Address: mesnider@bsu.edu, jglivermore@bsu.edu
Grade level: 2nd grade
Objective(s): The students will organize sentences and classify the types of verbs in
each sentence.
IN State Standard(s): Standard 6- Language Arts
Students write using Standard English conventions appropriate to this grade level.
IN Indicator: EL. 2.6.4
Grammar: Identify and correctly write various parts of speech, including nouns
(words that name people, places, or things) and verbs (words that express action or
help make a statement).
1. What verbs are
2. Where they are used/placed in a sentence
3. How to identify verbs
I. Motivation
Watch School House Rock Verbs video
What words did the video use?
What kind of things did the boy do?
Goal for Learner: Today we are going to learn about verbs. We are going to
talk about what they are, the different types, and how we use them. By the
end of this lesson you will write a sentence and identify and label different
types of verbs
New Information:
A verb tells what a person or thing does.
Every sentence has a verb
Verbs that tell what people or things do are called action verbs. (for example:
boys run, girls talk, or birds fly.)
Verb: it’s what you do. Examples: fly, drive, hit, and sleep.
Verbs usually follow nouns in a sentence. (For example, the man jumped.
The man is the noun and jumped is the verb)
Check for Understanding:
What is a verb?
What are two things that you did this morning?
Guided Practice: Students will get in a circle and act out verbs. Teacher will
read off words one at a time and some of the words will be nouns, adjectives,
and verbs. When students hear a word they believe is a verb, they will act it
Modeling: I will participate in the first few examples to demonstrate.
Check For Understanding: observing that students know when to act it out
and when to stand still. Occasionally ask students why they acted that word
or why they didn’t.
New Information:
Verbs tell when things happen.
We call that the verb tense.
Events can happen in the past, present, and future.
The past is when the event has already happened. Example: I walked to the
store. I ran to the store.
The present is when the event is actually happening. Example: I am walking
to the store. I run to the store.
The future is when the event hasn’t taken place yet. Example: I will walk to
the store. I will run to the store.
Check for Understanding:
What are the three verb tenses?
What are examples of past tense verbs? What are some things that you have
did yesterday?
What are examples of present tense verbs? What are some things that you
have done today?
What are examples of future tense verbs? What are some things that you are
going to do tomorrow?
Modeling: Find a verb and demonstrate for the students where I would place
that verb.
Practice: Cutting out a list of verbs and then placing them in past, present, or
future. Give them an organizer that has three columns labeled past, present,
or future. Have the students sort and glue the verbs into the correct column.
Check for Understanding: Observe the students as they put the verbs into
the columns to see if they put them in the correct column.
Assessment: Give the students a sheet with sentences in a scrambled order
(For example: instead of “my sister will play with me”, the sheet will say “will
My sister play me with”) They will put the sentence in the correct order and
then highlight the verb in each sentence. They will highlight past tense verbs
in blue, present tense verbs in pink, and future tense verbs in orange.
Extension: Have the students write a journal about what they did over the
weekend or what they will do the next weekend. After they are done with
the journal, ask them to circle all the verbs in the journal. They will then
choose a verb to illustrate.
Closure: We learned a lot about verbs today. You all did a great job! I’m so
proud of you! Who can tell me what a verb is? What are the three tenses of
the verbs? Who can give examples of verbs that we do everyday?
III. Evaluation
For the assessment, the students put sentences in the correct order. They then
identified and labeled the verbs in each sentence as either past tense verb, present
tense verb, or future tense verb.
5 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
All five
3-4 sentences
1-2 sentences
Attempt is
sentences in
in correct
in correct
correct order. order
Identify Verbs All five verbs
3-4 verbs
1-2 verbs
Attempt is
Identify verb
All five are
3-4 verbs are
1-2 verbs are
Attempt is
labeled with
labeled with
labeled with
correct tense.
correct tense.
correct tense
___/15 points