Curriculum Overview for Dry Drayton C of E Primary School Year group 5/6 Year A Spring Autumn 1st half English Mathematics Historical Stories War Horse, War Game. Play scripts Using dialogue War poetry 2nd half Retrieve, record and present information. Explanation Instruction Performance Poetry Place value of Write and order numbers up to decimal numbers. 10,000,000. Recognise, identify Decimal place and write value. equivalent Written and fractions, improper mental addition fractions and and subtraction. mixed numbers. Short Add and subtract multiplication and fractions. division. Convert between Compare and units of order fractions. measurement. Solve multi-step Identify 3D shapes problems. from 2D representations. Distinguish between irregular and regular polygons. Angles - measuring and constructing. 1st half Summer 2nd half 1st half 2nd half Non-chronological reports Journalistic writing Persuasive writing Narrative poetry - The Highwayman Stories with flashbacks Narrative Revision Nonsense poetry Short Stories - fantasy Play scripts genre Place value of numbers up to 10,000,000. Decimal place value. Negative numbers. Addition and subtraction of decimals and money. Co-ordinates and statistics. Fractions decimals and percentages. Multiplication and division of fractions and decimals. Algebra. Perimeter and area of rectangles and composite shapes. Scaling and ratio. Revision. Place value and decimals. Addition and subtraction. Multiplication, division and percentages. Angles and polygons. Extended written methods. Time and data. Interpreting data. Problem solving - four operations. Order of operations. Co-ordinates. Algebra Measures and reading scales. Conversion of units of measurement. Science Computing Chemistry Compare and sort materials by properties. Name, understand and evaluate different properties. Suggest uses for materials according to their properties. Recognise some materials will dissolve. Plan and carry out experiments to dissolve and separate materials. Espresso coding - Interactive challenges - Simple inputs - Buttons and instructions Chemistry Demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes. Know that some changes produce new materials. Separating insolubles. Physics Electricity Investigate components used in a circuit. Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function including: brightness of bulbs and volume of buzzers. Use circuit symbols. Espresso Coding - Sequence and animation - Conditional events - Variables - Repetition and loops Espresso coding Physics Forces Gravity and drag forces. Forces - transference of forces in gears, pulleys, levers and springs. Sound Light Light sources How light travels. - Internet research Posters & Flyers Control Video Independent research using computers across the curriculum Espresso coding - Video - Freeze frame photos Biology Plants Look at the function of parts of flowering plants, requirements for growth, water transportation in plants, life cycles and seed dispersal. All living things Identify an name plants and animals Look at classification keys Look at the life cycle of animals and plants Classification of plants, animals and micro-organisms - Branching Database - Email - Explore BBC science clips - Handling data - Presenting proposals - Branching database - Espresso coding Biology Pants and Animals Reproduction in plants and animals. Evolution and inheritance resemblance/ differences in offspring Changes in animals over time Adaptation to environments. Adaptation and evolution. Using Scratch - To gain an understanding of the fundamentals of programming using Scratch. -Linking to other programming languages. -To create, remix, and collaborate with others on Scratch projects. Art and Design World War 1 poppy fields paintings. Observation of poppies Water colour wash Focus on perspective. Sketch book See DT designs Sketch book fairground designs Structure of Castles. Investigating patterns in Castles Design and Technology Music Playing recorders focus on rhythm. Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using Singing - Christmas Carols - old and new. Sing and perform in solo and ensemble Charles Keeping's illustrations. Illustrate a line of the poem. Experiment with colour to recreate parts of the poem. Chalk and charcoal doors - investigate wood patterns Sketch book skills Colour mixing Mood maps Andy Goldsworthy – natural sculptures Leaf skeletons – pen and ink Research fairground rides Identify rotating and moving parts in rides and how they workincluding cogs and pulleys. Fairground ride design Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose and aimed at particular individuals or groups . Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams, prototypes, pattern pieces and computer-aided designs. Make a fairground ride Select appropriate tools, materials and equipment Explore the sensory qualities of materials and how to use materials and processes. How electrical circuits, including those with simple switches, can be used to achieve results that work. Evaluate rideReflect on the progress of their work as they design and make rides, identifying ways that they could improve their products. Make a model of the parts of a plant Explore the sensory qualities of materials and how to use materials and processes. Playing recordersIndividual composition work Transcribe, describe and evaluate music Listen to a variety of musical styles Vocal work - singing as part of an Composition work: Musically interpreting moods and atmosphere from works of art Sing in harmony against a melody Playing recorders Ensemble playing Use of ostinato patterns and harmonies Exploring dynamics Observational drawing/painting Exhibitions and art galleries KS2 End of Year Production Putting on a performance Physical Education voice and playing instruments with increasing accuracy, control and expression. Listening to Beethoven's 5th SymphonyAppreciate and understand music by great composers. Develop an understanding of the history of music. Gymnastics – Partner work mirroring and matching. Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance to create movement phrases collaboratively with a partner. Outdoor Games Football. Improve accuracy and control in passing and dribbling. Small sided competitive contexts, with increasing accuracy, control and expression. ensemble Outdoor Games Netball Perform ball handling skills with control and consistency within small-sided games. Dance Learn motifs and connect to create a sequence of movements. Outdoor games Invasion - attack and defence. Apply attacking/defending strategies within small sided competitive games. Accurate evaluation of personal ability in attacking and defending roles. Gymnastics - partner work - holes and obstacles. Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance to create movement phrases with a partner. Handle and use apparatus safely. Vocal work singing as part of an ensemble Swimming and water safety: Teach water confidence and safety working towards techniques for the 3 basic strokes (front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke) coordinating leg, arm and breathing movements Swim at the surface and under water Athletics Running, jumping and throwing techniques with precision and control. Swimming As for Spring 2 improving stroke and breathing technique. Tennis Perform forehand and backhand strokes with control and consistency. Devise and implement individual and doubles tactics using their skills and knowledge of net games Swimming As for Spring 2 and developing stamina. Athletics Rounders PSHE games. Conflict and Resolution To explore feelings associated with conflict and how they affect our behaviour. To understand ways of responding to conflict that will bring about a positive outcome for both parties. Healthy and Safer Lifestyles Focus on different ways to stay healthy and safe. Citizenship Working Together Recognise their own strengths and understand To how they are perceived by others. Challenge themselves and others to work on developing new skills. Citizenship Diversity and Communities Explore own identity and that of other people, and how other people’s perceptions can influence views of identity. Healthy and Safer Lifestyles Sex and Relationship Education Know and understand about the physical changes that take place at puberty, why they happen and how to manage them. To Religious Education Spanish Christianity and Judaism Is religion what you say or what you do? Christianity and Christmas Whose version of the Nativity is most accurate? Look at the Nativity through the medium of Art. Will the Church support a war? Look at religion in relation to World War 1 To revise numbers 1-31, the days of the week and the months of the year. To ask and answer 'What date is it today?' To revise and extend knowledge of the numbers needed to tell the time: learning the 5 times table + song. To learn how to ask for and give the time (hour, half and quarter). To describe what you usually have for Christianity: Christians in other parts of the world. What’s it like to be a Christian in Vellore? Study life as a Christian where it is not the main religion of the country. Christianity Bishop Stephen’s Lent Challenge Take part in the challenge issued by Ely Diocese. Hinduism What stories can images and deities tell us about Hindu beliefs? Explore Hinduism through Art and story. To learn how to communicate likes and dislikes. To learn to use different persons of the regular -AR verb DESAYUNAR (to have breakfast). To learn how to say ‘you prefer’. To practise saying what you eat and drink for lunch on different days. To practise looking up new nouns in a bilingual dictionary. Using alphabetical order, working out when to use a dictionary and when not to. Combining new language with verbs of like and dislike to create To describe a variety of weathers in the present tense. To use the language of weather to describe typical climates in different places, combining with familiar expressions of frequency. To learn the names of five countries and describe their flags. To revise adjectival agreement. To learn some key vocabulary to describe why countries are well-known. breakfast. History Invention of plastic. How did life change here for people like us during World War One? How did life change here for people like us during the Norman Conquest? The Viking and Anglo Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England. Battle of Hastings. Edward the Confessor and his death in 1066 new sentences. To use the three verbs associated with eating different meals to say what you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and times you have them. To use expressions of frequency to add detail. To practise the use of -AR and -ER regular verbs in different persons. To build sentences using verbs, time expressions and food items. To learn some key language to describe features of Spain. To learn how to say a lot / many To read and understand a text about Spain with some unfamiliar language. To work out from visual and textual clues the meaning of new words. To pronounce accurately new words from a text. To say exactly where you live To learn words to say what is in a town. To create sentences to say / write there is / there is not To embed the new vocabulary for places in the town and have a short conversation. History of fairground rides. Changes in technology and the relevance to fairground ride development. Place changes into correct period of time. Describe reasons for change. Organise historical information. People who have made a difference to our lives and the lives of others. Louis Braille – inventor of the Braille system. Geography Location of countries involved in WW1 and battlefields. Location of castles in our region. How well do you know the British Isles? Use maps, atlases and globes to identify the UK and its countries, counties and cities. Traffic issues. Fairground itinerary. Audit of school grounds - observe, measure, record and present human and physical features. Contact schools/company localities Questionnaire Use aerial photos and plans. Formulating and presenting a proposal Orienteering and mapping skills Use compass skills - eight points.