File - Lindsey Morrison

Lindsey Morrison
Annotated Literature Review
1.) Problem Statement:
Building sustainable homes on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico to with-stand the natural power
of hurricanes. Environmentally efficient materials and techniques that are used in the
construction of new homes, so that when a destructive hurricane hits the Gulf Coast, many lives
and homes are salvaged. This would help reduce the amount of pollution that is released into
the environment post-storm. Having a smaller amount of homes destroyed means money
saved to rebuild and a reduced amount of home destruction.
2.) Most relevant to axiom 1.
3.) Table of Essential Ideas & Concepts:
Primary Concept
& Related
resources used to
construct homes on
the gulf coast
Secondary Concepts
Pollution will be less
after a hurricane if the
home is constructed
with the right materials
The effects of
hurricanes on homes on
the Gulf of Mexico
 Home
 Gulf of Mexico
Gulf coast
4.) Search Statements:
 ("building homes" OR "constructing homes") AND ("gulf coast") AND
("efficiently") Environmental Impact Statements; 5 results
 ("building homes" OR "constructing homes") AND ("gulf coast") AND
("efficiently") ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text: Social Sciences; 39
 ("building homes" OR "constructing buildings" OR "constructing homes") AND
("Gulf of Mexico" OR “gulf coast”) AND ("sustainably" OR "sustainable" OR
"efficiently" OR "efficient" OR "sustainability") AND ("hurricanes" OR
"hurricane" OR "tropical storm" OR "tropical storms") Summon: 1,196 results
 ("building homes") AND ("sustainable") AND ("gulf of mexico") ProQuest
Environmental Science Journals: 1,090 results
 ("building homes") AND ("sustainable") AND ("hurricanes") AND ("gulf of
mexico") ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text: Science & Technology: 10
5.) Sources
Lindsey Morrison
Aerts J, Wouter Botzen WJ (2011) Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York
City: Bringing flood insurance, building codes, and flood zoning. Annals of the N. Y.
Academy of Sciences 1227:1:1-82
This journal article is about waterfront construction in New York City and how it will
change waterfront development. I can use this information to compare to the different
building codes and flood zoning for the gulf coast of America. Hopefully this will show
the difference in policies in different parts of the U.S. and I would be able to point out
what needs to be changed.
Aldrich D (2012) Building Resilience: Social Capital in Post-Disaster Recovery. EconLit.
This book show the ways to build healthy buildings that will with-stand natural disasters.
It will help me understand the sustainable ways of building homes and other structures. I
will also be able to compare different construction ideas with other opinions.
Beven JL II, Avila LA, Blake ES et al (2008) Atlantic Hurricane Season of 2005.
Monthly Weather Rev. 136:3:1109-1173
Jain VK, Davidson RA (2007) Application of a Regional Hurricane Wind Risk
Forecasting Model for Wood-frame Houses. Risk Analysis 27:1:45-58
This article is for understanding hurricanes on wood-framed houses. It will help with the
development of what changes could be made to improve the conditions of at-risk homes.
I will be able to find building codes and analyze what could be changed.
Pistrika A, Jonkman S (2010) Damage to residential buildings due to flooding of New
Orleans after hurricane Katrina. Nat Hazards 54:413-434 doi: 10.1007/s11069-009-9476y
Puckett R (2006) Concrete Applications for a Sustainable World. Environmental Des. +
Construction. 9:7:S2,S5
This article will help me analyze the damage to buildings post-storm from Katrina. I will
find vital information about different building types that held up during the storm.
Santella N, Steinberg L, Sengul H (2010) Petroleum and Hazardous Material Releases
from Industrial Facilities Associated with Hurricane Katrina. Risk Analysis 30:635-649
doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2010.01390.x
This will help me see the damage to buildings and other structures and how they
contribute to pollution of the environment. It will also show hurricane proof building
structures and their strengths.
Shiller A, Shim M, Guo L et al (2012) Hurricane Katrina impact on water quality in the
East Pearl River, Mississippi. J of Hydrology (Amsterdam) 414-415:388-392
Lindsey Morrison
This will help me analyze understand what the water quality was in the water bodies
surrounding New Orleans, LA. I will find information about how much pollution was put
into the environment after hurricane Katrina.
Simmons KM, Sutter D (2008) Manufactured home building regulations and the
February 2, 2007 Florida Tornadoes. Nat Hazards 46:3:415-425
This article relates to hurricanes and tornadoes and their effects on mobile homes in
Florida. I would be able to compare and analyze different aspects of building codes for
mobile homes in Florida and find what the best way of sustainably constructing them.
Torgal FP, Jalali S (2011) Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials. Springer
London. doi: 10.1007/978-0-85729-892-8
This gives me essential information on what buildings would with-stand hurricanes. Vital
information about eco-friendly materials and how useful and strong they are is also
provided. This article relates to the building of sustainable homes part of my problem.
Vlosky RP, Shupe TF (2004) U.S. homebuilder perceptions about treated wood. For.
Products J. 54:10:41-48
Voelcker A (2000) Alternative Construction – Contemporary Natural Building Methods.
The Architectural Rev. Page 96.
Waugh W Jr, Smith RB (2006) Economic Development and Reconstruction on the Gulf
after Katrina. Economic Development Q. 20:3:211-218
This will relate to the construction choices after a major hurricane. A hurricane like
Katrina could hit again and it would destroy what was built if it isn’t constructed the
proper way. I can get a deeper look into why there were certain ways New Orleans was
built after the hurricane and figure out what would have been the most efficient way after
relating to eco-construction resources.
Wlodarczyk HA (2013) Somewhere That’s Green? Visions of Sustainable Suburbia.
Dissertation, University of Minnesota
The dissertation helps me get a look into sustainable suburbs. I will then be able to relate
that information on how the suburbs are efficient. This information will help me relate to
largely populated areas and the potential effects after a hurricane in the areas.