1(6) Master’s Degree Programme in Education and Globalisation 7.1.2015 COMPLETED MASTER’S THESES 1. Ala-Ruona, J. (2013). A Phenomenographic Study of Finnish High School Students' Conceptions of Finnishness. 2. Alemu, W. (2013). Inclusion Barriers: Studying Experiences of Students with Visual Impairments (Blind) in Addis Ababa University. 3. Alexaki, M. (2013). Global Education as Pedagogies of Caring and Relations: Theoretical Discussions and a Proposal for the Classroom. 4. Alvardo Gonzáles, G.K. (2012). Critical Multicultural Education: The Benefits of a Cross-Curricula Approach in a New Zealand Context. (Part of a collective thesis: Alvardo Gonzáles, G.K. and Muche B. (2012). Critical Multicultural Education: The Benefits of a Cross-Curricula Approach in a New Zealand Context.) 5. Anttalainen, K. (2013). Decolonising the Mind? National Identity and Historical Consciousness in Cameroonian History Textbooks. 6. Ashu, F. (2012). The Role of Parents in Early Childhood Education in Cameroon. 7. Aminkeng, A. (2010). The Effect of Poverty on Education in Cameroon. A Phenomenographical Study of Five Cameroonian Students Residing in Finland. 8. Anttila, G. (2010). Historical and Political Analysis of the Bologna Process and its Relation to the European Higher Education Area and UNESCO Documents. 9. Bate, W. (2011). The Challenges of Attaining the Education for All Goal of Universal Primary Education in Cameroon. 10. Belonina, I. (2014). Missions, Benefits and Challenges of Implementing the UNESCO Associated School Project: Teachers' Perspective. 11. Beresford, C. (2010). The Lived Experiences of Environmental Activists in Finland: A Phenomenological Study. 12. Briggs, T. (2010). Teacher Educators’ Professional Development and its Support at University. 13. Camara, B. (2015). Effects of globalisation on Cambian education: focus on policy changes. 14. Campari, E. (2010). Literature as an Educational Tool for Enhancing Emancipatory Learning - A Literary Analysis of the Mozambican Writer Paulina Chiziane’s Novel Niketche. 15. Cardona Lopez, J. (2011). Re-visiting and Re-framing Gender and Sexual Diversity with First Year International Teacher Education Students - Developing Professional Ethics Course Curricula. FACULTY OF EDUCATION P.O.Box 2000 FI-90014 UNIVERSITY OF OULU FINLAND Phone +358 (0)294 480 000 www.oulu.fi/ktk/edglo 2(6) 16. Chan, H.K. (2012). Engaging Global Issues from a Buddhist Perspective - An Alternative Worldview Moving from a Cartesian Self towards a No-self. 17. Da Silva, L. (2012). Jesus Christ Liberator and Pedagogy of the Oppressed. The Common Paths of Leonardo Boff and Paulo Freire. 18. Egami, Y. (2012). Teacher Autonomy and the Professional Learning Community in Finland: Exploring the Context of PISA Success. 19. Fast, E. (2011). Teaching: a Practical Craft? Teacher Constructions of Professionalism in the Context of Teacher Education Reform in England. 20. Forsman, B. (2013). South African Teachers' Perceptions of Citizenship Education: An Investigation of History Teachers' Understandings of Citizenship Education while it Is Being Re-conceptualized in Post-apartheid Curriculum Changes. 21. Garza García, L. (2013). The Socio-professional Profile of Teachers in Mexico: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Documentary Films. 22. Güner, B. (2009). Creating Future World Citizens - A Phenomenographic Study of Teachers’ Understanding on Implementation of Global Education at an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP) in Finland. 23. Gurova, G. (2014). A Programme for Russian Higher Education Leaders through the New Public Management Lens. 24. Haipinge, E. (2013). Conceptions of Social Media, and its Role in Supporting Networked Learning: A Global South Perspective through Student Teachers in Namibia. 25. Heikkilä, H. (2011). Social Support and Empowerment at the Girls’ House – a Phenomenological Study of the Girls’ Experiences. 26. Hiltunen, S. (2012). My Future Plan is to Educate Myself and Get a Decent Job – Young Immigrants’ Educational Experiences, Opportunities and Pursuit of Career in Finland. 27. Huang, Z. (2013). Analysis of Empowerment through Traditional Chinese Ethics Education (Dizi Gui) in Beijing Sunvillage for Minor-children of Convicts. 28. Id, L. (2014). Women in the ERA-NET Neuron 2010 Joint Transnational Call: A Reflection of the Impact of Gender Mainstreaming Policies in the European Science Field. 29. Ignatova, S. (2015). English language practices in the Northern Finland : insights from five students’ narratives. 30. Jaatinen, T. (2011). Educators Tackling Climate Change - Perceptions and Practices from Fiji. 3(6) 31. Kalu, E. (2009). Health Educators' Conceptions on the "Smoke-free Finland 2040 (Savuton Suomi 2040)" Goal. 32. Karjalainen, M. (2009). “It cannot solve all the problems but it can make a contribution”. The Role of Language Policy and Planning in the Transformation of the University of Cape Town. 33. Karttunen, K. (2012). Teacher professionalism in Namibia: A Phenomenographic Study of Six Primary School Teachers. 34. Kemppainen, S. (2007). Towards a Multicultural Labour Market in Finland: A Study on the Debate in Two Finnish Newspapers, Helsingin Sanomat and Kaleva. 35. Kotzschmar, S. (2010). Exploring the Human Side of Labour Migration – Labour Migrant Families’ Well-being and Adaption to Oulu Area. 36. Krutykh, Z. (2011). The Role of History in Shaping New National Identities for Citizens of South Africa and Russia: a Comparative Analysis of History in School Textbooks. 37. Laakso, J. (2013). Conceptions of academic writing and experienced stress relating to doctorate students´ dissertation process. 38. Lah, N. (2009). What Makes Company Training Effective? A Case Study Examining the Training Perceptions of Planners, Organizers and Trainers of Important Factors that Influence Training Effectiveness. 39. Le, T.M.H. (2014). Down to Earth Teachers - A case study on Teacher-Student Relationship in Higher Education in Finland. 40. Leal Terra Silva, F. (2014). Obstacles to Moral Education in a Private School: A Qualitative Case Study in Brazil. 41. Lee, P.F. (2013). Social Integration in Today's Singapore Society: An Analysis of Articles Discussing Immigration in Singapore Newspapers. 42. Lee, Y. (2012). The Use of Photographs in Educational Research. 43. Li, T. (2010). Challenges for Implementing Indigenous Languages as the Medium of Instruction in Tertiary Education in South Africa. 44. Liu, D. (2011). Sky Did not Fall: Graduate Student's Perceptions towards the National College Entrance Exam in the Context of Higher Education Development in China. 45. Liu, H. (2009). Study Abroad for Holistic Personal Growth: Chinese Students’ Narratives on Their Intercultural Experiences in Finland. 4(6) 46. Liu, J. (2012). ‘Chinese Are Welcome, But…’ Student Teachers’ Attitudes toward Chinese Immigration Influx in New Zealand. 47. Liu, Y. (2012). Examining the ‘Help Imperative’ in International Education. (Part of a larger collective thesis: Liu, Y., Nicolson, M., Sui X., Uematsu, K., and Vainio, K. (2012). Mapping Research Trends in Diversity and Immigration: Examining the AERA 2010 Conference as a Privileged Site of Knowledge Production.) 48. Mafi, B. (2011). Conflicting Demands, Practices and Values – Teachers’ Perceptions of the ZIMSEC Grade Seven (year seven) National Examinations. 49. Marden, K. (2011). Parental Understandings of an IB World School - Oulu International School, a Case Study. 50. Masoud, A. (2014). Non-Formal Education and Youth Empowerment in the Knowledge-based Economy - A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Europe 2020 Strategy. 51. Mattila I. (2014). "Well, they're not people at all." Representations of dehumanization in John Boyne's novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. 52. Michel Santos Araujo Braga, M. (2012). Power Relations and Rationales around Internationalization of Higher Education. 53. Mihut, G. (2012). The Relation between University Prestige and Alumni Employment Rate in UK – A Quantitative Analysis. 54. Minasyan, H. (2010). European Integration Processes and their Impact on European Higher Education. The Bologna process and Armenia. 55. Muche, B. (2012). Critical Multicultural Education: The Benefits of a Cross-Curricula Approach in a New Zealand Context. (Part of a collective thesis: Alvardo Gonzáles, G.K. and Muche B. (2012). Critical Multicultural Education: The Benefits of a Cross-Curricula Approach in a New Zealand Context.) 56. Muniandy, M. (2009). In Search of Teaching Computer Ethics to Computer Science Students. 57. Murphy, D. (2012). The Global Education Reform Movement and the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA): A Secondary Analysis of PISA Data. 58. Mutiarawati, F. (2012). Developing an Education Program with 'Marginalized' Communities – Learning from Sokola, a Local NGO in Indonesia. 59. Nakahodo, A. (2012). Drama for Diversity. The Bases of Approaching Difference and Fostering Empathy through Drama. 60. Nesterova, Y. (2014). Church, Gender and Marginality: An Ethnographic Study of Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Tigray, Ethiopia. 5(6) 61. Nicolson, M. (2012). Bilingualism/Biculturalism: Historical Power Relations and Their Legacies. (Part of a larger collective thesis: Liu, Y., Nicolson, M., Sui X., Uematsu, K., and Vainio, K. (2012). Mapping Research Trends in Diversity and Immigration: Examining the AERA 2010 Conference as a Privileged Site of Knowledge Production.) 62. Nyarko, J. (2012). The Role of Finnish Teachers in Supporting Immigrant Children with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 63. Oikarinen, K. (2013). Global Citizenship in the Testimonials of Westerners Volunteering in the Global South. 64. Oostendorp, S. (2010). Education for Leadership – Designing, Implementing and Evaluating a Leadership Training Programme in Seven South African High Schools. 65. Otsamo, I. (2010). Individual Skills for Positive Global Change. 66. Pudas, K. (2007). We Try to Visualise Things towards the Future: Global Education as Understood by the Comprehensive School Principals in Oulu. 67. Roininen, S. (2014). "Sanna, Are You an Adult or a Pupil?" - An Autoethnography on the "Self" as an Embodiment in the Ethos of Lifelong Learning. 68. Saarela, H. (2010). Rethinking Cross-border Trade in Higher Education in Relation to GATS and Internationalization: Conceptualizing, Problematizing and Challenging the Current Debate. 69. Sallen, A. (2013). Cultivating Utopia: an Argument for Messy Mundane Process and Urban Agriculture Projects. 70. Seo, H. (2013). Korean Smart Education Policy (KSE) as a National Strategy for Introducing ICT as an Instrument for Increasing Creativity and Equity in Education. 71. Shimada, A. (2014). Deconstruction in Encountering Artwork - Meaning Making Process as a Site for Decoding. 72. Shoma, H. (2012). Tanzanian Secondary School Students' Conceptions of the Teacher-Student Relationship. 73. Segole, S. (2010). The South African Schools Integrated Quality Management System: Perceptions of Staff Development Teams and its Impact on Teacher Professional Development. 74. Shchedrin A. (2013). The Idea of Global Citizenship in the Documents and Publications of UNESCO. 75. Shipitsyna, N. (2009). Development of Intercultural Competence through Second Language Acquisition? A Study of Russian-speaking Immigrants’ Acculturation in the Netherlands. 76. Shote, L. (2011). Cultural and Identity Issues in Finland: Experiences of Seven Immigrants from West Africa. 77. Siddiqah-Oinonen, M. (2015) Portraying Indonesian women's post-migration life in Finland. 6(6) 78. Sinkkonen, P. (2009). The Positive Elements in the Integration Process of the Evacuated Karelians in Finland – A Narrative Inquiry. 79. Solana Mendes Peixoto, I. (2013). Development Aspirations in English Language Textbooks in Brazil. 80. Sosoo, B.F. (2014). Teachers' Perceptions of Study Leave with Pay Policy and its Impact on Teacher Recruitment, Motivation and Retention: A Case Study of Ghana. 81. Sui, X. (2012). Mapping Research Trends in Diversity and Immigration: Examining the AREA 2010 Conference as a Privileged Site of Knowledge Production. (Part of a larger collective thesis: Liu, Y., Nicolson, M., Sui X., Uematsu, K., and Vainio, K. (2012). Mapping Research Trends in Diversity and Immigration: Examining the AERA 2010 Conference as a Privileged Site of Knowledge Production.) 82. Tsugami, N. (2014). Exploring Finnish Teachers' Conceptions of Key Competencies: A Phenomenographic Study. 83. Turkova, D. (2010). Adaptation Experiences of Russian-speaking Female Students in Finland. 84. Uematsu, K. (2012). Mapping Trends and Examining Issues in Leadership Development in AERA Abstracts: Focus on Educational Leadership and Preparation Programs. (Part of a larger collective thesis: Liu, Y., Nicolson, M., Sui X., Uematsu, K., and Vainio, K. (2012). Mapping Research Trends in Diversity and Immigration: Examining the AERA 2010 Conference as a Privileged Site of Knowledge Production.) 85. Vainio, K. (2012). Teachers’ Dispositions towards Diversity: Deficit Theorization and Educational Inequalities. (Part of a larger collective thesis: Liu, Y., Nicolson, M., Sui X., Uematsu, K., and Vainio, K. (2012). Mapping Research Trends in Diversity and Immigration: Examining the AERA 2010 Conference as a Privileged Site of Knowledge Production.) 86. Valter, G. (2013). Mechanism of Choice in the Road End's Village. A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Perceptions of the System of Parental Choice in Primary Education and their Professional Roles in Rural Contexts on Hungary. 87. Vaughan, B. (2013). Planning for e-(e)quality: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Discourse on Equality and Quality in the South African White Paper on e-Education (2004). 88. Warsame, S. (2009). School for All? Somali Parents’ Views on their Children’s Education, Multicultural Education and Integration in Finland. 89. Zheng, X. (2012). Identifying the Secret of High Quality Finnish Education: a Perspective from Foreign students. 90. Zhou, Y. (2010). A Case Study on Effective Marketing Tools Used by a Finnish Fee-based Bachelor Program in Recruiting Chinese students.