Physical Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: __Casey Olson_____
UW-Platteville HPE Program Physical Education Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Title _______________________________________________________________
Unit ___Soccer__________________________________________ Day# Last Day in the Unit_
Grade level(s)/Course __5th grade_________________________
Date taught – (if taught) November 12, 2014____
Textbook, Instructional Program, or Web Resource referenced to guide your instruction
Date of Publication
Previous lesson plans and lesson ideas
District, school or cooperating teacher requirement or expectations that might influence your planning or delivery of instruction.
Mineral Point Elementary
Cooperating Teacher: Bethany Riechers
Amount of time devoted each day or week in your classroom to the content or topic of your instruction.
40 minutes of class on a 3 day rotation
Describe how ability grouping or tracking (if any) affects your planning and teaching of this content.
The cardiovascular endurance of the students will have an effect on the grouping for the activity that the students are playing. The cardio endurance
of the students will make the group go smoother and equal out the field of students. The abilities of the students should be taken into effect and can
be evenly distributed between the groups.
List any other special features of your school or classroom that will affect the teaching of this lesson.
There is one gym for the elementary school. It is nice that there is only one grade in the gym at a time. The size of the gym is a little larger than a
basketball court. When students are split into groups that activities that the students are working on can have an effect on the other group’s skill
development. It could affect the teaching of the lesson if there are balls that are flying in different directions or being kicked in different directions
while student are working.
Total # of students____18_____
# of Males____10______
# of Females______8____
Special Needs Students:
Number of
Accommodations and/or pertinent IEP Objectives
Students with IEPs
English Language Learners
Gifted and Talented
Autism or other special needs
Use information here to complete the “Differentiated Instruction” and “Classroom Management” prompt within actual lesson plan.
Content Strand –
Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities
Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of
physical activities
Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity
Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question
The important part of this lesson is for student to engage in soccer activities that will help promote the skills that students have worked on leading up
to the last day of the lesson. Students will have the chance to incorporate the skills that they have worked on in other soccer lessons. They will have
the chance to incorporate them into an overall soccer activity. ```
DOK = Depth of Knowledge
GLE and Symbolic Notation
1:2:B1 Performs a combination of movement,
sport, or leisure skills. Examples include: dribble,
pass, receive, shoot juggling rhythm patterns jump
rope front cross
2:2:A2 Locates heart rate and describes how it
is used to monitor exercise intensity
Level 2: Basic Application of Skills/Concepts
Level 3: Strategic Thinking and Reason
3:2:A4 Monitors his or her physical activity by
using a pedometer to count the number
Level 3: Strategic Thinking and Reason
of steps taken or the distance traveled.
Student Learning Outcomes (objectives) Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
By the end of the lesson students will be able to incorporate the skills developed overtime between previous lessons and affectively implement these
skills in to a game of sideline soccer.
Academic Language
Content specific terms:
soccer specific terms, spatial awareness
Process terms:
consecutive, demonstrate
Prior Learning/Prior Thinking
This is a lesson plan that has the student competing in soccer game activities. I predict that students will be able to take the skills that they have
learned over the previous lessons and effectively complete the activities that are created for the lesson. I also predict that students might struggle
with using their sideline teams to help complete activity. Also that the students on the side line might struggle with understanding to stay on the
sideline and not coming out onto the playing field until their number is called. I predict that students will have success completing the activities
because the students have been successful with the previous soccer lessons. I also predict that student could struggle with understanding they can
move around the whole gym.
This is not going to be a lesson that is new for the students. It is the last day of the soccer lesson. I personally know that the students will have
previous knowledge of the skills that are incorporated with in an overall game of soccer. The students were able to practice these skills throughout
previous lesson in the soccer unit.
Skill Development
1. Basic Skill Instruction
Student will have the opportunity to incorporate
knowledge of soccer skill into the soccer game
2. Application of Skills
Students will have the opportunity to enhance
their dribbling skills during one of the main
activities. The student will then be able to
incorporate the enhanced skills into the main
soccer game activity.
Total time:
Fitness Benefits
3. Skill Related Fitness
Students will use their speed and agility while playing the main
soccer game activities. The student will be able to work on
coordination while participating in the knockout activity.
Health Related Fitness
Students will be able to actively engage their cardiovascular
endurance while participating in the fitness warm up and during
main soccer game.
Formations / Cues
Life Skills
5. Effort
Student will exhibit effort based on the amount of running
they do during the warm up activities as well as the main
soccer activity.
Goal Setting
7. Communication
The students will communicate throughout the entire
lesson. The students will communicate with their groups
during the main soccer activity game to effectively
complete the task in order effectively score goals.
Students will complete round one of the stations
and will stop and take their own heart rate. The
students will then share their results. We will
find students that are having high heart rates and
then students that are having low heart rates.
Lesson Objective(s):
There are going to be six fitness stations that
the students will complete. The students will
be split equally into the six different fitness
groups. Each station will have a different
exercise that they will have to complete.
Students will complete the stations for a
specific amount of time. When the time is
completed the students will jog between
stations. The students will complete the
stations a total of two times around.
Station one: Push ups
Station two: Mountain Climbers
Station three: Sit ups
Station four: Line jumps
Station five: Lunges
Station six: Burpees
Push Ups
Mountain Climbers
Sit Ups
Line Jumps
Planned Transitions
Students will line up on the base line and
wait for instruction for the next activity
Main Activities /
Total time:
Formations / Cues
Lesson objective(s):
Within a grid marked off by cones, everyone will
have a ball, and everyone will be trying to
protect their ball from being knocked out of the
grid. Each student will try to kick other students
balls out of the grid while trying to protect their
own ball. If a student is knocked out, they must
retrieve their ball an juggle it with their feet until
the game is over. The game is over when there is
one remaining student left with their ball.
Students are going to wear the pedometers
during the knockout and sideline soccer game.
Planned Transitions
students will place balls in the bag and sit in their
warm up lines.
Sideline Soccer
The students are going to be in groups of
four. Each group will have a number for the
whole group. There will be two groups
competing head to head in a game of soccer.
They are going to play for a certain amount of
time and then I will call another number to
play each other. The groups that are on the
sideline are allowed to help the groups that
are playing the game but have to stay on the
Planned Transitions
Students will return to warm up lines
Cool-down /
Total time:
Formations / Assessment Strategy
Lesson objective(s):
Students are going to return to their
warm up lines.
Students are going to answer questions about the lesson. The students will also have time to look at their
pedometers and share their results.
Assessment at the end of the lesson –
The students are going to be assessed throughout the entire lesson. They are going to engage in an activity to enhance dribbling skill and then engage in a game of
soccer. They will be able to enhance the skill that they have learned in the previous lesson and then are able to implement those skills into the overall soccer game
activity that they will participate in. By the end of the lesson the students will understand that concepts used in soccer and be able to implement them in the game.
Assessment of technique: Who can demonstrate for me how to effectively dribble a soccer ball?
Assessment of rules: Who can describe and demonstrate how to begin a game of soccer?
Formative- Teacher observation will be occurring through all the activities of the lesson
Summative- questions of the knowledge at the end of the lessons such as demonstration
Equipment needs
Soccer balls
Safety Considerations
Spatial awareness
Soccer ball while in play
Differentiated Instruction
Describe here how you will modify or adapted your instruction based on the various learning needs of your student.
Modify equipment – The size of the goal can be increased, and the size and type of the ball can be changed if students are struggling with completing the game.
Modify task – When completing the game of soccer there can be a set limited number of passes before the students can attempt to score a goal.
Modify instruction – The students will be able to look at the whiteboard to be reminded them of the exercises that the students need to do when they are
completing the fitness stations.
Modify equipment- The kickball that is being used for the activity can be modified to either a softer ball if the students are having a hard time kicking, or for
younger students, or using a harder ball if the softer one is limiting the students success for the activity.
Modify task- Instead of the students alternating over the head then under the legs the task can be modified so that all student are doing the same thing if students
are having a hard time remembering the directions.
Classroom Management/Democratic Practices
Describe here how you will manage the learning environment based on the various learning needs of your student.
I will select the teams for the students so there is minimal arguing. I will be able to equalize the playing field and place students where they will be
most successful. By selecting groups there should be a positive learning environment that allows the students to enjoy what they are doing.