Standardization of Otolith-based Ageing Protocols for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Workshop Agenda 16-18 January, Workshop url: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, Maryland, US Venue: Meetings, interpretation trials, and continental breakfast all held in 1120 Bernie Fowler Building, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. Two stereo-zoom microscopes with attached image presentation systems, one system attached to large white board. Participants should each bring a lap-top with installed PhotoShop (Adobe ©). Image sets will be provided on thumb drives or a common access drive on CBL’s local area network. Principal Product: An amendment to the ICCAT Bluefin Tuna Direct Ageing Manual on annulus interpretation guidelines and ageing conventions. Wednesday 16 January 8:30 Continental breakfast 9:00 Introductions, modifications to agenda Session 1. Interpretation of annuli 9:30 Presentations followed by discussion 1. First annulus identification and measures – Matt Siskey and Patricia Lastra Luque 2. Criteria for annulus identification and edge interpretation – Ben Gahagan (transmitted light) Dheeraj Busawon (reflected light) 3. Concurrence on criteria for annuli interpretation Session 2. Evaluation of sectioning plane and transmitted v. reflected light 12:00 Introduction to precision trials using serial sections and different light sources 12:30 Lunch at Kim’s Cafe 2:00 Individual assignment of annuli for trial set of otolith sections (varying section plan and light type). Participants will be given the same set of 30-40 images to assign annuli using Photo-shop. Microscopes will be available to view imaged otolith sections as well. 6:00 Dinner at local joint (participants polled on preference) Thursday 17 January 8:30 Continental breakfast Session 2 (cont). Evaluation of sectioning plane and transmitted v. reflected light 9:00 1. Presentation and discussion of effects of section plan and light type on annulus counts from trial set of otoliths (Secor) 2. Group review of selected images from trial set 3. Concurrence on the effect of light type and sectioning plane on annulus interpretations 12:30 Lunch at local seafood restaurant, Captain’s Table Session 3. Introduction to ageing conventions 2:00 Presentations and discussion 1. Collection date and age assignment (Robert Allman) 2. Precision criterion and reader sets (Secor) Session 4. Evaluation of Precision Criteria 3:00 Individual assignment of annuli for reader sets of otolith sections (varying light type). Participants will be given the same set of 30-40 images to assign annuli using Photo-shop, each image will be interpreted twice. Microscopes will be available to view imaged otolith sections as well. 6:30 Dinner at Ruddy Duck (local brewpub) Friday 18 January 8:30 Continental breakfast Session 4 (cont). Evaluation of reader set precision 9:00 1. Presentation of within and between reader precision for reader sets; comparison of size at age plot v. Restrepo growth model (Secor) 2. Group review of selected images from reader sets 3. Concurrence on precision criteria, use of reader sets, and other age assignment conventions Session 5. Wrap up and products 12:00 Writing Assignments for Amendment to the ICCAT Bluefin Tuna Direct Ageing Manual Discussion on publication of 2013 SCRS Document Website for bluefin tuna age determination 1:00 Adjourn