
Developing British Values – An overview
The rule of law
Individual Liberty
 Democracy in action - Student
Voice throughout school.
 Input from students on the
range of extra-curricular
activities on offer show
democracy in action.
 Student voice visit to the House
of Commons and Q and A with
our local MP.
 Elections for form captains and
house captains.
 Involvement in Youth
Parliament – elections for
Pendle Youth Council and
elections for Youth Parliament.
 Voting on Youth Parliament
issues – ‘Make your Mark’
annual campaigns, involvement
in national petitions on
curriculum change and work
 Work with our local MP visiting
school including an assembly he
delivered to KS4 on careers in
politics and the life of an M.P.
 Collective worship themes
include ‘democracy’.
 History curriculum on
development of democracy in
the UK from 1066 to today.
 Geography: emancipation of
women in LEDC, equal rights for
 R.S.: equality for gender, race,
age, ability.
 Student voice involvement in
development of school rules.
 Student input into development
of rewards and sanctions.
 R.S: study crime and
punishment and why we punish
criminals and aspects of capital
punishment, abortion,
euthanasia, divorce.
 History: crime and punishment
through the ages.
 Health and safety rules
explored in DT and Science.
Implications of these rules
 Y10 PSHE day - mock trial
conducted with the citizenship
foundation and magistrates
from the local court.
 Y9 English unit on Derek
Bentley and arguments for &
against the death penalty.
 Y7 assembly – firework safety &
the law surrounding fireworks.
 Y8 assembly on the importance
of school rules.
 Internet safety, CEOP etc
covered in form & assemblies.
 Employment Law through PSHE
 KS3 PE - Learning the
importance of following specific
rules and the consequences .
 KS4 PE- students take the role
of official. This gives them the
opportunity to enforce the
rules as well as follow them as a
 Active Citizens in schools
 BBC News report day including
freedom of press and speech
 ‘Newsround’ discussions in
form-time every week.
 History: the suffragette
movement, the slave trade and
the Cold War – all explore
individual liberties & freedom
of speech.
 Geography: freedom of
movement within the EU,
positive effects of economic
migration, compare population
policies with China e.g. one
child policy.
 Duke of Edinburgh Award
 Enterprise and Employability
 Y10 work experience for all
students, with students
encouraged to self-place.
 Texts exploring individual
freedoms are studied including
‘The Tempest’ and war poetry.
 Links with YPS, employers,
 ASDAN ‘You Choose’ award
 Y10 PSHE covers Human Rights
 An enterprise project - twice a
year in Art & Design
 Y7 and Y9 Building Bridges
 “20 bites around the world”
 Pendle Education Trust joint
Building Bridges walk
 Assemblies
 Collective worship themes
include ‘tolerance’
 R.S.: Tolerance of different
faiths, ideas, beliefs and
cultures within R.S. curriculum.
 History: immigration to Britain,
development of multicultural
societies in 1950s-70s.
 Peer assessment develops the
capacity to accept and
appreciate the work and views
of others
 Debating competitions in school
& against other schools on a
variety of topics including
euthanasia, boxing etc.
 Texts exploring tolerance
include ‘An Inspector Calls’ and
‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’
 Y7 assembly from the Gideon’s
with a Bible distributed to all
 Student discussion and
presentations in form on
Ramadam to raise awareness.
 Y9 student led assemblies on
tolerance, peer pressure and
Mutual respect / challenging antiBritish values
 Zero tolerance on racism
 PSHE day – cultural diversity
 Collective worship and assembly
themes include ‘respect’, ‘faith’,
 R.S. respect for different
sexualities, faith, secular
 MFL: similarities and differences
between cultures e.g. education,
food, languages, traditions,
festivals and cultures, some
reference to France being a
secular state and how this
impacts on its young people.
 Geog: Migration, in particular
from Eastern Europe and how it
has a positive impact on the UK.
 Hist: unit of work on terrorism &
combating anti-British values.
 R.S.: explore aspects of
 Sporting etiquette when playing
other teams is explicitly
modelled and encouraged.
 Shakespeare texts or poems are
studied by every year group.
 Y7 PSE unit on tolerance and
building effective relationships
 KS3 Music - explores music from
other cultures & traditions &
British heritage including folk
 KS3 Art - different cultures of Art,
so students can appreciate style,
form & influences from different