5th Grade Public Schools of Robeson County Grade: 5 Unit 4 SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONAL ALIGNMENT Creation of Government – 2nd & 3rd Nine Weeks Students will investigate the three branches of government and the complex system of checks and balances. Students will know organizational structures of the levels of governments and powers of the United States government. Students will also analyze the nation’s founding documents and reflect upon its basic principles. Essential Standard: 5.H: Analyze the chronology of key events in the United States. 5.G: Understand how human activity has and continues to shape United States. 5.E: Understand personal choices result in benefits and consequences. 5.C&G: Understand the development, structure, and function of government in the United States. 5.C: Understand how increased diversity resulted from migration, settlement patterns, and economic development in the United States. Clarifying Objective(s):5.H.1.2,1.3,2.1-2.3; 5.G.1.4; 5.E.2.1,2.1; 5.C&G.1.11.3,2.1-2.4; 5.C.1.2,1.3 Essential Question(s): Why do we need laws? Why do we need a Constitution? What does it mean to be a U.S. citizen? How many and what kind of people should lead a country? What are the relationships between different cultures and government? What is the correlation between human activity and the government of an area? What are the ways the United States and its neighbors specialize in economic activities, and relate these to increased production and consumption? How have the major documents of the United States affected the foundation of the American idea of constitutional government? What are some of the contributions of people of diverse cultures throughout the history of the United States? Pacing Guide: 2nd/ 3rd Nine Weeks 3 weeks/ 5 weeks (8 weeks) Unit of Study “Creation of Government” Major Concepts “All Government” Imperialism Change Revolution Civilization Instructional Task 5.H.1.2 1. Define/Review political, economic and social aspects of colonial life. 2. Define/Review colony. 3. Define imperialism, Essential Vocabulary Pre: Change, Revolution, Civilization Instructional Resources Text Resources: Old text/workbooks Newspapers (including online) Library books Encyclopedia Magazines Sample Assessment Prompts *Students should compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Students 5th Grade Public Schools of Robeson County 4. 5. change, revolution, and civilization. Explain the original thirteen colonies’ governmental procedures. Produce a performance piece based on the government of the thirteen colonies. 5.H.1.3 1. Define conflict, battle, war, and Reconstruction. 2. Explain the early government of the United States. 3. Compare and contrast the impact of government before, during, and after a major conflict, battle, and/or war. 4. Summarize the changes of government during major conflicts, battles, and wars throughout United States history. 5. Create a detailed re-enactment of a rise/fall of government during the period of Reconstruction. 5.H.2.1 1. 1. Define/Review the term “Founding Fathers” and explain where the Current: Three Branches of Government, idea of a “System” Introductory: Imperialism Printables Unit 2 Lesson 8 of Harcourt SS Text: Cause & Effect page 96 Summarize page 97 Digital Resources: Discovery Education Gaggle Tube School Tube http://www.archives.gov/research/alic/reference/govtdocs.html#govdoc http://www.library.yale.edu/govdocs/ http://www.archives.state.ut.us/research/guides/publications.htm http://www.congressforkids.net/Constitution_threebranches.htm Integration Opportunities & Additional Resources: www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription (Famous First Ladies Level Q) (Your Road to the White House Level X) www.schooltube.com (The Preamble {3min} School House Rock) (Constitution Day {10min:12sec}) (Six Principles of the US Constitution {2min:29sec}) (How Ben Franklin printed the Constitution {3min:46sec}) (Federalist vs. Anti-Federalists {1min:29sec}) (Three Ring Government {3min:01sec} School House Rock) (It’s Just A Bill {3min:01sec} School House Rock) (United States Treasury Photostory {1min:07sec}) (Securities and Exchange Commission {1min:30sec}) (Federal Trade Commission {1min:10sec}) (Federal Reserve {1min:20sec}) www.smarttech.com Smart Board Downloads (United States Government – 6.09MBfile) (Three Branches of Government, The Bill of Rights) (The Three Branches of Government) (The Three Branches of Government {yes there are 2}) www.eharcourtschool.com primary sources (art/NARA: Educators and Students: Observing Constitution Day) (art/Portraitore in the U. S. Capitol) (art/Temple of Liberty: Building the Capitol for a new nation) (art/Vote: The Machinery of Democracy) (documents/Digital History: The Three-Fifths Compromise) (documents/Journals of the Continental Congress) (documents/NARA: The Constitution of the United States [also has the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights]) (documents/NARA: Educators and Students: Observing Constitution Day) (documents/The National Archives: Bill of Rights) (documents/National Constitution Center: Centuries of Citizenship: a Constitutional Timeline) www.edhelper.com subscription needed (Documents that Shaped our Country) (The Constitutional Convention – Reader’s Theater) (How Laws Are Made) (Wendy’s World – The Pledge of Allegiance) (The Documents that Shaped America) should use additional research tools to find more information about each document and display their findings either using craft materials or technology. *Students can work in small groups to roleplay using compromise to resolve conflict peacefully. Present students with an appropriate conflict to discuss (school uniforms, year round school, amount of homework, etc.). Students in each groups should present arguments for one side of the conflict. Emphasize that students must listen politely and wait their turn to present their side’s argument. Then the students on each side should give up something they want in order to reach a compromise. *Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter covering the Constitutional Convention. Write an article explaining how the delegates are writing the Constitution. 5th Grade Public Schools of Robeson County 2. 3. term originated from. Hypothesize the state of the United States government without our “Founding Fathers.” Produce examples of the contributions of the Founding Fathers that relate to the United States government. 5.H.2.2 1. Define/Review values, principles, and democracy. 2. Organize a timeline of events leading up to a major change in government in the United States. 5.H.2.3 1. Define roles, laws, minorities, society, and PreColonial. 2. Restate the major laws that impacted women and minorities on American society from Pre-Colonial through Reconstruction. 3. Assess the roles of women and minorities as compared to those of other members of society. 4. Defend the roles of women and minorities in Pre-Colonial through modern day society, compare and contrast. 5.G.1.4 1. Define/Review migration, Literary Connections: Novel Study (contact librarian for availability) http://www.thecapitol.net/VisitingDC/bookschildren.htm 5th Grade Public Schools of Robeson County 2. 3. 4. immigration, and the term push and pull factors. Paraphrase the terms migration, immigration, and the term push and pull factors in the classroom setting. Compare and contrast the major governments of today. Hypothesize why people left/came to the America’s. 5.E.2.1 1. Define budget, spending, saving, income, financial, and develop. 2. Explain the effects/relationship between financial hardship and government. 3. Explain the “Founding Fathers” plan of budget for spending and saving. 4. Compare and contrast early American economic budget with today’s economic budget. 5. Be able to create a budget for a chosen aspect of government (i.e. campaign election, a new bill, etc.) 5.E.2.2 1. 2. Define/Review costs, benefits, spending, borrowing, and saving. Evaluate and assess the costs and benefits of borrowing, 5th Grade Public Schools of Robeson County spending, and saving within various governments. 5.C&G.1.1 1. Define/Review government, development, and United States government. 2. Differentiate the United States’ government with other governments that have influenced the United States. 3. Compare and contrast the ways in which each government has influenced the United States’ government. 5.C&G.1.2 1. Define structure, system, checks and balances, legislative, judicial, executive branches of government. 2. Measure the importance of each branch of government. 3. Reconstruct the structure of the United States government. 5.C&G.1.3 1. Define/Review historical documents and foundation. 5th Grade Public Schools of Robeson County 2. 3. Extrapolate examples and conclude which documents they are and their importance to the government. Organize key founding documents (i.e. Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, etc.) and compare and contrast the key founding documents. 5.C&G.2.1 1. 2. 3. Define/Review value, principle, and democratic republic. Analyze and compare the major governments in the world. Explain how major values, principles, and key figures affected the creation of various governments. 5.C&G.2.2 1. Define rights, responsibilities, citizens, “common good”, United Public Schools of Robeson County States Constitution, and Bill of Rights. 2. Identify the need for governments to have a Constitution and Bill of Rights. 3. Determine where the phrase “common good” originated and how does it relate to rights and responsibilities of citizens. 5.C&G.2.3 1. Define privileges, democratic, jury, defending, required, voting, and “running for office.” 2. Defend the privileges and rights we are granted as United States’ citizens. 3. Assess the responsibilities of United States’ citizens. 4. Conclude how the United States Constitution protects us as United States citizens. 5.C&G.2.4 1. Define civic participation, integral, participation, opportunity, political process, and elected officials. 2. Appraise the opportunities to be directly involved in the political process. 3. Justify reasons to communicate with elected officials and to evaluate its effectiveness (Do the 5th Grade Public Schools of Robeson County students feel they have been heard?). 4. Distinguish a way to communicate with elected officials. 5.C.1.2 1. Define/Review borrowing and sharing of traditions and technology, trade route, and interactions. 2. Discuss the act of borrowing and sharing of traditions and technology between the different governments. 3. Describe the contributions of people of diverse cultures throughout the history of the United States as it relates to government. 5.C.1.3 1. Define/Review movement, goods, ideas, cultural groups, development, cultural, politics, economy, geographic and cultural diversity, and region. 2. Give examples of how different types of movement of goods, ideas, and various cultural groups have shaped governments. 3. Conclude the how and why some 5th Grade Public Schools of Robeson County governments succeed/fail. 4. Defend your reasons why certain governments succeed/fail. 5. Justify how movements of goods, ideas, and various cultural groups influenced the development of regions in the United States, in regards to government. 6. Compare and contrast the governmental changes in rural and urban settlement patterns in the United States (i.e government spending, financial aid). 5th Grade