Faculty Professional/Academic Presentations Year of Presentation 2013 Faculty Member(s) Title of Presentation Presentation Venue Billingsley, L. & Rice, K. Examining Collaborations and Partnerships Among Nurse Scientists (PhD) and Advanced Practice Nurses (DNP) in a Variety of Settings. Engaging Nurses, Nursing Faculty, and Nursing Students in a New Pedagogy: Evaluating Multi-User Virtual Environment (MUVE) Technology in the Delivery of Cultural Competent Care During Disasters Training.” Best Practices for Developing and Implementing Online Courses Multi-user Virtual Environments: A Pedagogy to Engage Nurses in EvidenceBased Practice and Research. Infusing iPad and Simulation Technologies into Nursing Education. Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) Doctoral PreConference, Little Rock, AK 2013 Bennett, M. & Billingsley, L 2013 Burke, M. 2012 Billingsley, L. 2012 Billingsley, L. . 2012 Billingsley, L. & Currie, P. 3-D Multi-User Virtual Learning Environments to Increase Research Productivity. 2012 Burke, M Use of High Fidelity Simulation to Promote Affective Learning: A Case Study Drexel University's Simulation and Health Care Conference 2012 Burke, M Drexel University's Simulation and Health Care Conference 2012 Billingsley, L Incorporating QSEN Competencies in a Baccalaureate Simulation Lab: Fostering Communication in High Fidelity Simulation Experiences Podium presentation entitled: “A CNS’s Perspective on Multi-User Virtual Environments: A Year Later, What More Do We Know 2011. Rice, K. & Billingsley, L. 2011 Creel, E. and Tillman, K. 2011 Hathorn, D. & Pryor, K. Presentation entitled, “ A Virtual World Consortium: Using Second Life to Facilitate Nursing Journal Clubs.” Stigmatization of Overweight Patients by Nurses Perceptions of Nursing Faculty in Teaching Second Degree Nursing Students. 2011 Lee, O.D. Xi Psi Chapter-at-Large 3rd Annual Nursing Research Day. New Orleans, Louisiana STTI 41st Biennial Convention, Grapevine, TX Connie Logan Research Conference, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA American Assembly for Men in Nursing 2010 Annual Conference. Mentorship in the American Assembly Lexington, KT for Men in Nursing; A New Day is Here. Connie Logan Research Day: Drexel University Nursing Education Institute National League for Nursing 2012 Education Summit. Southeastern Faculty Conference on Teaching, Research & Creativity, American Speech-LanguageHearing Association (ASHA) Conference, Atlanta, GA. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 2011 Sealey, L. & Pryor, S. Professional Socialization of Second Degree Students. 2011 Sealey, L. The lived experience of Southeastern and UNAH students working together. 2011 Whitty, K. 2010 Jones, J. Baccalaureate Nursing Students’ Perceptions of a Community Health Service Learning Experience “Adult Stem Cell Therapy.” 2010 Lee, O.D. Men’s Health & Nursing 2010 Lee, O.D. Men’s Health As A Nursing Specialty 2010 Sealey, L. A Model for Study Abroad: American and Honduran Nursing Students Working Together 2010 Sealey, L. 2010 Sealey, L. The Lived Experience of Nursing Students from the United States and Honduras Working Together: A Model for Study Abroad. Developing Cultural Competence in Health Care. 2010 Whitty, K. Nursing Disaster Management: Online Course Development 2012 Pujol, R., Rice, K., Billingsley, L., Bennett. M., Sporar, S., Linde, K. & Kutzen, H. Using Avatars in an Online Virtual Community to Facilitate Peer Storytelling Among Grieving Oncology Nurses 2012 Billingsley, L. Multi-user Virtual Environments: A Pedagogy to Engage Nurses in EvidenceBased Practice and Research. Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, Rho Zeta Chapter, Annual Connie Logan Research Day Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, Rho Zeta Chapter, Connie Logan Research Day, SELU Hammond Louisiana Economic Development, BioConvention, Chicago Nice France 7th International Conference of International Men’s Health Association Louisiana State University Health Science Center New Orleans Our Lady of the Lake, Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge, LA, sponsored by BRDNA Universidad Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), School of Nursing, Tegucigalpa Student Organisation: Multiculturalism in Health Care.Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA National Convention for Emergency Nurses Association 2010 Annual Conference Oncology Nursing Society 38th Annual Congress. New Orleans, LA. , Ochsner Research Night, New Orleans, LA, Southeastern Faculty Conference on Teaching, Research & Creativity & Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) Doctoral PreConference, Little Rock, AK National League for Nursing 2012 Education Summit. 2012 Billingsley, L. Infusing iPad and Simulation Technologies into Nursing Education. Southeastern Faculty Conference on Teaching, Research & Creativity, American Speech-LanguageHearing Association (ASHA) Conference, Atlanta, GA. . 2012 Billingsley, L. & Currie, P. 3-D Multi-User Virtual Learning Environments to Increase Research Productivity. 2012 Burke, M. Use of High Fidelity Simulation to Promote Affective Learning: A Case Study Drexel University's Simulation and Health Care Conference 2012 Burke, M. Incorporating QSEN Competencies in a Baccalaureate Simulation Lab: Fostering Communication in High Fidelity Simulation Experiences Drexel University's Simulation and Health Care Conference