GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS APPENDIX B14 5.10.2015 1 (2) Reg No E/336/251/2015 HNO3 EXTRACTABLE ELEMENTS TO BE DETERMINED FROM GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER SAMPLES The following requirements are defined for groundwater and surface water samples (preserved water samples). Total content of elements will be determined from water samples after addition of concentrated HNO3 and heating at 90 oC. Table provides the list of elements detection limits that should be reached. Minimum list of elements to be determined with detection limits, desired practical detection limits and fields to be filled in. Minimum criteria: at least 90 % of the concentrations of all the listed elements will be determined with detection limit (or better). If the desired DL is defined, additional points will be given for elements determined with the desired practical detection limit. Element Detection Limit µg/l Ag 0.05 Al 10 As 0.2 B 4 Ba 0.5 Be 0.5 Bi 0.5 Ca 0.6 Cd 0.1 Co 2 Cr 2 Cu 1 Fe 30 K 0.1 Li 0.5 Mg 0.1 Mn 0.5 Mo 0.2 Na 0.4 Ni 3 P 300 Pb 1 Rb 0.1 S 200 Sb 0.2 Se 5 Si 0.7 Sr 0.5 Th 0.2 Tl 0.2 U 0.01 V 0.5 Zn 2 Desired DL µg/l 1 0.2 0.1 1 5 20 0.6 Can be analysed (Y/N) DL of the laboratory Measurement (ICP-MS, HRICP-MS) GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS APPENDIX B14 5.10.2015 2 (2) Reg No E/336/251/2015