ACP-WG S/WP-XX International Civil Aviation Organization 13/01/16 WORKING PAPER AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (ACP) 16th WEBMEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP S (Surface) 14 January, 2016 Agenda Item xx: Xxx TOPICS OF PKI CERTIFICATE PROFILE & POLICY FOR AERONAUTICAL MOBILE AIRPORT COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (AEROMACS) (Presented by Brian Crowe and Rich Hawkins, WiMAX Forum) SUMMARY The WiMAX Forum Aviation Working Group PKI Task Group is comprised of subject matter experts from the aviation industry and security providers. Leveraging this combined experience, this group is developing an AeroMACS PKI Certificate Profile and Certificate Practices Statement ACTION Consider and evaluate the PKI Certificate Profile and Policy Requirement elements developed by the WiMAX Forum AWG PKI Task Group in defining the AeroMACS PKI Certificate Policy & Practices requirements for inclusion in the ICAO IPS Technical Manual and Guidance Material 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The WiMAX Forum Aviation Working Group (AWG) formed a PKI Task Group to leverage the experience of the Forum, Symantec and subject matter experts from the aviation community to identify topics of consideration for determining the policy practices for issuing certificates to the various devices and servers in the AeroMACS ecosystem. The AWG has previously presented Working Papers to WG-S and asked the group to consider and evaluate the finding of the WiMAX Forum AWG PKI Task Group and include the AeroMACS PKI Certificate Policy (CP) in the ICAO Technical Manual and Guidance Material. As a follow up, the AWG has extracted a list of requirements from the PKI CP. (4 pages) Document1 -2- ACP-WGW S-7/WPXX In developing this list the AWG used RFC definitions of “Shall”, “Should”, “May” etc., and the definition will is included as a reference in section 4 to suggest a standard method to define required elements 2. 2.1 DISCUSSION Definitions 2.1.1 Subscriber (Certificate Requester) Requirements Certificate Enrolment Process and Responsibilities Shall agree to be bound by a relevant Subscriber Agreement that contains representations and warranties described in Section Error! Reference source not found. of the CP Shall complete a Certificate Application and providing true and correct information. Shall generate, or arrange to have generated, a key pair, in accordance with Section Error! Reference source not found. of the CP. Shall deliver his, her, or its public key, directly or through an RA, to the CA's facility. Shall demonstrate possession of the private key corresponding to the public key as described in Section Error! Reference source not found. of the CP. Shall sign a document stating that the Subscriber shall protect the Private Key and use the Certificate and Private Key for authorized purposes only. Conduct Constituting Certificate Acceptance Shall accept a certificate by downloading, installing, or using the certificate. Shall be able to use the Private Key corresponding to the Public Key in the Certificate once the Subscriber has agreed to the Subscriber Agreement and accepted the Certificate. Shall protect their Private Keys from unauthorized use and shall discontinue use of the Private Key following expiration or revocation of the Certificate. Shall use the certificate lawfully in accordance with the Subscriber Agreement and the terms of the CP. Shall use the certificate for functions as defined by the keyUsage and extendedKeyUsage extensions within the certificate. Processing Certificate Renewal Requests Shall provide proof of possession of the Private Key in order to renew a Certificate as specified in section 3.3 of the CP. Certificate Re-key Shall identify themselves for the purpose of re-keying. Shall provide proof of possession of the newly generated key pair's Private Key. Certificate Revocation If a subscriber is ceasing its relationship with an organization that sponsored a Certificate, they shall, prior to departure, surrender to the organization (through any accountable mechanism) all such -3- ACP-WGW S-7/WPXX hardware tokens that were issued by or on behalf of the sponsoring organization. Subscriber Private Key Compromise Shall report any suspected or real compromise of their Private Key to their issuing CA or RA. Subscriber Key Pair Generation When requesting a medium-assurance hardware certificate, the Subscriber shall generate the keys in a hardware cryptographic module rated at least FIPS 140-2 Level 2. Private Key Delivery to Subscriber Shall acknowledge receipt of the private key(s). Cryptographic Module Standards and Controls Subscribers with low- or medium-assurance software certificates shall use a FIPS 140-2 Level 1 or higher approved cryptographic module for their cryptographic operations. Aircraft avionics Subscribers (e.g. an AMS Aircraft Entity) shall use hardware or software cryptographic modules that are consistent with jurisdictional regulations concerning avionics. Private Key Escrow Subscriber private signatures keys shall not be escrowed. Private Key Backup If required by applicable jurisdictional regulatory law to support key recovery, backed up private keys must be held under the control of the Subscriber or other authorized administrator. Subscriber medium-assurance (hardware) private keys shall not be backed up. Private Key Archival Subscriber private signatures keys shall not be archived. Subscriber Private Keys Subscriber must be authenticated to the cryptographic module before the activation of any Private Keys. Entry of subscriber activation data shall be protected from disclosure (i.e. not displayed while entering). Certificate Operational Periods and Key Pair Usage Periods Subscribers’ private signing keys shall be valid for a maximum of three (3) years. Subscribers’ public verification keys and certificates shall be valid for a maximum of three (3) years. Activation Data Transmission To the extent desktop computer or network logon user name/password combination is used as activation data for an end-user Subscriber, the passwords transferred across a network shall be protected against access by unauthorized users. Certificate Profile Subscriber Certificates shall not include the subjectKeyIdentifier extension. Subscriber Certificates shall not include the basicConstraints extension. The countryName shall be the two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code for the country in which the ACP-WGW S-7/WPXX -4- Subscriber’s place of business is located. The organizationName shall contain the Subscriber organization name (or abbreviation thereof), trademark, or other meaningful identifier When the organizationalUnitName is included, one or more OUs shall contain additional identifying information. The commonName shall contain the device MAC Address that will bind the certificate’s public key to the device. 3. ACTION BY THE MEETING 3.1 The ACP WG-S is invited to: 3.1.1 as outlined. Consider and evaluate the AeroMACS PKI Certificate Profile elements and requirements 3.1.2 Provide input to the WiMAX Forum AWG PKI Task Group on any questions that remain to be answered in an effort to better define requirements or PKI Certificate Profile elements. 3.1.3 Once the evaluation is complete, consider the list of requirement defined herein for inclusion in the ICAO Technical Manual and/or Guidance Material. The WiMAX Forum AWG can provide introductory or summary information to accompany this section that positions the content into the ICAO documents. 4. 4.1 REFERENCE: IETF Request for Comments 2119