World Cultures 6.0 4th Marking Period Optional Extra Credit Today

World Cultures 6.0
4th Marking Period Optional Extra Credit
Today you looked at some political cartoons and saw a Power Point Presentation on the elements found used by
cartoonists to convey their message. The last extra credit opportunity of the school year will give you the opportunity to
create a political cartoon of your own OR for fewer extra credit points, to locate and analyze a cartoon. Due Date for
either option is Tuesday 5-28. YOU MAY ONLY DO ONE OPTION.
OPTION A: Creating your OWN cartoon (8 XCR points possible):
 You may choose any topic or issue from our curriculum this year (anything from intro chapters 1 and 2,
and regional chapters 4, 5, 7, 11 or 12);
 In a written paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences, name and explain the issue or topic you are focusing on.
Tell me what chapter in your book it comes from and summarize any background information the
reader would need to know to understand the point of view you will be expressing in the cartoon (2
 Create a political cartoon (3 points).
 In a written paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences explain the message of your cartoon. In your explanation
you should comment on any of the elements you used to convey your message (satire, symbolism,
imagery, sarcasm, etc). (3 points).
OPTION B: Analyzing an existing cartoon (4 XCR points possible):
 You may select a cartoon that addresses any topic or issue from our curriculum this year (anything from
intro chapters 1 and 2, and regional chapters 4, 5, 7, 11 or 12);
 See me for a Cartoon Analysis Form, to be completed in its entirety for credit.
World Cultures 6.0
4th Marking Period Optional Extra Credit
Today you looked at some political cartoons and saw a Power Point Presentation on the elements found used by
cartoonists to convey their message. The last extra credit opportunity of the school year will give you the opportunity to
create a political cartoon of your own OR for fewer extra credit points, to locate and analyze a cartoon. Due Date for
either option is Tuesday 5-28. YOU MAY ONLY DO ONE OPTION.
OPTION A: Creating your OWN cartoon (8 XCR points possible):
 You may choose any topic or issue from our curriculum this year (anything from intro chapters 1 and 2,
and regional chapters 4, 5, 7, 11 or 12);
 In a written paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences, name and explain the issue or topic you are focusing on.
Tell me what chapter in your book it comes from and summarize any background information the
reader would need to know to understand the point of view you will be expressing in the cartoon (2
 Create a political cartoon (3 points).
 In a written paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences explain the message of your cartoon. In your explanation
you should comment on any of the elements you used to convey your message (satire, symbolism,
imagery, sarcasm, etc). (3 points).
OPTION B: Analyzing an existing cartoon (4 XCR points possible):
 You may select a cartoon that addresses any topic or issue from our curriculum this year (anything from
intro chapters 1 and 2, and regional chapters 4, 5, 7, 11 or 12);
 See me for a Cartoon Analysis Form, to be completed in its entirety for credit.
NAME____________________________ PERIOD_________ DATE___________
Political Cartoon Analysis Form
Directions: Complete the form in its entirety. Attach the cartoon you are analyzing & turn it in by 5-28.
1) Cartoon Title: ______________________________________________________________
2) What are the event(s) or issue(s) that inspired this cartoon?
3) Explain the message of this cartoon?
4) What topic from this year’s World Cultures curriculum does this cartoon reflect? (list the chapter, section, and
briefly explain the topic as it was covered in your text)
5) Identify the 2 strongest persuasive techniques used in this cartoon. Check the two that apply and in the
space below identify a specific example for each persuasive technique.
Examples for #5: