GENERAL ABSTRACT An emerging hypothesis states that brain catecholamine availability is directly related to tolerance of prolonged exercise in the heat. The aim of this thesis was to nutritionally alter the plasma availability of the catecholamine precursors, tyrosine and phenylalanine, to explore the effect on prolonged exercise (whole body and single limb) in the heat, including cycling capacity and performance. In study 1 (Chapter 3) acutely increasing the plasma ratio of tyrosine:large neutral amino acids (LNAA; the tyrosine ratio) via oral ingestion of 150 mg·kg body mass-1 tyrosine increased exercise capacity in the heat. The increase was seemingly related to a lower rate of core temperature (Tcore) increase and/or reduced RPE and thermal sensation late in exercise. Exercise capacity in the heat was markedly reduced when subjects were acutely administered a tyrosine and phenylalanine-free amino acid mixture which decreased the tyrosine ratio (study 2, Chapter 4), and the reduction seemed to be related to a more rapid attainment of maximal RPE, thermal sensation and heart rate. Acute tyrosine supplementation failed to improve simulated time trial performance in the heat (study 3, Chapter 5). This may be due to a lower physiological and subjective demand inherent in the self-paced nature of the exercise, in comparison to an exhaustive capacity trial. In study 4 (Chapter 6), acute tyrosine supplementation had no effect on sustained handgrip force, heart rate variability, or mood and motivation scores, when subjects were hyperthermic. i The studies within this thesis provide further insight into the aetiology of central fatigue during prolonged exercise in the heat, and suggest that nutritional catecholamine precursor availability is involved, in part, in this process. In particular, an increased availability of nutritional catecholamine precursors, reported for the first time herein, may afford improved tolerance of prolonged, constant-load, submaximal activity in the heat. Key words: prolonged exercise, amino acids, hyperthermia, tyrosine, phenylalanine, catecholamines. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would firstly like to thank my supervisors Dr. Rhys Thatcher and Dr. Glen Davison. Their experience, support and advice have been invaluable throughout the design of each study within this thesis, data collection and analysis, and during the proof reading of the final draft. My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Manfred Beckmann from the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences at Aberystwyth University for carrying out the amino acid analysis for each study within this thesis. I thank him for his patience, particularly when I hounded him to complete the analysis within a tight timescale. He always came through with the results despite an extremely heavy workload. I also wish to express thanks to Ph.D. students within the Department of Sport and Exercise Science at Aberystwyth University; Arwel Jones, Ffion Curtis and Daniel March, as well as technician Maggie Pownall. These individuals provided invaluable assistance with subject monitoring at various times throughout data collection for each of the studies reported herein. Thanks go to Clive Willson not only for writing the software which was used to collect the handgrip force data in study 4 (Chapter 7), but also for repairing the climate chamber at short notice when it was most needed! Clive really is an incredible resource for technical advice and assistance. I would like to thank all the subjects who generously donated their time and effort, and with great enthusiasm, to be involved in the studies reported in this thesis. I wish to express thanks to SHS International, and in particular iii Joanna Hill, for the kind donation of the amino acid powders which were used in studies 2 to 4. I thank Ruth for her unwavering support and patience while I worked unsociable hours for months on end. Lastly, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents, Doris Tumilty and the late Robert P. Tumilty. My one major regret is that my dad is not alive to witness the completion of this thesis, but I hope that he would be proud. iv PUBLICATIONS The following publications have arisen to date from some of the work presented in this thesis: Journal articles: Chapter 3: Tumilty L, Davison G, Beckmann M and Thatcher, R. (2011). Oral tyrosine supplementation improves exercise capacity in the heat. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111, 2941 – 2950. Conference contributions Chapter 3: Tumilty L., Davison G., Beckmann M. and Thatcher R. (2009). Oral tyrosine supplementation improves exercise capacity in the heat. Wales Institute of Sport Health and Exercise Science Annual Conference, Aberystwyth University, July 2009. v Tumilty L., Davison G., Beckmann M. and Thatcher R. (2010). Oral tyrosine supplementation improves exercise capacity in the heat. Proceedings of The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Annual Student Conference, Aberystwyth University, April 2010. Chapter 4: Tumilty L., Davison G., Beckmann M. and Thatcher R. (2011). A tyrosine and phenylalanine-free amino acid mixture decreases exercise capacity in a warm environment. Proceedings of The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Annual Student Conference, P15O, University of Chester, April 2011. Tumilty L., Davison G., Beckmann M. and Thatcher R. (2011). Acute tyrosine and phenylalanine depletion decreases exercise capacity in a warm environment. Proceedings of The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Annual Conference, 1545, Free Communications 24, September, 2011. vi CONTENTS General Abstract i Acknowledgements iii Publications v Contents vii List of Tables xi List of Figures xii List of Abbreviations xv Chapter 1 – Literature Review 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Central fatigue: a brief historical perspective 6 1.2 Catecholamines and prolonged exercise in the heat 15 1.3 Brain monoamine synthesis 19 1.3.1 Catecholamine synthesis 20 1.3.2 Control of catecholamine synthesis 23 1.3.3 Serotonin synthesis 25 1.3.4 Control of serotonin synthesis 27 1.4 The blood-brain barrier and amino acid transport 27 1.5 Tyrosine supplementation studies 31 1.5.1 Physiological effects of tyrosine supplementation in the rat 31 1.5.2 Behavioural effects of tyrosine supplementation in the rat 40 1.5.3 Tyrosine supplementation in humans 44 1.5.4 Cognitive function and mood effects of tyrosine supplementation 47 1.5.5 Tyrosine supplementation and depression 60 1.5.6 Tyrosine supplementation and exercise performance 61 1.6 Acute tyrosine and phenylalanine depletion studies 1.6.1 Physiological effects of acute tyrosine and phenylalanine 65 70 depletion in animals 1.6.2 Acute tyrosine and phenylalanine depletion: effect on human 89 brain neurotransmission vii 1.6.3 Behavioural effects of tyrosine and phenylalanine depletion 92 1.6.4 Effects on mood and affect 92 1.6.5 Cognition and psychomotor tasks 95 1.7 Summary Chapter 2 – General Methods 98 101 2.1 Subjects and ethical approval 101 2.2 Habituation trials 102 2.3 Cycle ergometer 102 2.4 Drinks preparation 102 2.5 Determination of peak oxygen uptake ( V O2peak) and constant-load 102 submaximal exercise power output 2.6 Heat stress induction 104 2.7 Physiological measurement methods 104 2.7.1 Temperature monitoring 104 2.7.2 Urine volume and osmolality 106 2.7.3 Heart rate 106 2.7.4 Saliva flow rate 106 2.7.5 Air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed measurement 107 2.7.6 Subjective ratings 108 2.7.7 Familiarisation and main trials expired gas analysis 109 2.7.8 Experimental procedures 109 2.8 Analytical methods 110 2.8.1 Blood collection and treatment 111 2.8.2 Plasma amino acid measurement 111 2.8.3 Blood glucose, lactate, haemoglobin and haematocrit 112 2.9 General statistical methods Chapter 3 – Study 1: The effect of acute tyrosine supplementation on exercise 113 114 capacity in the heat 3.1 Introduction 116 3.2 Pilot work 118 viii 3.3 Methods 121 3.4 Results 124 3.5 Discussion 136 Chapter 4 – Study 2: The effect of acute tyrosine and phenylalanine depletion and 145 exercise capacity in the heat 4.1 Introduction 147 4.2 Pilot work 149 4.3 Methods 152 4.4 Results 156 4.5 Discussion 169 Chapter 5 – Study 3: Acute tyrosine supplementation and exercise performance in 178 the heat 5.1 Introduction 180 5.2 Methods 182 5.3 Results 187 5.4 Discussion 201 Chapter 6 – Study 4: The effect of acute tyrosine supplementation on muscle force 209 production in hyperthermic subjects. 6.1 Introduction 210 6.2 Methods 212 6.3 Results 219 6.4 Discussion 229 Chapter 7 – General Discussion 237 7.1 Effect of supplementation and acute depletion on the tyrosine ratio 238 7.2 Catecholamine precursor availability and thermoregulatory responses 251 7.3 Central of peripheral effect? 255 7.4 Summary and conclusions 263 7.5 Future directions 264 References 266 Appendix 1 307 Appendix 2 309 ix Appendix 3 313 Appendix 4 316 x LIST OF TABLES Summary of exercise studies with pharmacological and nutritional manipulation of central neurotransmitters in humans. 11 Summary of physiological and behavioural effects from studies with tyrosine administration in animals. 32 Summary of studies examining the effect of tyrosine supplementation on cognition, behaviour and exercise in humans. 48 Composition of amino acid mixtures used to acutely deplete plasma tyrosine and phenylalanine in humans. 68 Summary of findings from studies with acute tyrosine and phenylalanine depletion in animals. 71 Summary of results from studies with acute tyrosine and phenylalanine depletion in humans. 79 Area under the curve for plasma amino acids derived from GC-MS analysis for tyrosine (TYR) and placebo (PLA) trials. 127 Changes in plasma volume, blood glucose, and blood lactate in tyrosine and placebo trials. 128 Table 3.3 Estimated substrate oxidation rates during exercise. 134 Table 4.1 Plasma amino acid concentrations in TYR-free and BAL trials. 157 Table 4.2 Blood glucose and blood lactate concentrations at rest, pre-exercise and exhaustion in TYR-free and BAL trials. 162 Table 5.2 Plasma amino acid concentrations in TYR and Whey trials. 190 Table 6.1 Measures of heart rate variability during 0 -20 min, 0 -5 min, 5-10 min, 10-15 min and 15-20 min of TT, in TYR and Whey trials. 225 Table 1.1 Table 1.2 Table 1.3 Table 1.4 Table 1.5 Table 1.6 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 xi LIST OF FIGURES Illustration of the changes that occur from rest to prolonged exercise on plasma concentrations of large neutral amino acids (LNAA), tryptophan (TRP) and free fatty acids (FFA). 10 Key steps in the synthesis of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) within catecholamine neurons. 22 Figure 1.3 Key steps in the synthesis of serotonin (5-HT) within serotonin neurons. 26 Figure 1.4 The relationship between food intake, plasma amino acids, and brain synthesis of catecholamines and serotonin. LNAA, large neutral amino acids. 30 Plasma tyrosine ratio in three subjects following ingestion of three doses of tyrosine; 150, 200 and 250 mg·kg body mass-1. 119 Mean (± SD) and individual exercise times to exhaustion in tyrosine (TYR) and placebo (PLA) conditions. 124 Plasma tyrosine concentration, tryptophan ratio and tyrosine ratio in tyrosine and placebo trials. 126 Figure 3.4 Heart rate responses to exercise in tyrosine and placebo trials. 130 Figure 3.5 Mean weighted skin temperature and core temperature responses to exercise in tyrosine and placebo trials. 131 Ratings of thermal sensation and perceived exertion in tyrosine and placebo trials. 132 Plasma tyrosine ratio following ingestion of a balanced mixture containing nine amino acids, an alternative balanced mixture containing six amino acids, the same complete mixture minus tyrosine and phenylalanine and the same alternative reduced quantity mixture minus tyrosine and phenylalanine. 151 Mean (± SD) and individual exercise times to exhaustion following ingestion of a tyrosine and phenylalanine free amino acid mixture (TYRfree) and a balanced amino acid mixture (BAL). 156 Plasma tyrosine plus phenylalanine concentration, tyrosine ratio, tryptophan concentration and tryptophan ratio in TYR-free and BAL trials. 160 Figure 4.4 Plasma volume changes in TYR-free and BAL trials. 163 Figure 4.5 Heart rate responses to exercise in TYR-free and BAL trials. 164 Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.6 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 xii Core temperature and mean weighted skin temperature responses to exercise in TYR-free and BAL trials. 165 Ratings of perceived exertion and thermal sensation in TYR-free and BAL trials. 167 Figure 4.8 Saliva flow rate in TYR-free and BAL trials. 168 Figure 5.1 Mean (± SD) and individual times to complete cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials 187 Figure 5.2 Power output during a cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 188 Figure 5.3 Changes in plasma tyrosine concentration, tyrosine ratio, plasma tryptophan concentration and tryptophan ratio in response to ingestion of TYR or Whey. 191 Blood glucose concentration, blood lactate concentration and plasma volume changes following 60 min constant-load submaximal cycling and cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 192 Heart rate responses during 1 h rest, 60 min constant-load submaximal exercise and cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 195 Core temperature, mean weighted skin temperature and body heat content responses during 1 h rest, 60 min of constant-load submaximal exercise and cycling time trial, in TYR and Whey trials 197 RPE and thermal sensation ratings during 60 min of constant-load submaximal cycling and cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 198 Figure 4.6 Figure 4.7 Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 Figure 5.8 Estimated rates of fat and carbohydrate oxidation, and respiratory exchange ratio at 30 min and 50 min of constant-load submaximal cycling in TYR and Whey trials. 200 Figure 6.1 Custom-setup chair used for measurement of handgrip force. 218 Figure 6.2 Effect of exercise on sub-scale scores for energetic arousal, hedonic tone, anger/frustration, success motivation, intrinsic motivation, and tense arousal of the UWIST mood adjective checklist and success motivation and intrinsic motivation scales, at Pre-exercise and 53 min of constantload submaximal exercise in TYR and Whey trials. 220 Force produced during individual bouts of three 3-s maximal handgrip contractions at baseline, following 60 min of constant-load submaximal cycling exercise and a cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 221 Mean force produced during 1-min sustained handgrip contractions at baseline, following 60 min of constant-load submaximal cycling exercise and following a cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 222 Figure 6.3 Figure 6.4 xiii Figure 6.5 Figure 6.6 Figure 6.7 Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2 Handgrip force during 1-min sustained contraction over consecutive 5 s intervals at baseline, after 60 min cycling and after cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 223 Power spectrum analysis of R-R variability during 0 – 20 min of TT, and consecutive 5 min intervals from 0 – 20 min during cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 226 Saliva flow rate at rest, immediately before 60 min constant-load submaximal exercise and at end of a cycling time trial in TYR and Whey trials. 228 Pooled data for resting plasma tyrosine ratio and percentage change in tyrosine ratio from rest, 1 h after ingestion of 150 mg·kg body mass-1 tyrosine [Study1 (n = 8) and Study 3 (n = 7)] or an amino acid mixture devoid of tyrosine and phenylalanine (Study 2, n = 8). 240 Relationship between the difference in the percentage in the tyrosine ratio from rest to pre-exercise, between experimental and placebo trials, and the percentage difference in exercise time induced by the experimental drink. Pooled data from experimental trials in study 1 and study 2 (n = 14). 249 xiv