Severi et al. - Online Resource METHODS Subjects and samples Subjects were selected from participants in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study, a prospective cohort study of 41,514 volunteers (24,469 women) aged between 27 and 76 years at baseline (99.3% of whom were aged 40-69)35. At baseline attendance, participants completed questionnaires that measured demographic characteristics and lifestyle factors including diet. Height and weight were directly measured and a blood sample was collected and stored. For a large proportion of individuals (75%) only dried blood spots (i.e. DBS) on Guthrie cards were available while for others buffy coat or lymphocyte samples were available. Nested case-control study To estimate the association between aberrant DNA methylation from samples collected at baseline and breast cancer risk we conducted a nested case-control study and used the Infinium HM450 produced by Illumina to quantify DNA methylation in more than 480,000 CpG sites covering up to 96% of CpG islands as well as a large number of non-island CpG sites 22,23. The study sample included women in the nested case-control study that we designed to estimate the association between mammographic density and breast cancer risk 36. In the mammographic density study, cases were women with a first diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS; 120 cases) or invasive adenocarcinoma of the breast (International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, C50.0-C50.9; 680 cases) occurring between baseline interview up until 31 December 2007 and ascertained by record linkage to the population-based Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR), and to the Australian Cancer Database. For each breast cancer case, we randomly selected 4 women as controls from among those who had not been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of diagnosis of the case (reference age). The controls were also matched on year of birth, year of baseline attendance and country of origin (classified as Australia/New 1 Severi et al. - Online Resource Zealand/UK/others, Italy or Greece). To be eligible for the methylation case-control study women in the mammographic density case-control study had to have at least one mammogram already retrieved at the time the study sample was assembled (first trimester 2010) and available blood collected at baseline interview. The sample included 498 invasive breast cancer cases and one control per case randomly selected from the four controls matching, when possible, on type of biospecimen (DBS, buffy coat, or lymphocyte). Tumour characteristics Tumour characteristics were extracted from the VCR database; these include tumour grade, size, nodal status, oestrogen receptor status (ER), progesterone receptor status (PR) and epidermal growth factor 2 status (Her2). Additional assessment of ER, PR, HER2, EGRF1 and CK56 status using immunohistochemistry techniques was performed by a single pathologist (CM) 37. For the analyses presented in this paper, we used our immunohistochemistry measures of ER, PR and HER2 and given the good agreement with the results from the original pathology report 37, when archival tumour tissue was not available, ER, PR and HER2 status was assigned according to the histopathology reports held at the VCR. Biospecimens, DNA extraction and DNA methylation measures In 485 matching sets both case and control had the same biospecimen available (373 DBS, 103 lymphocytes, 9 buffy coats); of the remaining 13 sets, in 5 the biospecimens were buffy coat and lymphocytes and in 8 DBS and lymphocytes. This resulted in 754 samples from DBS (76%), 219 from lymphocytes (22%) and 23 from buffy coats (2%). DNA extraction from lymphocytes and buffy coats were performed using Qiagen mini spin columns (Hilden, Germany) while dried blood spot DNA was extracted using a method developed in-house 38: twenty 3·2 mm diameter archived blood spot punches were added to 200 ul phosphate buffered saline and homogenised using the TissueLyser (Qiagen). The resulting 2 Severi et al. - Online Resource supernatant was transferred to a clean 1·5 ml tube and DNA extracted using Qiagen mini spin columns according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using the Quant-iT™ Picogreen® dsDNA assay measured on the Qubit® Fluorometer (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY). Bisulfite conversion (EZ DNA Methylation-Gold kit, Zymo Research, Irvine, CA), quality control analyses and the Infinium HM450 DNA methylation assays were performed at the Australian Genome Research Facility as per the manufacturers’ instructions. The bisulfite conversion control dashboard on the Illumina arrays was primarily used to check success of the conversion. Also, a bioanalyser run was performed on a subset of samples in each batch to further check the success of the conversion. Samples were distributed into 96-well plates and processed by Infinium HM450 in chips of 12 arrays (8 chips per plate) with case-control pairs arranged consecutively on the same chip. 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Genome biology. 2012;13(6):R44. 7 Severi et al. - Online Resource Online Resource Table 1 Characteristics of the study sample Age at blood collection Cases Controls N=420 N=420 Mean: 56 Mean=56 SD=8 SD=8 Range=(38 to 70) Range=(38 to 70) Mean=56 Biospecimen Country of Origin Guthrie Card 325 320 Lymphocytes 84 92 Buffy Coats 11 8 355 356 65 64 Australia/NZ/UK Italy/Greece Reference age (*) Mean: 64 SD: 8 Range: 44 to 83 Time from blood collection to reference age Grade <5years 131 5-9years 148 10 years or more 141 Well differentiated Moderately differentiated 179 Highly differentiated 120 Missing Size Nodal Status ER PR HER2 Subtype 87 34 Less than 2 cm 286 2 cm or more 123 Missing 11 Negative 398 Positive 86 Missing 36 Negative 98 Positive 297 Missing 25 Negative 173 Positive 217 Missing 30 Negative 281 Positive 109 Missing 30 Luminal A 221 Luminal B 87 HER2+ 20 Triple Negative 54 Missing 38 (*) Age at diagnosis for the cases and age of the case in the matching set for the controls 8 Severi et al. - Online Resource Online Resource Table 2 Proportion of the total variance explained by the first 10 principal components and their correlation with global methylation overall and by CpG genomic feature PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 Proportion 0·274 0·062 0·023 0·017 0·015 0·009 0·008 0·006 0·005 0·004 Cumulative Proportion 0·274 0·336 0·359 0·376 0·391 0·400 0·408 0·414 0·419 0·423 All 0·56 0·67 0·31 0·15 -0·30 -0·03 -0·09 0·02 -0·02 -0·02 Island/Shore 0·79 0·15 0·30 0·33 -0·36 0·07 -0·08 -0·04 -0·05 0·00 Shelf/None 0·22 0·89 0·30 -0·04 -0·20 -0·10 -0·06 0·04 0·00 -0·02 Functional Promoter 0·38 -0·25 0·19 0·43 -0·65 -0·01 -0·26 -0·14 -0·05 0·07 Non Functional Promoter 0·54 0·73 0·32 0·10 -0·23 -0·03 -0·05 0·03 -0·02 -0·03 Repetitive Elements 0·33 0·88 0·21 0·02 -0·22 -0·06 -0·07 0·01 0·00 -0·04 Non Repetitive Elements 0·62 0·58 0·34 0·20 -0·32 -0·02 -0·09 0·02 -0·02 -0·01 Total variance explained Correlations 9 Severi et al. - Online Resource Online Resource Table 3 Relative risk of breast cancer for 1 standard deviation of the first, second, fifth and eight principal components Overall PC1 PC2 PC5 By time since blood collection RR (95% CI) p 0·74 (0·56-0·99) 0·04 0·66 (0·51-0·86) 0·83 (0·62-1·09) 0·002 0·18 RR (95% CI) p <5 years 0·44 (0·25-0·79) 0·006 5-9 years 0·99 (0·61-1·61) 0·98 10 years or more 0·82 (0·49-1·37) 0·44 test for linear trend 0·21 <5 years 0·45 (0·27-0·74) 0·002 5-9 years 0·66 (0·43-1·02) 0·06 10 years or more 0·83 (0·51-1·34) 0·44 test for linear trend 0·1 <5 years 1·2 (0·73-1·95) 0·48 5-9 years 0·73 (0·45-1·2) 0·22 0·61 (0·35-1·09) 0·1 test for linear trend 0·05 <5 years 1·83 (1·11-3·01) 0·02 5-9 years 1·10 (0·76-1·60) 0·61 10 years or more 1·04 (0·66-1·64) 0·86 test for linear trend 0·02 10 years or more PC8 1·27 (1·00-1·62) 0·05 10 Severi et al. - Online Resource Online Resource Figure 1 Difference in epigenome-wide methylation between cases and controls by time between blood collection and diagnosis (number of sets in each time frame in red) 11 Severi et al. - Online Resource Online Resource Figure 2 Score plots of principle components analysis showing the first component (PC1, x-axis) versus the second component (PC2, y-axis). Incident breast cancer cases are shown in red with controls in black 12