FAIRLESS LOCAL SCHOOL LESSON PLANS Name ___Zalesinsky_______ Grade Level _______12______ Subject _________Physics ____ ESSENTIAL QUESTION: _______How is motion measured, graphed, and calculated?__ DATE M 10/26 Indicator (Objective) 3.1 Picturing Motion Draw and use motion diagrams to describe motion Use a particle model to represent a moving object Assessment Activities (Procedures) 3.1 Picturing Motion p. 46 #1-3 (Write both question and answer) ______/5 Read pp. 44-46 PowerPoint on Models and Diagrams on motion Complete homework College Day Pre/Post Q’s T 10/27 Illustrate that much can be learned about the internal workings of science and the nature of science from the study of scientists, their daily work and their efforts to advance scientific knowledge in their area of study. Investigate how the knowledge, skills and interests learned in science classes apply to the careers students plan to pursue. Question: Create a question that you want to ask during the presentation. Question: Create a question that was left unanswered after the presentation. College Day Presentation Introduction to degree choices Undergraduate Graduate/Professional School Pros/Cons of College What to expect ________/5 W 10/28 3.2 Where and When? Choose coordinate systems for motion problems Differentiate between scalar and vector quantities Define a displacement vector and determine a tme interval Recognize how the chose coordinate system affects the signs of vector quantities p. 51 #1-4 (Q and A) ________/5 3.2 Where and When Read pp. 47-51 PowerPoint on Digrams Begin working on homework H 10/29 3.3 Velocity and Acceleration Define velocity and acceleration operationally Relate the direction and magnitude of velocity and acceleration vectors to the motion of objects Create pictoral and physical models for solving motion problems F 10/30 p. 59 #1-3 3.3 Velocity and Acceleration Read pp. 53-59 Review Velocity and Acceleration Graphs of Velocity and Acceleration p. 60-61 All above objectives #11-23 (Q and A) Review of Motion Diagrams Review of yesterday’s homework Work on problems individually Solve problems on boards ______/10 Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date (after 10/30, please) ________________________ FAIRLESS LOCAL SCHOOL LESSON PLANS Name ___Zalesinsky_______ Grade Level _______12______ Subject _________ Physics____ ESSENTIAL QUESTION: _________ How do you determine the velocity and acceleration vectors? DATE Indicator (Objective) Assessment Chapter 4 Review p. 77 # 1-10 M 11/2 To review the properties and components of vectors ________/5 T 11/3 W 11/4 5.1 Graphing in One Dimension Interpret graphs of position verses time for a moving object to determine the velocity of the object. Describe the information presented in graphs and draw graphs from descriptions of motion Write equations that describe the position of an object moving at constant velocity. 5.2 Graphing Velocity in One Dimension Determine from a graph of velocity v. time the velocity of an object at a specific time Interpret a v-t graph to find the time at which an object has a specific velocity p. 87 #4-8 p. 89 # 9-12 Section Review # 1-3 __________/5 p. 93 Section Review #1-4 ________/5 Activities (Procedures) Work on 10 problems individually Select a problem Put one problem on a board and explain to the class 5.1 Graphing in One Dimension Read pp. 81-89 PowerPoint on graphining in one dimension Solve problems individually Select a problem to present to the class on a white board 5.2 Graphing Velocity in One Dimension Read pp. 90-93 PowerPoint Solve problems individually Put section review problems on boards H 11/5 F 11/6 5.2 Graphing Velocity in One Dimension (cont.) Calculate the displacement of an object from the area under the curve 5.3 Acceleration Determine from the curves on velocity-time graph both the constant and instantaneous acceleration Determine the sign of acceleration using a v-t graph and a motion diagram Calculate velocity and the displacement of an object undergoing constant acceleration p. 93 #5 p. 108-111 # 4, 5, 21, and 79 5.2 Graphing Velocity in One Dimension (cont.) Finish reading and problem solving _________/5 p. 103 #1-5 ________/5 5.3 Acceleration Read pp. 94-103 PowerPoint Introduction to graphs Problem Solving Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ FAIRLESS LOCAL SCHOOL LESSON PLANS Name ___Zalesinsky_ Grade Level 12 Subject _ Physics_ ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do you determine the velocity and acceleration vectors? DATE Indicator (Objective) 5.3 Acceleration M 11/9 T 11/10 W 11/11 5.4 Free Fall Use the motion equations to solve problems involving freely falling objects. H 11/12 All the above goals Activities (Procedures) p. 103 # 6 & 7 Calculate velocity and the p. 108-111 # 6-11 displacement of an object undergoing constant acceleration _______/5 5.4 Free Fall Recognize the meaning of acceleration due to gravity Define the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity as a positive quantity and determine the sign of the acceleration relative to the coordinate system. F 11/13 Assessment p. 106 # 1 and 2 ______/5 p. 108-111 #12-14 _____/5 5.3 Acceleration Finish discussion on acceleration Work on problems on acceleration 5.4 Free Fall Read pp. 104-106 PPT on Free Fall Problem Solving 5.4 Free Fall Finish PPT on Free Fall Problem Solving Begin Study Guides Study Guides Problem Solving Review _____/10 All above goals TEST over Motion Chapters 3-5 TEST ______/100 Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________