Explore Launch Tune In Writing Week 4 Writing Strategy / Focus Monday Journal Writing Tuesday Narrative Mr Men (5-10mins) Learning Intention Main Teaching activity Wednesday Narrative Mr Men ICT Thursday Narrative Mr Men Friday Narrative Mr Men ICT I can use capital letters correctly I can effectively demonstrate the structure of a narrative through creating an iMovie Whole group activity (10 mins) Reinforce the importance of capital letters. Give examples of names and places etc. Show students Little Miss Late clay model. Show student Little Miss Late iMovie that teacher has made so they know what they are going to achieve Focus Teaching Groups- may only be one group per session) 40 mins Journal writing Focus on using capital letters correctly Students are to create their own Mr Men out of clay Take iPad photos of students’ Mr Men Demonstrate to students how to use paint to crop pictures of Mr Men/ Little Miss Make sure draw opaque is off. Need two select open with paint, copy & paste Computer Lab. Students use paint to crop pictures of Mr Men and place them on backgrounds 2hours Show students how to use iMovie. Recap structure of a narrative Drag and drop images. Edit timing. Do voice over. Add titles. Students use iPads to create their own Mr Men/Little Miss on iMovie Recap how to use iMovie Students continue to create their own Little Miss/Mr Men iMovie Make sure you save all pictures Reflection Assessment Read to a partner Students walk around class to observe other people’s Mr Men Discuss what stage students are up to. Discuss what stage students are up to. Discuss what stage students are up to. Success Criteria Able to use capital Able to create a letters in their journal representation of their writing Mr Men/Little Miss Able to use paint program to crop images in order to create pictures for narrative Able to follow a narrative sequence to show create a movie Able to follow a narrative sequence to show create a movie VELS 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.50 - sequence (his/her) ideas in short texts 1.75 - write short texts in a variety of ways including recount, procedure, story and report 2.0 - write for different purposes and in a variety of ways including recounts (e.g. diary writing), procedures, stories and reports 2.25 - write texts in which ideas are linked in a logical sequence 2.50 – write short texts of more than one paragraph to describe experiences, tell a story and express a point of view