Buchanan County 4-H & FFA QUEEN CONTEST RESUME Name: Birthday: Address: Parents: Phone Number(s): _______________________________________________________ School Attending: Grade: Sponsor:_____________________________________ Phone #:______________________ Sponsor Address: _______________________________________________________ DIVISION ENTERING - (Age as of Jan. 1st) only those who completed 5th-12th grades are eligible to move onto State Fair _____ Junior (age 10-15 as of Jan. 1st) _____ Senior (age 16-21 as of Jan. 1st) Horse related activities: (4-H # of years involved, Horse Clubs, etc.) Outside Activities: (Sports, Church, Scouting, etc.) Why would you like to be chosen as the Buchanan County Cowgirl/Queen? (continue on back side) QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENTERING THE BUCHANAN COUNTY 4-H/FFA COWGIRL/QUEEN CONTEST The tiara and sash will both be furnished. (Only one tiara per member if chosen more than one year to represent us.) The Queen is responsible for all State Fair entry fees and obtaining a sash. Sponsors must commit by June 15th. After the contest is complete, the $50 fee is due to the Extension Staff in the crow’s nest immediately after the contest competition. Checks will be made out to the Buchanan County Extension Office. Clothing Attire: The contestants must wear long sleeved shirts, long pants or skirt, boots and helmet or cowboy hat unless physically unable. Contestants may dress with normal clothes or they may dress with fancy show clothes. QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Must be a member of a Buchanan County 4-H or FFA club for at least one full year previous to this season. 2. You will be required to represent our county at the Iowa State Fair if chosen as our queen. 3. Performing the queen's salute may be asked of you during the contest held during the Buchanan County Fair Horse Show. JUDGING: 1. Horsemanship and Showmanship 2. Crowd appeal and appearance 3. A short verbal interview or question will be asked of you by the judge 4. A pleasure class ending with a rodeo salute 5. Based on 50% on beauty, attractiveness and appropriateness of Western attire and 50% on horsemanship (horses not to count) A runner up will be chosen in case the queen is unable to fulfill her duty as our Queen (Queen will forfeit tiara to the runner up) Please fill out the attached form and return to the Extension Office by June 15, 2015. Make sure that you have a sponsor lined up at this time too.