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Texas Alliance Environmental Compliance Project
Oil and gas producers and operators face new challenges in complying with state and federal environmental regulations,
regulatory agencies have increased enforcement and fines. The Texas Alliance of Energy Producers has implemented an
Environmental Compliance Project that brings together the top companies that specialize in environmental laws and
regulations with the independent oil and production sector. Companies enrolled in the Environmental Compliance
Project have made a commitment to the Alliance to provide quality services and give their client peace of mind.
The Alliance Environmental Compliance Project objectives are:
(1) bring together environmental experts and oil and gas operators who need help complying with state and federal
environmental regulations;
(2) to provide professional services to the members of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers; and
(3) to provide an effective marketing plan for members of the Alliance Environmental Compliance Project.
Project members will be available to answer questions from Alliance members regarding state and federal
environmental issues. Alliance members will receive special incentives and discounts based upon the type of consulting
service requested. Alliance Environmental Compliance Project members will be utilized as speakers at environmental
conferences conducted by the Alliance. Additional benefits:
One complimentary half-page color ad in NewsLine, and the Membership Directory & Buyers’ Guide.
Special discounts at Alliance meetings for sponsorships and advertising.
Your company will be listed as a member of the Alliance Environmental Compliance Project on the Alliance’s
web page and in the Buyers’ Guide and Membership Directory.
Opportunity to print on your letterhead, business cards, brochures, etc. that your company is a member of
the Alliance Environmental Compliance Project with the Alliance logo.
The cost to join the Environmental Compliance Project is $1,000 in dues per year to the Alliance. Please fill out the
information below and send to:
Texas Alliance of Energy Producers - Address: 900 8th Street, Suite 400, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 - Fax: 940-723-4132