Does Small-Scale Watershed Land Use Affect Location of Cyanobacterial Algal Blooms in Milford Lake? SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF MILFORD LAKE CYANOBACTERIA BlOOMS PROJECT GROUP NAME: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Team 1 TEAM MEMBERS: Erica Schmitz, Margaret Spangler, Sean Clary, Garrett Cates DATE: 12-05-2014 Introduction: The region being studied is Milford Lake, as well as the rivers, drainages and land use directly surrounding it. In recent years the region has seen an enormous influx of algal blooms, including hazardous cyanobacterial blooms containing toxins. These toxins include neurotoxins, hepatotoxins and lipopolysaccharide toxins, depending on the species present (Pitois, 2001). These toxins have been known to pose potential risk of harm or death to humans in different water systems across the country. With toxins in a public waterway, risks are posed to human safety. The goal of the study is to examine the sources of this phenomenon based on its geospatial location. Research Question/Hypotheses: Nutrient rich water drainage from agricultural areas in Kansas may be leading to expansion of cyanobacteria blooms in flow-contributing reservoirs across the state. Spatial analysis of areas rich in cyanobacteria may be used to draw conclusions about the agricultural effect on densities of blooms in these areas. Milford Lake is a reservoir that typically develops blooms in the summer (Ziegler 2012) and will be analyzed in this project. The project fulfills a need for exploration of the effect of land use on bloom growth (specifically in Milford). Spatial data gathered from GIS sources will help determine what areas of the lake are affected by blooms and which areas have thus far deterred the growth of them. Using this information and agricultural land use data, a relationship between the bloom areas and non-bloom areas was then assessed. Initially a more descriptive land cover datum was usable, allowing for comparison between specific crops, but the scale became unrealistic and a new (more broadly categorized) raster was obtained that contained more current data than the previous data set. The primary research questions became: Which areas of Milford Lake are prone to contamination by the growth and spread of cyanobacteria and what is the spatial relationship of these areas to land used for agriculture? Does the land use data in surrounding regions provide insight into the likelihood of dense cyanobacteria populations? Study Area: The region being studied was Milford Lake, as well as the rivers, drainages and agricultural practices surrounding this region. The HUC 12 Delineations in the spatial reference being studied were Rush Creek, Cane Creek, Tarnum Creek, Timber Creek, and Madison Creek. This was determined to be the most relevant study area after a discussion about the project Dr. Dodds, a professor in the biology department at Kansas State University whose research interests include water quality and algae in freshwater ecosystems. He discussed that the amount of sedimentation in each separate delineation would have an effect on how the blooms formed and that it would be difficult to determine how much mixing was occurring throughout the lake (Dodds, 2014). Data and Methods: Data Layers and Procedure: The geodatabase formed for examination consists of several layers. The National Land Cover Database 2011-Land Cover-State Extent for Kansas was obtained from the national map viewer and added to the geodatabase. This layer is a descriptive raster that defines land use across the state of Kansas in 14 land cover categories. Next the USGS National Hydrography Dataset for the Lower Republican watershed was added to determine the HUC 12 Delineation of the Lower Republican Watershed. This is a critical layer which allows for the comparison between each HUC 12 Delineations in our analysis. Finally a Landsat image showing the location of cyanobacterial algal blooms was gathered from NASA’s Glovis extension. The image selected for examination was taken with Landsat 7 SLC-off in October of 2014. It was chosen because it was a clear day with visible blooms and extremely low cloud cover as shown in Appendix C . The data from this source was unzipped using a program designed for decompressing files and was then imported into the ArcGIS model. Then the image was reprojected (Project Raster Tool) so that it matched the projection (GCS_1984) used for the other layers. In order to complete the data analysis required for this project the involved watersheds were identified, selected in the watershed attribute table , and exported into a separate shapefile by using the create file from selected features. The HUC 12 Delineations used in the analysis are shown in Appendix A. Next the clip (data management) was performed for each HUC 12 Delineation that spatially overlaps Milford, geometrically limiting the landcover layer to the extent of the involved HUC 12 Delineation by creating a separate raster layer for each HUC 12 Delineations, the combination of these raster data layers is shown in Appendix B. Data Analysis: Once the data layers were completed for studying, calculations were made to aid in the review of the gathered material. First a new attribute field was created in each of the HUC 12 Delineations landcover attribute table. The field calculator tool was used to calculate the percent of each individual land cover of the total land area in the HUC 12 Delineation. The following equation was used to complete this calculation, [COUNT]*100/(Sum of [COUNT]). The [COUNT] attribute field contained the number of cells containing a type of land cover. The sum of [COUNT] attribute field was determined by using statistics option in the attribute table. This original calculation included open water land cover in its calculation, after analysis of this data it was determined that another attribute field which did not include open water would aid in the analysis of the data. Therefore another attribute field was created and the field calculator tool was used again to create the equation, [COUNT]*100/(Sum of [COUNT]-Open Water [COUNT] value). The values determined from both of these calculations were used to find the results of this spatial analysis. Results: The watersheds in decreasing order of percentage of cultivated land are Cane Creek, Rush Creek, Farnum Creek, Timber Creek, and Madison Creek. A qualitative rating was given to each watershed extent describing its ranking of bloom presence (1 being the most blooms). The following table describes the findings associated with the precedent rating. Table 1: Fraction of land covered with cultivated crops and corresponding qualitative rating of visible harmful blooms. Watershed Percent Cultivated Land (%) Bloom Rating Rush Creek 26.1381 2 Farnum Creek 21.6688 1 Cane Creek 33.2195 4 (Almost None) Timber Creek 17.8941 4 (Almost None) Madison Creek 3.1936 3 The watershed with the highest amount of cultivated crops (Cane Creek) did not show large amount of blooms for undetermined reasons. However, because the two watersheds that share the majority of the spatial extent of Milford had the highest bloom rating, a new calculation was performed. The calculation was a percentage of land used for cultivated crops not counting land covered by water in the denominator. This calculation was designed to take into account the spatial dependence of each watershed. The table below compares the percent of several land covers of each shed and the bloom rating associated. Table 2: Land use by percentage (Excluding Open Water) Rush Farnum Mall Cane Timber Madison Herbercaus 44.8 58.5 48.26 46.26 65.24 81.32 Cultivated Crops 32.73 25.76 37.87 35.39 18.9 3.28 Deciduous Forest 12.3 8.08 5.29 6.64 8.31 6.66 Developed, Open Space 5 4.21 4.49 3.89 4.57 4.52 Hay/Pasture 1.62 0.89 2.15 0.31 0.46 0.24 Emergent Herbaceous 0.45 0.59 .26 4.83 0.36 1.28 Developed, Low Intensity 1.7 1 .61 1.31 1.15 1.12 Bloom Rating 2 1 N/A 4 4 3 Wetlands Even with the adjusted calculation, the order of magnitudes of percent cultivated land remained unchanged with Cane Creek showing the most land cover used for agriculture. Based on our research, there has been no particular correlation between the spatial distribution of agricultural practices and the presence of densely populated algal blooms experienced at Milford Lake. The spatial analysis shows that Farnum creek, one of the watersheds with the least amount of agriculture land use as a percentage of the total, yields the highest amount of algae blooms recorded. Likewise, over 35% of the land cover surrounding Cane Creek is used for agricultural practices. This is the second highest agricultural land use recorded in the testing area and still yields a bloom ranking of 4, the lowest ranking possible. These blooms, which were originally thought to have been located in watersheds connecting to high agricultural practices, seem to be un-related. This has changed the reasoning behind the causes of these blooms and will need to be looked at from a different point of view. When analyzed with special consideration to water cover the data remained delineated. The bloom ratings remained constant and the new percentages were relationally the same as the initially calculated values, that is to say the ranking of agricultural use did not change either. Conclusions: The determination that was made is the likelihood of a relationship between agricultural land use and bloom presence is null. Other factors need to be assessed in order to find the true cause of the algae blooms. The blooms recorded in Farnum Creek have contradicted the original hypothesis that agricultural practices are causing these severe and sometimes fatal blooms, by the excess of nutrients present in the water. Phosphorus and Nitrogen are key elements in the success of plant growth and reproduction, but they can be released into runoff when land is fertilized in excess. The analysis did not show a correlation between percentages of agricultural land in the HUC 12 delineations with location of the cyanobacterial blooms. Further research was performed on Milford Lake and it was discovered that the residence time of water in Milford Lake is 12 months (Cunha, 2014). This means that water cycles through the reservoir not incredibly quickly, but it is still moving through the reservoir. This movement of water would cause the mixing of nutrients and the source of these nutrients from their respective watersheds would not contribute to a specific location in the lake. Overall, this spatial analysis has shown that other factors contribute to the cyanobacterial blooms, such as mixing and sedimentation, other than small-scale watershed land use. Further research for small-scale watershed land use could be done on the smaller arms of Milford Lake where mixing with the main waters of the lake does not occur and the location of the blooms would correspond more closely with the respective watershed. Comparisons between lakes and their respective watersheds in the same biome could also be done as well as analyses on soils, slope, and flow accumulation. Additional areas of study regarding possible promoters of heavy blooming include any local runoffs, lake conditions, and wind patterns. Lastly, individual biome-altering species should be considered as a possible source of bloom aggregation. Zebra mussels in particular, contribute to the high level of water clarity in the reservoir. These aquatic intruders are filter feeders, which attach to everything and clean the water as they feed. This high level of water clarity could contribute to greater photic penetration into the water column, therefore, increasing photosynthesis and reproductive rates. With vast amounts of essential nutrients, high water clarity for sunlight penetration, and many pockets that are protected from the wind at all times, Milford Lake seems to be the perfect storm for dangerous algal blooms. These blooms are caused by a number of factors but research concludes that the stars have aligned in this particular reservoir, making it one of the most dangerous in the country. Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: References: Beaver, J. R., Manis, E. E., Loftin, K. A., Graham, J. L., Pollard, A. I., & Mitchell, R. M. (2014). Land use patterns, ecoregion, and microcystin relationships in US lakes and reservoirs: A preliminary evaluation. Harmful Algae, 36, 57-62. Cunha, D. G. F., do Carmo Calijuri, M., & Dodds, W. K. (2014). Trends in nutrient and sediment retention in Great Plains reservoirs (USA). Environmental monitoring and assessment, 186(2), 1143-1155. Dodds, Walter K., Ph.D. "Causes of Milford Lake Cyanobacteria Blooms." Personal interview. 4 Dec. 2014. Gehringer, M. M., & Wannicke, N. (2014). Climate change and regulation of hepatotoxin production in Cyanobacteria. FEMS microbiology ecology, 88(1), 1-25. Jin, S., Yang, L., Danielson, P., Homer, C., Fry, J., and Xian, G. 2013. 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