GW Graham Grad Handbook 2015 For updated info, check out Student Services or visit the school website at 1 Table of Contents: Sponsor Teachers ……………………………………………………………..3 Counsellor Information/Forms…………………………………………….3 Yearbook……………………………………………………………………………..4 Grad Application and Activities Form…………………………………..4 Grad Photos………………………………………………………………………...5 Grad Rings…………………………………………………………………………...5 Provincial/Final Exams and Graduation Status……………………..5 Message to parents……………………………………………………………..5 Valedictorian………………………………………………………………………..6 Rehearsal……………………………………………………………………………..7 Grad Convocation………………………………………………………………...8 Ceremony Invitations……………………………………………………………9 Ceremony Gowns…………………………………………………………………9 Grad Trip……………………………………………………………………………..10 Grande March………………………………………………………………………10 Banquet and Dance………………………………………………………………10 Dry Grad……………………………………………………………………………….11 Grad Fees……………………………………………………………………………..12 Grad Checklist……………………………………………………………………….13 2 Sponsor Teachers Sponsor Teachers are teachers who have volunteered their time to oversee a particular Grad Event. If you are interested in helping them out please see them directly. Grad Convocation Ms. Schramm Convocation Invitations Mrs. McCarty, Mrs. Boersma Dry Grad Mr. Reid Prom Mrs. Elliott List Holder Ms. Schramm Yearbook Mrs. Francis Grad Fundraisers Mr. Reid and Mrs. Elliott Career Advisor Information/Forms Do you want to graduate? To attend school of any level after you graduate? The chance to earn scholarships to help you pay for the cost of post-secondary education? WE NEED TO MEET! November - 13 – Choose BC Presentations during tutorial in the small gym - 18 - 20th in C183 – Scholarship information sessions. - 30th (approx.) – District Scholarship booklet available online. Application deadlines in February (Internal) and March (External) 3 Yearbook Grad Message: Grads, you will be able to leave a memorable message of 50 words or less beside your grad photo in the yearbook. The forms will be available after Christmas and should be returned to the box in Student Services asap. Watch for the deadline! Grad Baby Pictures: These were due last week (mid-March) See Mrs. Francis in the library! Pictures will be returned sometime after Spring Break. Grad Application and Activities Form This form needs to be completed asap. It will be handed out in the grad assembly in March. It will ask you questions about what events you would like to attend so we can ensure you are on ‘the list’. It is important that you fill it out and return it to Student Services asap. If you decide to change your mind about any of your choices, please let Ms. Schramm know right away so that she can change the ‘master list’. Keep in mind that most grads participate in all the events, so get your form in! Grad Photos Grad Photos are separate from the regular school photos and will occur December 8-12th at the school. Sign up in Student Services. You MUST have your grad photo taken to have your picture in the yearbook! If you missed the date or retakes, please see Ms. Schramm. 4 Grad Rings In February Jostens will visit the school to present an opportunity to order a grad ring. Pay attention to announcements! Provincial Exams and Graduation Status Provincial Exams will be held at the end of each semester for courses that require them. (January and June) (English 10, Foundations and Precalculus Math 10, Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10, Science 10, Socials Studies 11, Communications 12, First Nations Studies 12, English 12) Some courses may provide exam opportunities in April, May and August for rewrites. If you have any questions about the provincial exam for a specific course, please see the teacher for that course. If you have any questions about your graduation status, please see Ms. Schramm immediately to ensure you have all the credits necessary to graduate. Message to Parents We know you are extremely proud and excited for this BIG year! We strongly encourage you as parents to get involved and help out with the Grad Activities. There are a lot of places to help. Your input is always appreciated. Please check the Grad newsletter and the school website for upcoming Grad Parent meetings, or contact the school to be put in touch with a grad organizer. If you have questions about certain events, please contact the sponsor teacher for that event. **Important note: We expect our grad class to be leaders in the school and set a good example with the choices they make. Grade 12 students who choose, in their final year, to attend school or a school event having consumed drugs or alcohol will be transferred to another school and will not be allowed to participate in GW Graham’s school-based grad events. 5 Valedictorian Choosing a Valedictorian Graduating students may nominate themselves or each other. Applications will be available in the office near Spring Break. A ballot will then be made and voting will take place in early April. What does it mean to be the Valedictorian at GW Graham? A Valedictorian is a representative of a graduating class who speaks on behalf of the graduates at Convocation. This honour is usually bestowed on an outstanding representative of the graduating class. They are not necessarily the top academic student, but they must have a strong academic record. They should have good public speaking skills and they should be a student who has been actively involved in school life and shown some leadership in the school community. After they are selected, the Valedictorian is assigned a teacher mentor to help them write their speech. Grad Activities If you have completed the requirements necessary to graduate you will be participating in the Convocation Ceremony. If you are unsure if you have completed the requirements, please see Ms. Schramm. Students enrolled in courses outside of GW Graham that are required for graduation must have 80% completed by May 1, 2015 to be eligible to participate in the ceremony. 6 Convocation Rehearsal Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015 Time: Lunch and afternoon blocks – back to the school by 2:30 Place: First Avenue Assembly Why do you need to be there….? 1) You need to see where to go in the gym, what line-up you will be in and who you are standing beside. We also need all the bodies there so we can see how you will fit in the rows. 2) You will also have to learn the procedure for crossing the stage. You will be nervous enough on the evening of the ceremony, so let’s practice! Convocation: Date: Friday, June 12th, 2015 Time 6:00 pm (Grads need to be there by 5:15 pm – Do NOT be late!) Place: First Avenue Assembly Cost: $40 Things to know: 1) Since you received your gown on Wednesday or Thursday, take all your pictures with your family BEFORE you come to the church. You will not have the gown to do this after the ceremony is over. 7 2) Come to the ceremony already dressed in your gown with clothes underneath. You will be taking the gown off right after the ceremony. (Guys: Dress pants with a white dress shirt and black dress shoes look great! Girls: Skirts or dresses with dress shoes look best!) You will not take the grad gown home that night! 3) When you arrive at the church go to the gym to line up. Convocation Invitations Due to limited space, family and friends will require invitations to watch you cross the stage. Each student will receive up to 6 tickets. Here is the procedure we will be following: 1) Pick up your six tickets in the office in early May. You must have paid your school fees. If you do not want some or all of your invitations, please tell us at that time. 2) Return any invitations you don’t need to the office. 3) If you still need more invitations, please ask to have your name put on the list for more invitations. In late May/early June, extra tickets will be dispersed on a first come first served basis. Please note: Each guest attending the convocation ceremony MUST have a ticket to be allowed in. We are limited with space and no special privileges will be extended. No ticket means no entrance! 8 Ceremony Gowns To cross the stage for this formal ceremony, you will need to wear a gown. Ms. Schramm and Mrs. Tourand will be taking your heights in November so that the proper size can be ordered for you. School fees must be paid for us to finalize the order in April. You will be able to pick up your grad gown and cap in Student Services on June 10th and 11th. They will be returned right after the ceremony on June 12th. You will not be able to take them home with you! Grad Trip Each year we try to plan a grad trip, just for grads. We will again try to arrange for this to happen for the grads of 2015. Stay tuned for details. Prom – Banquet and Dance Date: June 25, 2015 Able to enter Shelby’s Pond: 5:30 The Banquet and Dance is a formal event where students get to dress up and spend a very memorable evening together. Grads will share in a beautiful buffet dinner, there will be a few speeches, a slide show and then grads will dance the night away! 9 You must have paid your student fees in order to purchase a prom ticket. You can reserve your table once your ticket is purchased. If you are wanting to bring a non-GW grad as a date, there is a guest pass application process: 1) Guest passes will be available in the office in April/May. There will be a deadline for returning the pass – stay tuned for that. 2) Once your prom date is approved, you will be notified and then you will be allowed to purchase a ticket for him/her and sign them up for a seat at your table. Students can sign up for tables (which seat 8 only!) in early May. More information will be available in semester 2. Please continue to listen to announcements, check the website and watch the grad newsletters. Dry Grad Date: Thursday, June 25th, 2015 (Evening of the banquet and dance) Time: 11:00 pm – 5:00 am Place: Chilliwack Landing Leisure Center Cost: $35 There will be plenty of fun things to do! There will be karaoke, casino games, live entertainment, character artists, food and drinks. Grads should bring comfortable clothes. Students are NOT required to bring any money or pay for anything during the evening. This is an alcohol free event that goes until the early morning hours. There are no in and out privileges. If a student chooses to leave, they may not re-enter. Prizes are awarded throughout the evening with larger prizes awarded at 5am. In past years some of the prizes included an iPad2, gas cards, TV, a set of pots, air compressor and nailer, iPod docking systems and much more! More information to come! See Mr. Reid for details 10 Grad Fees Grad Convocation This includes gown rental, the purchase of your grad cap and tassel and your portfolio. The invitations for your family and friends are free $40 Banquet and Dance This includes your dinner, dance and all the costs of putting this event on, and is a per ticket price. (If you bring a guest, you have to buy a ticket for them!) $ TBD Dry Grad This covers all cost of the dry grad, including rental of the facility, entertainment and food. Again, this is a per ticket price. Prom guests are welcome! $ 35 11 Grad Checklist September… o o o o Read through the Grad Handbook Tell your parents about Grad Parent Meetings! Check your Graduation Status with Ms. Schramm Check out October… o Check out for grad info! o Check the latest installment of Grizzly Grad News November… o Sign up for photos in advance! Grad photos are Dec 8-12th o Return the Grad Activities Form to Ms. Schramm o Check and sign the Transcript Verification Form – see Ms. Schramm o Fill out the PSI Selections form online o Attend the Grad Pasta Dinner, and bring your friends and family! Nov 17th December… o Grad photos are Dec 8-12th. Have you booked your session? o Attend the Grad pasta Dinner, and bring friends and family Dec 3rd! o Start preparing for final exams in January! o Get family and friends to buy raffle tickets for the car! o Check out for grad info! o Check the latest installment of Grizzly Grad News o Christmas Break – Dec 20 – Jan 4 12 January … o School reopens Jan 5 o Last day of classes for semester 1 – January 30th o Final and Provincial Exams – February 2-6 February… o Grad Parent Meeting TBA o Feb TBD– Josten’s will be here selling grad rings o Check out for grad info! o Check the latest installment of Grizzly Grad News March… o Spring Break March 21 – April 6 o Valedictorian Nominations will be coming out. They are due April 10th. o Start thinking about your grad anecdotes for convocation. April… o Grad anecdotes due o Vote for Valedictorian o Notify Ms. Schramm of any changes to your Grad Activities Form o Get your prom guest form from the office o Pay your student fees! May… o Pick up your convocation tickets about mid-May o Submit the prom guest form at the office o Pick up your Banquet and Dance tickets at the office o Reserve your banquet table 13 June… o Participate in the mandatory convocation rehearsal June 11th o Pick up grad gowns in Student Services June 10-11 o Last day of classes – June 12th o Convocation June 12th at First Ave. Assembly. Be there by 5:15pm o Final and Provincial Exams – June 15-24th o Banquet and Dance – June 25th. Doors open at 5:30 at Shelby’s Pond o Dry Grad – June 25th. After Banquet and Dance – Doors open at 11pm 14