Congress of the Argentine Nation Law Number: 18398 Prefectura Naval Argentina. Mission and functions. Enacted on 10/10/1969 published in the Official Gazette of the 28/10/1969 in use of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Statute of the Revolution Argentina, PRESIDENT OF THE ARGENTINE NATION SIGNS AND promulgates WITH FORCE OF LAW, GENERAL LAW OF THE Prefectura Naval Argentina TITLE I BASIC PROVISIONS CHAPTER I. The nature and mission Article 1 -- The Prefectura Naval Argentina is a security force. Art. 2nd - The Prefectura Naval Argentina is the force by which the command in Chief of the Navy exercises: the police service on safety of navigation and the service of security police and the judiciary; partially, the administrative jurisdiction of the navigation. (Article replaced by art. 1 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) CHAPTER II Art Unit. 3- The Prefectura Naval Argentina depends on the command in chief of the Navy. (Article replaced by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) CHAPTER III Scope Art. 4th - The Prefectura Naval Argentina acts with exclusive nature in: ( a) seas, rivers, lakes, canals and other navigable waters of the nation that serve the transit trade and jurisdictional, and in the ports subject to national jurisdiction; (b) Argentine Antarctica, Falkland Islands and other islands of the South Atlantic; (c) on the coasts and sea beaches, up to a distance of fifty (50) meters from the line of the highest tide and in the margins of the rivers, lakes, canals and other navigable waters, up to a distance of thirty-five (35) meters from the line of the highest ordinary flood, as soon as it is related to the exercise of the security police In navigation; d) aboard vessels in jurisdictional waters and in the flag of Argentina that are in open sea; (e) on board the Argentinian flag vessels are in foreign ports, specifically, on everything to do with the police on the safety of navigation and the exercise of administrative jurisdiction of the navigation and, in general, in any case in which, in accordance with the public international law, it is not within the competence of the State local jurisdictional; f) security zones of maritime border and in the margins of the navigable rivers, in accordance with the law of jurisdictions of the security forces, the only effect of The crimes under federal jurisdiction. Likewise, they shall act in any other place in the country, at the request of the Federal Courts. (Paragraph incorporated by art. 3, OF THE Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) CHAPTER IV Art Functions. 5th - in accordance with the provisions of article 26, paragraphs 23 and 24 of Law 18,416 , corresponds to the Prefectura Naval Argentina: (Heading replaced by art. 4 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) (a) such as the police on the safety of navigation: ( 1) intervene in everything relating to navigation by enforcing the laws that govern; 2) dictate the ordinances related to the laws that govern the navigation and propose the establish the misconduct or contraventions sea and river and its sanctions, still its enforcement authority; 3) be body of implementation in the technical order of the international conventions on safety of navigation and of the goods and of human life in the sea; 4) Prepare the material and to propose the instructions to the government delegates to conferences and international agencies on navigation, and propose to represent the Prefectura Naval Argentina; 5) Give Entry and exit to the ships, to enforce its order of placement in the ports, in response to the drawings prepared by the competent authority, and monitor the security of your mooring, the of the transit and the port of the navigation; 6) Understand in the removal, removal or demolition of ships and aircraft or their remnants shipwrecked and of national flag or foreign, they are sunk or run aground in jurisdictional waters argentinas, constituting an obstacle or hazard to navigation sea or river, in the form or conditions that may be determined by the respective laws; 7) Monitoring the offal from the wrecks and rescues, without prejudice to the intervention that, in your case, corresponds to the customs authority; 8) Take the National Registry Of the vessels, which will include the registration of the Argentine vessels and the domain registration and other real rights, levies, liens or interdictions that fall on the same; 9) grant the use and cessation of flag to the Argentine vessels in compliance with the relevant authorities; 10) periodically publish the cast of the Merchant Navy Argentina, according to the records of the Register; 11) to approve and monitor technically the construction, alteration, repair, dismantling and removal of vessels and elements of safety and rescue; 12) Inspect ships to verify its security and determine the tonnage of the Argentine flag, giving the corresponding certificates; 13) grant privilege of postal package to Argentine vessels And foreigners, upon the intervention of the relevant authorities; 14) intervene, in accordance with the provisions in this regard issued by the commander in chief of the Navy, in the rescue and assistance of vessels, aircraft, lives and property in jurisdictional waters; 15) regulate and manage pilotage services and control; (replaced by art. 5 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) 16) to enforce the provisions of the health authorities and the related to the cleaning of the ports; 17) Take the National Registry of the staff of the navigation, which will include the registration of the personnel on board and the staff of the Terrestrial Navigation; 18) propose to the commander-in-chief of the Navy requirements that, on minimum knowledge in regard to safety of navigation, you should gather the staff of the merchant navy and the seagoing personnel in general. Grant certificates of entitlement for the staff and to the that plays tasks related to the navigation; 19) to determine the safe manning of ships; 20) collaborate in the services of lighthouses, beacons and signals sea and river; 21) Meet and lead the service of radio communications for the safety of navigation and to safeguard human life in the sea and the broadcasting service for the safety of navigation and collaborate with the Naval Hydrographic Service in the supply of information on meteorology and hydrographic and notice to mariners; 22) Have in charge of the aids to navigation, except those that maintain other agencies; 23) understand in the Relative to the standards that are adopted aimed at prohibiting the pollution of the river water, lake and sea by oil or other harmful substances or dangerous, and verify your compliance; (b) In the exercise of administrative jurisdiction-police: (enunciated replaced by art. 6 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) 1) instruct summaries by shipwrecks, collisions, varaduras and other occurrences of the navigation that occurred to Argentine vessels or foreigners in Argentine territorial waters, as well as those that occurred at Argentine ships in foreign waters or in open sea for investigation; and identify responsibilities in administrative order, in those cases whose judgment does not correspond to the Administrative Tribunal of the Navigation; (replaced by art. 6 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) (2) offenses or violations of nautical safety; (replaced by art. 6 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) (3) offenses or violations of law enforcement public safety within competence assigned by the Code of Criminal Procedures for the Federal Capital and National Territories and in accordance with Title II, section first, book IV of the Code cited; (c) As security police: ( 1) maintaining the public order and contribute to the security of the State; (2) Ensure in time of peace and help in the case of internal disturbance or international conflict, to the internal security of the ports and waterways; 3) prevent the commission of crimes and misdemeanours; 4) to identify persons entering or leaving the country by sea, river or air in its jurisdiction, And to those who live or work within the limits of that, as well as verify the documentation staff; 5) Provide, as soon as it is related to their specific functions, the assistance that you require the competent authorities; 6) assist in the cases of floods and other natural disasters; 7) Check the chart and the fire-fighting in the ports; 8) Collaborate with your communications service with the different police authorities; 9) Carry handbooks, carry out an exchange and exchange information with other security and police forces; (Paragraph incorporated by art. 7) Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) 10) extend the relevant documentation to the people that work in their jurisdiction; (Paragraph incorporated by art. 7) Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) ( d) as a judicial police: ( 1) intervene in all cases of crimes and to practice the necessary steps to check the facts of the case and discover and arrest the perpetrators and partners, with the duties and rights to the police gives the Code of Criminal Procedures for the Federal Capital and National Territories; (2) prosecute cases by shipwreck, collisions, varaduras and other incidents occurring in the waters of national jurisdiction and to those that took place to the Argentinian flag vessels in open sea, with judicial intervention when the fact prima facie configure crime; (3) prosecute cases for crimes that have occurred in the area of the buildings occupied by its units stationed outside its sphere of action, with the intervention of the Competent judge; 4) Comply with as a public force, to all judicial mandate; ( e) to intervene in what is your competition in everything relating to hunting and fishing and maritime contribute to the fulfilment of national laws and regulations governing that activity; (f) comply with the duties and exercise the powers conferred by general laws and regulations to the maritime authority. And in accordance with the provisions of article 10, paragraphs (f) and (g) of the Act 18,711 : (wording incorporated by art. 8 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) ( g) to intervene in the restoration of order and public peace outside of their jurisdiction when so ordered by the Executive Branch. (Incorporated by art. 8 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) (h) Any other function that is assigned to him in accordance with its mission and capabilities. (Incorporated by art. 8 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 6th - within their jurisdiction, and in collaboration with the competent authorities, may exercise: ( a) auxiliary police customs, migration and health, where function bodies established by the respective administrations, within the hours enabled by them; (b) The Police customs, migration and health, outside those sites established in subparagraph (a), as well as in them, but out of the schedules established by the respective administrations. Art. 7th - The Prefectura Naval Argentina may act in the jurisdiction of other policemen when reasons for urgency or the nature of the fact that investigates so warrant, must give immediate knowledge in the form detailed to the relevant authorities. Art. 8th - The Prefectura Naval Argentina may, with the approval of the commander in chief of the Navy: a) make agreements with the national police and provincial, for purposes of cooperation, reciprocity and mutual aid to facilitate police action; (b) maintain relations with the foreign police forces, especially of the neighboring countries for the purpose of international cooperation and coordination for the prevention and suppression of crime and other illegal activities which affect their reciprocal interests; (c) maintain relations with equivalent authorities in foreign countries in order to coordinate the norms and measures aimed at the safety of navigation. TITLE II ORGANIZATION CHAPTER ONLY general rules Article. 9th - The Prefectura Naval Argentina is organized into: National Prefecture and National Subprefecture, addresses, departments, services, Prefectures of area, prefectures,, institutes and other agencies that may be necessary for its functions. Art. 10. - The National Prefecture shall be exercised by an officer of the Admiral Body Combat, incremental point Naval Command, of the Argentine Navy, in situation of activity or withdrawal, with the title of Prefect National Naval; the sub-prefecture National, by a Senior Officer in the body of combat, incremental point Naval Command or Marine Infantry, of the Argentine Navy in situation of activity, or by a Senior Officer in the maximum degree of the Prefectura Naval Argentina in situation of activity, with the title of National Naval Prefect. Both will be designated by the National Executive on the proposal of the Commander in Chief of the Navy and through the Minister of Defense. The other agencies, by the senior officers, chiefs and officers of the Prefectura Naval Argentina that designate the National Naval Prefect, with the names and terms to be determined by the respective regulations. (Article replaced by art. 1 Of the Law Nº 19,190 B. O. 02/09/1971. Validity: from the date of sanction: 26/08/1971.) Art. 11. - The national naval prefect shall assist the commander in chief of the Navy in regard to the organization, preparation, employment, administrative, judicial, government and discipline of the Prefectura Naval Argentina. TITLE III PERSONNEL REGIME FIRST CHAPTER general rules police State Art. 12. - Police State is the legal situation that it is the set of duties and rights established by the laws and regulations for the staff that integrates the various bodies of the Prefectura Naval Argentina, acquired from the date of the decree or resolution corresponding to its high effectively or in committee. Art. 13. - State police has the staff of the bodies of the Prefectura Naval Argentina in situation of activity or withdrawal and the staff of students from the date of its incorporation to the institutes. Art. 14. - The police state is lost by low. Art. 15. - Grade is the name of each of the steps of the police hierarchy. Hierarchy is the existing order between the degrees. Activity is the situation in which the police personnel has the obligation to carry out the tasks entrusted to them and cover the destinations that provide the legal or regulatory provisions. Withdrawal is the situation in which, without losing its degree nor police state, they cease the obligations inherent in the situation of activity. Art. 16. - The National Executive, on the proposal of the commander in chief of the Navy, may, temporarily, the state military personnel of the Prefectura Naval Argentina in case of international conflict, domestic disturbance or when so required the needs of national security. Art duties and rights. 17. - Are essential rights and duties imposed by the state police for the staff at situation of activity: ( a) duties: 1. The subject to police disciplinary; 2. The acceptance of the degree, honors or titles conferred by competent authority, in accordance with legal provisions; 3. The exercise of the powers of control and disciplinary for each rank and position agree the respective regulations; 4. The performance of roles, functions and service commissions sorted by competent authority and in accordance with what for each grade or destination prescribed by the laws or regulations; 5. The non-acceptance or the performance of charges, duties or jobs outside the specific activities of the Prefectura Naval Argentina, without prior authorization from the competent authority; 6. Not the direct or indirect participation in the activities of political parties; 7. He did not marry without prior permission of the national naval prefect; 8. The signing of a commitment to provide services for periods and in the circumstances to be determined by the regulations of this law. (Incorporated by art. 1 º, Inc. , a), of Law No. 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) b) Rights: 1. The property of the degree and the use of its name, with the limitations that determines the present law; 2. The allocation of the charge that corresponds to the degree; 3. The use of uniforms, insignia, and own distinctive attributes of the degree and functions, in accordance with the respective regulations; 4. The honors for the rank and position prescribed by the respective regulations; 5. The perception of the assets that for each grade, charge and situation determine the laws and regulations; (replaced by art. 9Or the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) 6. The perception of having to retreat to if and the pension for his successors, in accordance with the laws and regulations; (replaced by art. 9Or the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) 7. The social services provided for themselves and their families. (Incorporated by art. 9Or the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art superiority and control. 18. - Superiority is the relationship of authority established by reasons of charge, hierarchy, age, or precedence, distinguished: ( a) The superiority by title, which is now the organizational unit and in virtue of which a naval police has superiority over another to play a preeminent charge to this within the same agency or unit; (b) the hierarchical superiority, which is a naval police over another by the fact that they possess a higher degree. To this end, the succession of the degrees is that set out in articles 30 and 31 of this law; (c) superiority by seniority, which is a naval police with respect to another of the same degree, in accordance with the order resulting from the following sections: 1. Staff in activity of the graduate institutes of recruitment: ( A) by the date of promotion to the grade and, to equal this, by the seniority in the previous grade; (B) to equal seniority in the previous grade, with the appropriate degree immediately above, and so on until the age of discharge; C) The age of discharge the gives the date of discharge; to equal this, the order of merit of discharge, and equality of this, the older. 2. Active staff recruited from other sources: ( A) by the date of promotion to the grade and, to equal this, by the seniority in the previous grade; (B) to equal seniority in the previous grade, with the appropriate degree immediately preceding, and so on until the age of high; (c) the age of high the gives the date in which it occurred; to equal this, the order of merit obtained to be discharged, and to equal this, increasing age. 3. Staff in retreat: a) will be the oldest who has remained more simple time of service in grade in activity; (B) to equal time in simple service activity in the degree, the seniority shall be established by which it was in such a situation; (d) in situation of activity, in the same degree, the general body shall take precedence over the other bodies. The staff at activity of any of the bodies, with equal degree will take precedence over the staff in retired status. The cadets will have equivalence of degree, precedence on the junior staff. The aspirants will, to equivalence of degree, precedence over sailors of second. (Paragraph incorporated by art. 10 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 19. Post: this is the role of the service plays in the destination. Control: it is the authority that is vested to the naval police for the fulfilment of its tasks, the authority which is caused by the superiority by charge; when the control is exercised on operational units of security police exclusively, it is called operational command. Destination: is the agency, office or unit where the naval police magazine. CHAPTER II grouping of Art staff. 20. - Staff are grouped into: a) senior staff; b) junior staff; (c) Staff of students. Art. 21. - The staff is classified as follows: a) Top: 1) General Body: formed by the staff specially recruited and trained for the compliance of the specific functions of the Prefectura Naval Argentina, and that corresponds to the integral and exclusively exercise operational command; (2) Professional Body: formed by staff recruited and trained for the performance of professional duties in the Prefectura Naval Argentina which must play positions or functions specific to their specialty; 3) Supplementary Body: formed by staff recruited and trained for the technical functions or special in the Prefectura Naval Argentina (b) Junior: is classified in bodies and scales, according to his specialty, as determined by the regulations of this law. (Replaced by art. 11 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) c) Students, consisting of the cadets and aspirants of the various courses and years or periods of the schools of recruitment of senior staff and junior staff respectively, to be determined by the regulations of this Law. (Article replaced by art. 1 Of the Law Nº 18,558 B. O. 03/23/ 1970) Art. 22. - The bodies and their categories may be composed of one or more specialties, in accordance with the determined by the regulations of this law. Art. 23. - The staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina may possess one or more disciplines or change from one to another according to their abilities, in accordance with organizational needs and as determined by the regulations of this law. CHAPTER III personnel and recruitment Art. 24. - The prefect shall propose to the national naval commander-in-chief of the Navy personnel necessary to meet the demands of the services of the Prefectura Naval Argentina. These troops will be adjusted in a comprehensive manner in the general budget law of the Nation. The Prefectura Naval Argentina will distribute the core strength of their tables in accordance with their own needs. These officers shall consist of officers, non-commissioned officers, cadets, Los Cabos, sailors and aspirants. Art. 25. - Admission to the institution will be granted only to the native Argentine or by choice, in the conditions that determine the regulation of this law. Those entering before the call to service of conscription will not convene with your class and will be permanently excluded from this service, provided that they meet the requirements of the legal provisions governing the matter. Art. 26. - The senior staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina will be recruited in the following manner: ( a) general Body: graduates of the School of Prefectura Naval Argentina; (b) professional body and Supplementary Body: through the courses or examinations for admission, which for this purpose are performed between the which meet the requirements for each specialty set the regulations made under this act. (B) and (c) replaced by the present by art. 12 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 27. - When the recruitment of senior staff in the Professional Body or complementary to be carried out by competition for admission, the admission to the program will be "on commission". The final high will be granted after a period of three (3) years from the date of admission and always that the deceased has satisfied during that period the demands that regulate. (Article replaced by art. 13 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 28. - The junior staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina is expected to be inducted in the institutes specially designed for this purpose or through courses or examinations for admission to that effect. When this staff be trained by the institution in the specialties to be established by the regulation, you must sign a commitment to services in the form and conditions that set the same. Art. 29. - When the recruitment of junior staff is carried out through competition for admission, the admission to the program will be "on commission". The final high will be granted after two (2) years from the date of admission and always that the deceased has satisfied during that period the demands that regulate. (Article replaced by art. 14 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 30. - The senior staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina is classified as follows: Senior Officers: General Prefect Prefect Greater Official Heads: Prefect Main Prefect junior officers: Prefect Main Official Auxiliary Official Official Art Assistant. 31. - The junior staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina, is classified as follows: senior NCO: Assistant greater; Assistant Principal; - junior Commissioned Officers: Assistant of 1ra.; Assistant 2da.; Assistant 3ra.; - Los Cabos: Cape 1ro.; Cape 2oj.; - All ranks: sailor; Sailor first; second class sailor. (Article replaced by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 18,558 B. O. 03/23/ 1970) Art. 32. - Admission to the echelons, both for the staff of officers as the NCO, Los Cabos and sailors, shall be made in the initial degree to be determined in the regulations made under this act. Art. 33. - The Officers shall be appointed by the National Executive Power; noncommissioned officers, Los Cabos, sailors and students are expected to be discharged in the manner prescribed by regulations made under this act. (Article replaced by art. 15 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) CHAPTER IV Situation of Art magazine. 34. - The staff in activity can be found in the following situations of magazine: ( a) actual service; (b) Availability; c) passive. Art. 35. - Will Review in actual service staff: ( a) to provide service to the organizations of the institution or to comply with specific functions in commissions of the service in other agencies; (b) with license for up to two (2) years by disease caused by acts of service, after which time your aptitude will be established for the same in order to determine your pass to the situation of magazine that corresponds. In special cases, this period may be extended by one (1) year; (c) with license for up to two (2) months by disease not motivated by acts of service, at the end of which will determine its fitness for the same in order to establish your pass to the situation of magazine that corresponds. Once in the race such a license may be extended up to six (6) months; (d) That after twenty (20) years in the institution get six (6) months of extraordinary leave. The same shall be conferred by resolution of the national naval prefect and only once in the course of his career. Art. 36. - The time spent in actual service shall be counted for promotion and withdrawal. Art. 37. - Will Review staff in availability: ( a) higher than that is passed to this situation and while waiting for the appointment to functions of the actual service. In such a situation the officers may not be kept longer than one (1) year; (b) with sick leave not motivated by acts of service, from the moment that exceed two (2) months of license referred to in subparagraph (c) of article 35 and up to complete one (1) year, to whose term establish your physical fitness to determine the situation of magazine that corresponds. During the course of the first two (2) years after you have exhausted the license referred to in the first paragraph of this subsection and subparagraph (a) of article 40, the staff does not have the right to return to this situation of magazine; (c) licensed by personal matters, from the moment that exceed two (2) months to complete with this six (6) months as maximum. This license may not be granted in the same grade together with the provided for in subparagraph (d) of article 35; ( d) that would be designated to perform functions that are not related to those laid down in article 35, paragraph (a), and to impose his departure from the institution, from the moment that such situation exceeds the two (2) months to complete the six (6) months as maximum; (e) that is considered as missing, until both the clarification of the legal situation; (f) which has sought voluntary retirement with having, by the term up to eight (8) months, unless the withdrawal is granted in a period of less. This situation cannot be used in conjunction with the provided for in article 35, paragraph (d). Art. 38. - In the case of subparagraph (a) of the previous article, who get license by personal matters will be in fact understood in what sets the paragraph (c) of the same article, from the moment that exceed two (2) months of license and until complete six (6) months as maximum. At the end of this license will be appointed in subparagraph (a) of the above-mentioned article, if it has not given destination and to complete one (1) year with the elapsed time in this situation. Art. 39. - The time spent in situation of availability for the reasons set forth in subparagraphs (a), (d) and (e) of article 37 shall be counted for the purposes of the ascent and the withdrawal; the past in situation of availability for the reasons set forth in subparagraphs (b), c) and (f) will be calculated only for the withdrawal. Art. 40. - Will Review the staff in passive: a) with sick leave not motivated by acts of service for a period longer than one (1) year and until complete two (2) years as a maximum, subject to determination of their aptitude for the service; (b) Higher licensed by personal matters, for a period longer than six (6) months; (c) private released by judicial order, or preventively suspended by reason of an administrative inquiry; d) Convicted conditionally always that should not be coupled with the disqualification; (e) higher than outside designated to perform functions that are not related to the specified in article 35, paragraph (a), and have the remoteness of the tasks of the actual service; from the moment that meets Six (6) months in such a situation. Art. 41. - In the situations of the subparagraphs (b) and (e) of the previous article, you'll be able to stay up to complete with the same two (2) years as a maximum, after which time the staff will be passed in retirement status, unless with prior had requested your pass to effective service. There can be no return to the situation of passive under the same conditions but, after four (4) years of having left her and never while in the same degree. Art. 42. - The time spent in passive will not be counted in the promotion nor for the withdrawal. This measure will not be applied to defendants who were acquitted or dismissed the crime that will motivate its processing or to which it was imposed disciplinary sanction under the conditions laid down in article 49, paragraph (b). Art. 43. - The staff of students, of sailors from the first and the second of sailors may not check on availability or passive. (Article replaced by art. 3, OF THE Law Nº 18,558 B. O. 03/23/ 1970) CHAPTER V Art Promotion. 44. - For the purposes of satisfying the functional needs of the institution, will be produced annually promotions and deletes on the staff. The rise of the senior and junior staff shall be granted grade to grade. To ascend are required to have satisfied the demands that determines this act and its regulations. Art. 45. - The promotion of the senior staff granted the National Executive. The promotion of junior staff will be awarded by the national naval prefect. Art. 46. - The rating of the skills of staff who need to be considered, both to the effects of their rise to its elimination, will be in charge of the respective boards of qualifications. Art. 47. - The maximum that the senior staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina may reach by promotion, will be the following: ( a) General Body: General Prefect; (b) Professional Body: Prefect Greater; c) complementary Body: Prefect greater. The regulations shall determine the maximum that can be achieved in the various echelons of each body of senior staff and in the echelons of the junior staff. The grades listed in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this article mean the maximum in accordance with their specific functions and origin of recruitment, and do not imply that they are for all the bodies and/or unestablished. In accordance with the groupings of staff that regulate in compliance with the provisions of article 22, shall be determined for each one of them its maximum degree, which may not exceed, for senior staff, the identified in a general way in the subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this article. Art. 48. - The promotion of staff in actual service shall be granted by age and/or selection, as determined by the regulations of this law. Art. 49. - Will be unable to ascend the staff that: ( a) is in situation of availability in the cases provided for in subparagraph (e) of article 37 or in passive in any of the cases provided for in article 40; (b) is under process judicial or administrative proceedings. Resolved the cause by acquittal, dismissal or disciplinary sanction which, in the opinion of the respective board of qualifications, do not constitute a reason for postponement may be promoted with the date that you would have been doing so. In the event that there are no vacant, the originator will amount as surplus, but always keeping within its ranks the age that you appropriate; (c) is with sick leave in accordance with the provisions of subparagraphs (b) and (c) of article 35 and paragraph (b) of article 37. When certifying possess the physical attitude that determine the regulations made under this act, may be promoted with the date that he has been doing this not to be in that situation. In the event of vacancy does not exist, the originator will amount as surplus, but always keeping within its ranks the age appropriate; (d) which does not meet the conditions for promotion to each grade set the regulations made under this act. In the cases referred to in subparagraphs (b) and (c), the promotions should be granted once the staff have been considered by the respective qualification board, in accordance with the provisions of article 48. Art. 50. - In order to be promoted to the immediately higher degree is required, in addition to be counted with vacancies in that grade, to comply with the demands to be determined by the regulations of this law and have the degree in the minimum time, simple in years of service, which annexs I and II. Art. 51. - The proportions of the promotions by seniority and selection for the senior staff and for the junior staff are the annexs III and IV. Art. 52. - The staff that has not promoted, the declared declined in their physical skills or inept for active service or stay in the degree may request reconsideration within ten (10) days of receipt of the communication. Art. 53. - The staff on the occasion of extraordinary events do, in the exercise of their functions or outside of them, an act of outstanding merit, may be promoted to the level immediately higher even when he has not fulfilled in its degree the minimum time for promotion that determines this law. In all cases the extraordinary merit should be tested on documented and in the conditions that regulate. Promotions may also occur post-mortem, in the form and manner to be regulated. Art. 53 Bis. - The staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina that, in time of peace, on the occasion of extraordinary events that are subversive character or specific actions of security, perform isolated or in exercise of command a heroic act that causes death, may be promoted to the level immediately higher. Equal consideration will be the one against which it seeks and whoever loses the life caused by the subversion, by the mere fact of belonging to the Force. In all cases, the documented facts should be checked by the relevant administrative or judicial proceedings. The staff promoted in virtue of the provisions in the second paragraph shall be deemed died as a result of an act of service regardless of the situation in which will review at the time of his death. (Article incorporated by art. 1 Of the Law Nº 22,497 B. O. 23/09/ 1981) CHAPTER VI Art assets. 54. - The amount of the monthly have perceived that the staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina in activity, as well as the respective concepts that comprise it, will be identical to those of the military personnel of the Argentine Navy in the same situation of magazine, to which effect that staff shall be governed by the established regime of assets for the latter. The staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina in activity, levy also identical general supplements, special supplements, compensation and other assignments, as well as the respective amounts, that for each case determine the laws, regulations and other provisions that establish the regime of assets of the military personnel of the Argentine Navy. To that end, the laws, regulations and other provisions that the present and/or in the future establish or modify the regime of assets of the military personnel of the Argentine Navy and/or their respective amounts, shall apply similar, simultaneously and automatically to the staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina. For the same purposes and supplemented in your case, we shall observe the following provisions: ( a) The legal references in the regime of the assets of the Argentine Navy to the state and military ranks, as well as to the bodies and situations specific to the Argentine Navy, shall be analogously applied to the state police and degrees, as well as the organs and other situations characteristic of the Prefectura Naval Argentina; (b) The only effect of the determination of the respective assets, shall be deemed to be equivalent the following degrees of the Argentine Navy and the Prefectura Naval Argentina: in the senior staff the initial degree and in the junior staff the rank of Corporal Second, as well as the respective subsequent degrees in the hierarchical succession Ascending from the staff of senior and junior both institutions; (c) having monthly of the sailor, it will be ninety-five percent (95 %) of the salary, supplements and other general general allocations that set the Executive Branch and one hundred percent (100 %) of the special supplements and compensation, the rank of corporal second of the Prefectura Naval Argentina; ( d) The Executive is empowered to establish the liquidation of assets, special supplements, compensation and other assignments for the staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina, in the exceptional cases in which the particular deployment or situation of the institution that has no analogy applicable by lack of similarity of situations or existing ones were not covered by the scheme Assets of the Argentine Navy; in the latter case, the existing that were provided for in the regulations of the staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina retain their validity. (Article replaced by art. 1 Of the Law Nº 21,033 B. O. 01/10/ 1975) Art. 55. - (Article repealed by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 21,033 B. O. 01/10/ 1975) Art. 56. - (Article repealed by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 21,033 B. O. 01/10/ 1975) Art. 57. (Article repealed by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 21,033 B. O. 01/10/ 1975) Art. 58. - (Article repealed by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 21,033 B. O. 01/10/ 1975) Art. 59. - (Article repealed by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 21,033 B. O. 01/10/ 1975) Art. 60. - (Article repealed by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 21,033 B. O. 01/10/ 1975) Art. 61. - (Article repealed by art. 2) Of the Law Nº 21,033 B. O. 01/10/ 1975) Art liquidation of assets. 62. - The staff at activity be levied its assets by the basic concepts and the percentages given below, depending on their situation of magazine: ( a) in actual service, charged in having monthly the totality of the emoluments provided for in article 54, that for each particular case appropriate, depending on the requirements and conditions to be determined by the regulations of this law; (b) In availability, charged in having monthly: 1) The period in the subparagraphs (a), (b), (d), (e) and (f) of article 37 the totality of the emoluments provided for in article 54, that for each particular case appropriate. 2) The period in subparagraph (c) of article 37, seventy-five percent (75 %) of having monthly defined by article 55, that for each particular case appropriate; (c) In passive charged in having monthly: 1) The covered under subparagraphs (a) and (e) of article 40, the entire having monthly defined by article 54, that for each particular case appropriate. The period in paragraph (b) of article 40, fifty percent (50 %) of the monthly have defined by article 55, which corresponds to particular case. 2) The covered under subparagraphs (c) and (d) of article 40, have to be determined by the regulations of this law. CHAPTER VII Low Art and reinstatements. 63. - The low, that means the loss of the police state, occurs for the following reasons: a) at the request of the interested party; (b) for the staff at "commission", by not be confirmed by the superiority at the end of his high "on commission", except that by the years of police services rendered prior to the designation "in commission" has the right to claim the benefits of withdrawal; (replaced by art. 1 º, inc. (b), art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) (c) for the staff it is necessarily eliminated, taking less than fifteen (15) years of service and that simple police in accordance with the provisions of Law 12,992 , you will not be appropriate; withdrawal (replaced by art. 1 º, inc. (b), art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) (d) for the sailors of Second in the manner prescribed by regulations made under this Act; (e) as a disciplinary sanction; (f) by strong condemnation to imprisonment of not conditional or disqualification for the exercise of public functions; (g) by termination of the service commitment, in the cases provided for by this act and its regulations or when at the end of the service commitment, that is not renewed and not appropriate to remove. (Incorporated by art. 1 º, inc. (c), the art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) (Article 63 replaced by art. 20 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 64. - The staff requests that its low in accordance with the prescribed in subparagraph (a) of article 63 shall not leave his post without having been granted that and without having done formal delivery, previously the charge corresponding to the succession. Such low always shall be granted, except in cases where the deceased is preliminary investigation can result or serving disciplinary sanction or when the circumstances allow to deduce that the nation is in imminent state of war, site or internal unrest, in which case the decision is left to the discretion of the authorities referred to in article 65. Art. 65. - The low of the senior staff in the cases prescribed in paragraphs (b), c), (e) and (f) of article 63 and the junior staff when it occurs with quality of discharge, it is prepared by the National Executive. The other casualties of the senior staff, and junior students, in the manner determined by the regulations of this law. (Article replaced by art. 21 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 66. - The staff of low by the cause provided for in subparagraph (a) of article 63 may be reinstated to your request in the conditions that attach the regulations made under this act, and that is not always recorded the following facts: ( a) That the low has been requested in order to evade a commission of the service; (b) he has mediated condemnation or process during the time he has been low, for reasons incompatible with the demands of the institution; (c) That the Executive Branch of the nation or the national naval prefect, depending on whether junior or senior staff, consider inconvenience their return; d) That the request for reinstatement is submitted after the completion of two (2) years The date of its low. (Incorporated by art. 22 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 67. - The staff reinstated under the conditions of the preceding article will be the last post of your degree on the totem pole and its corresponding seniority will be the one that had the date of its low, without computarsele time spent outside of the institution. Art. 68. - The staff of low for the reasons expressed in the subparagraphs (e) and (f) of article 63, try reliably, by administrative decision in the case of subparagraph (e) or by a judicial ruling in the case of subparagraph (f), that his separation was motivated by error, it will be returned provided that they had not gone more than two (2) years from its low. (Article replaced by art. 23 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 69. - The reinstatement referred to in Article 68 shall be agreed with the date on which the deceased was given low and with the degree and antiguuedad i had at that time. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the board of respective rating will determine whether the physical conditions, intellectuals and professionals of the originator let you continue to carry out the functions corresponding to their grade and situation of magazine. Otherwise, you will agree the retreat in the conditions prescribed in article 70. Art. 70. - If the proof of the error reason for the low referred to in Article 68 shall incur after the term of two (2) years has already been established, the National Executive shall agree upon the withdrawal of that were in business at the time of be given low, whatever the time of services rendered, being sold off as having to remove the hundred percent (100 %) of having monthly supplements and general in his grade and age. (Article replaced by art. 1 º, Inc. , d), art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) CHAPTER VIII Art disciplinary regime. 71. - The staff with police state will be subject to the following disciplinary sanctions: ( a) warning; (b) arrest; c) loss of use of the degree and the uniform for the staff in situation of withdrawal; d) low severance or unemployment in quality; (e) Low by exemption or quality of exoneration. Art. 72. - The mistakes that you will incur the staff, the procedure to be followed for the implementation of the sanctions specified in the previous article and the consequences of these, as well as the disciplinary powers of the staff with police state, shall be fixed by the regulations. CHAPTER IX Seals Art skills. 73. - The seals of qualifications for the senior staff and for the junior staff are the agencies responsible for proposing your promotion or elimination. In addition, they consider the situations provided for in article 81, paragraphs (a), (b) and c), for the purposes of issuing its opinion and advise the National Naval Prefect. Will be integrated and act in the manner in which determine the regulation of this law. (Article replaced by art. 25 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) TITLE IV RETIRED PERSONNEL CHAPTER I General rules Article. 74. - The staff with police state, it may move the situation of the activity of retired to his request or by imposition of this Law. Hence the voluntary withdrawal and the mandatory retirement, which may be entitled to the credit of withdrawal or without the. The students, sailors of first and second Sailors won't be able to get to the situation of withdrawal; if to be discharged as such were diminished to work in civilian life by acts of the police service, or in case of death in situation of activity, will receive a credit, or their relatives a pension, whose amounts and conditions must be included in the Law No. 12,992 . (Article replaced by art. 4 Of the Law Nº 18,558 B. O. 03/23/ 1970) Art. 75. - In cases of mandatory retirement, the pass of the staff of the situation of the activity of withdrawal shall be prepared by the National Executive Power or the authority in which this delegated such authority when it comes to senior staff and the National Naval Prefect when it comes to junior staff. The retreats volunteers shall be awarded in all cases by the Prefect National Naval. The provision of services in situation of withdrawal and its cessation, will be prepared by the Commander in Chief of the Navy, on the advice of the agencies to determine the respective regulation. (Article replaced by art. 1 º, Inc. , e), of the article. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) Art. 76. - The formalities of mandatory retirement by absolute destruction may not be suspended. When the staff is under judicial process or administrative proceedings, the proceedings may be adjourned for voluntary or mandatory retirement, leaving simultaneously and automatically suspended the computation time of service. The other formalities of withdrawal can only be suspended by the National Executive Power, in a general manner to all staff, during a state of war or of site, or when the circumstances allow to deduce the imminence of the state of war. (Article replaced by art. 1 º, inc. f), the art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) Art. 77. - The withdrawal is definitive. The retired personnel may only return to the activity in case of call for mobilization. As well you can also, remaining in retired status and according to the terms and conditions as for both cases established according to the regulations of this law, be called to serve in the institution in the form: ( a) and in voluntary character of "withdrawn serving". When you are past in retirement status in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 (a) of Act No. 12,992 . (Last sentence built by art. 1 º, Inc. , g), of the article. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) (b) by a decree of the Executive Branch, in cases of emergency or for the purposes of instruction and training, in a matter of "withdrawn in ordered service." c) for the staff that is eliminated mandatory and that of agreement according to the provisions of the act does not apply to him 12,992 have withdrawal. (Article replaced by art. 26 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 78. - These are duties imposed by the state police for the staff at situation of withdrawal: a) subject to the disciplinary regime police as appropriate to their situation of magazine; (b) the same obligations of the personnel in activity resulting from the use of the uniform; (c) Do not use the hierarchical name nor the uniform in activities of a commercial nature or policies or participate in public demonstrations, except those expressly permitted by the regulations; (d) In case of call for mobilization, the duties of the staff in activity. (Incorporated by art. 27 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 79. - Are duties imposed by the state police to the staff in a position of retreat: a) the property of the degree; (b) The use of uniforms, insignia, attributes, and own distinctive of the degree, in line with the respective regulations; (c) The honors for the degree, provided by the relevant regulations; (d) the power play charges rented in the national administration, provincial or municipal; the exercise of commercial activities and any other type of private activity by self-employed or employed by others, provided that they are compatible with the decorum and the police hierarchy, and may in its case perceive by them the corresponding pension provision depending on the regime in question and without prejudice to its having withdrawal, except when such activities would have Been Performed or exercised with reason or on the occasion of the police function or when would have been computed to establish said they have, with the limitations established by article 23 bis - Act No. 12,992 as amended by Act No. 22,515 . The staff covered by article 11, paragraph (a), (2) of Act No. 12,992 , as amended by Article 1 of Law No. 20,281 , may not play any employment activity in the Public Administration National, Provincial or Municipal; (replaced by art. 1 º, inc. h), the art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) (e) be able to participate in political activities, in the exercise of which you may not use the name of your degree, uniforms, insignia, and distinctive attributes, except in the cases allowed by the relevant regulations; (f) The perception of its having monthly of withdrawal and the monthly pension for their right holders in the way that it determined by the law 12,992 ; g) The medical care for themselves; and to their dependants in the way in which they are regulating; (h) In case of call for mobilization, the rights of the staff in activity; (i) In case of providing services to the institution in the terms of subparagraph (a) of the article 77, shall perform the duties and rights of the staff in activity and in retreat, with the following limitations and extensions: 1. You cannot move up in rank, except that he finds himself in the situation of article 53; 2. Will Have disciplinary powers only in respect of the staff directly to their orders; 3. (Paragraph repealed by art. 1 º, inc. i), the art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) 4. Not be able to play or participate in the activities identified in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this article, except for the case of subparagraph (d) the prior authorization of a competent authority; ( j) in case of providing services in the institution, the terms of subparagraph (b) of article 77, shall perform the duties and rights of the staff in activity, with the following limitations and extensions: 1. You cannot move up in rank, except that he finds himself in the situation of article 53; 2. Will Have disciplinary powers only in respect of the staff directly to their orders; 3. Do not count the time of service delivery in this situation and therefore have their retirement will remain fixed. Said they have may vary only in the case that he finds himself in the situation of article 53; 4. Shall receive, in addition to his having of withdrawal, as the only remuneration, would not increase said they have retirement, compensation for "service delivery sorted in retired status", which attach the relevant decree of called to provide services; 5. You can play the activities identified in paragraph (d) of this article, provided that there is no inconsistency in terms of time, with respect to compliance with the functions for which it was called; 6. May not participate in the activities identified in paragraph (e) of this article. (Article replaced by art. 28 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) CHAPTER II computations of services and have monthly Art retreat. 80. - The computing services and have monthly withdrawal will be carried out in the form prescribed by law 12,992 . CHAPTER III mandatory retirement Article. 81. - The junior and senior staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina in actual service will be passed to situation of mandatory retirement, in accordance with the requirements of law 12,992 or when i will find in any of the following situations: ( a) Worth qualifications that in accordance with the regulations of this law determine his retirement; (b) Where necessary vacancies, the Senior Officers, commanding officers and senior NCO who have obtained orders of merit more low, provided that it is not good idea to keep them in activity through an appropriate and flexible use of clusters escalafonarios in these cases will act in accordance with what the regulations of this law; (replaced by art. 1 º, inc. j), the art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) c) covered by articles 69 and 70, not be able to return to the situation of activity; (d) covered by subparagraph (b) of article 35, not be able to proceed in activity; (e) included in the article 40 when in accordance with the same does not go back to the actual service. Art. 82. - The processing of mandatory retirement will stop pending the resolution of claims submitted by the decisions that caused their procedures. In this regard, the instances to touch those who intervene shall be responsible for that is strictly comply with the deadlines established for the resolution of the same. CHAPTER IV voluntary retirement Article. 83. - The senior staff will be able to retire to his request, when you have counted fifteen (15) or more years of simple police services and has fulfilled the commitment to service. (Article replaced by art. 1 º, Inc. , k), the art. 1 Of the Law Nº 23,028 B. O. 16/12/1983. Duration: from 1 January 1984.) CHAPTER V Art Pension. 84. - Pensions and the respective have agreed in accordance with the requirements of the Law 12,992 . TITLE V STAFF WITHOUT POLICE STATE CHAPTER I General rules Article. 85. - The civilian staff of the institution shall be governed by the Statute of the Civilian Personnel of the Armed Forces, and will be escalafonado) according to the functional needs of the Prefectura Naval Argentina. Art. 86. - The teaching staff shall be governed by the laws, decrees and other requirements in force or regulate to adjust its services to the needs of the institution. TITLE VI Supplementary Provisions Article. 87. - When the staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina has military state, in accordance with the provisions of article 16, it may act in the special functions assigned to him by the commander in chief of the Navy. The regulations shall determine the form and conditions under which the retired personnel to be convened, as established in article 79, paragraph (g), it is necessary to fulfill the functions referred to in the preceding paragraph. Art. 88. - In case of war, internal disturbance, or for reasons of operational training, in which bodies of the Prefectura Naval Argentina should be subordinated to the military authority, the commander in chief of the Navy may designate officers of the Argentine Navy in activity, of which directly depend on the heads of the agencies mentioned to the effects of the operations that are available. Art. 89. - The authorities of the Prefectura Naval Argentina will assist, when it is required by officers of the Navy, being duly authorized by the National Executive for the fulfilment of the tasks the article 26 of Law 18,416 , assigned to the Argentine Navy. ( "Article 14 of Law 17,271 " replaced by "article 26 of Law 18,416 " by art. 30 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Art. 90. - In case of be necessary because of their high specific or specialization, and for the performance of certain tasks of scientific or technical advice, the national naval prefect may appoint persons outside the institution that meet the conditions of appropriateness required, in accordance with legal provisions in force. These persons do not integrate the tables of the staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina. Art. 91. - To all the effects of this law, the term "vessel" includes both the ships themselves, as to the smaller ships and naval artifacts. Art. 92. - The Prefectura Naval Argentina will have the power to independently manage its own budget and administrative management and financial accounting and resulting equity shall be regulated by the National Executive. TITLE VII transitional provisions Article. 93. - The staff in that activity to the date of the enactment of this law possesses a degree greater than the maximum for your body and career determine its regulations, will continue in such a situation until both occur in retirement by decision of the national executive power or to your request. Art. 94. - Up to both the National Executive Power determines the inception of the fund own retirement and pensions for the staff of the institution or its incorporation to another box, the input and contributions that earned the wages of the staff of the Prefectura Naval Argentina, will join the Special Account to be created in the jurisdiction 47 - Command in Chief of the Navy. The retirement and pensions produced and occurring up to the opportunity outlined above, will be cared for by the service of the Special Account to be created. Authorize the Executive to delegate the determination of having for the withdrawal of personnel of the Prefectura Naval Argentina, their modifications based on error or omission of the tally and the pensions that corresponds to their right-holders in accordance with the laws in force for the aforesaid personnel. (Article replaced by art. 1 Of the Law Nº 22,043 B. O. 02/08/ 1979) Art. 95. - From the date of enactment of this act, the staff at activity be levied its assets in accordance with the provisions laid down in the present. Art. 96. - The rules adopted by Decree 15,615 /57 (Law 14,467 ) shall apply to both subsidiary is issued the regulations of this law and to the extent that they are not opposed to its provisions. Art. 97. - Spending that demand the enforcement of this act shall be in general revenues with attribution to the same, until both are incorporated into the general budget of the Nation. Art. 98. - 3,445 Repealed the Law and the Decree 15,615 /57 (Law 14,467 ) with the exception provided for in article 96. Art. 99. - Please Contact, published, transmitted to the National Directorate of the Official Registry and Archives. Ongania 's. Jose R. Cáceres Monie. Annex I SENIOR STAFF minimum times Note: For the purposes of article 57, paragraph (a), the minimum amount of time in activity for the grade of Assistant General Prefect and greater, are two (2) years. (Note incorporated by art. 32 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Annex II JUNIOR STAFF minimum times Note: For the purposes of article 57, paragraph (a), the minimum amount of time in activity for the grade of Assistant General Prefect and greater, are two (2) years. (Note incorporated by art. 32 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Annex III senior staff promotions Regime Annex III replaced by art. 33 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Annex IV JUNIOR STAFF system of promotion (Annex IV replaced by art. 33 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973) Background - Article 57, paragraph (d) replaced by art. 5 Of the Law Nº 20,796 B. O. 30/10/ 1974; - Article 83 replaced by art. 29 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973; - Article 70 replaced by art. 24 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973; - Article 60 replaced by art. 19 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973; - Article 58, paragraph b), replaced by art. 18 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973; - Article 57, paragraphs (d) and (e), incorporated by art. 17 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973; - Article 57, paragraph (a), replaced by art. 16 Of the Law Nº 20,325 B. O. 10/05/ 1973; - Article 58, paragraph (d) repealed by art. 5 Of the Law Nº 20,281 B. O. 27/04/ 1973; - Article 57, paragraph (f) incorporated by art. 5 Of the Law Nº 20,281 B. O. 27/04/ 1973; - Article 94 replaced by art. 1 Of the Law Nº 18,874 B. O. 01/02/ 1971;