File - American Westward Expansion

Biography Project Rubric
Full Points (10)
Half Points (5)
No Point (0)
Person approved by teacher; all
sources (including biography read)
recorded on a source page
identifying author(s), dates of
publication, and specific websites,
Person approved by teacher;
all sources not recorded on a
source page, or all credit not
given for source authors.
Person not approved by teacher;
no sources recorded on source
Includes 4+ entries from the
perspective of chosen person;
entries are thoughtful and
applicable to the person's life.
Includes 2+ entries or entries
not from a first person
perspective; entries are not
thoughtful or creative.
Includes less than 2 entries or
entries not from a first person
perspective; entries are not
thoughtful or creative.
Birth Certificate
Birth certificate includes all of the
following: name, date of birth,
location of birth, parents' names,
and is creatively presented with
time period in mind.
Birth certificate includes all of
the following: name, date of
birth, location of birth,
parent's names, but is not
creatively presented.
Birth certificate does not include
all of the following: name, date of
birth, location of birth, parent's
names, and is not creatively
Timeline is creative and engaging;
includes 20+ significant historical
events that occurred during the
person's lifetime, but are not
directly related to him/her.
Timeline includes 10-20
significant historical events,
but they are directly related to
him/her, or they are not
presented creatively.
Timeline includes 10 or fewer
historical events that may or may
not be directly related to the
person; timeline is not engaging
or creative.
Two liter bottle is presented to
represent chosen person, including
details that suggest time period,
accomplishments, etc. Bottle is
detailed and cleanly presented.
Two liter bottle is generic and
does not include details to
identify person, time period,
Biography project is not complete
or not turned in.
Works Cited
Biography Bottle
Points Per Item
Newspaper Article
Newspaper article is written in third
Newspaper article is not
person perspective and is relevant factually accurate or written in
and factually accurate to chosen
first person.
person or an accomplishment of
Collage includes images of the
person, items or documents that
are relevant, color, text, etc. to
make it engaging.
Poem either references person
directly or suggest person through
hints. Poem is original and
Obituary is written in first person
perspective; it is presented as on
the chosen person's gravestone.
All items are accessible for review
and presentation to class. All items
are engaging, colorful, themed to
the time period, etc.
Newspaper article is not
complete or relevant.
Collage includes images, items
or documents that are
relevant, etc., but does not
include color, text, or
formatting to make it
Poem is not fully relevant to
the chosen person in either
direct referenct or suggestion.
Collage does not include relevant
or accurate images, documents,
etc. It is not engaging.
Obituary is written in third
person perspective or is not
presented on the chosen
person's gravestone.
Items are accessible for review
and presentation to the class.
Some items are engaging,
colorful, themed to the time
period, etc.
Obituary is not written in first
person, and is not presented on
the chosen person's gravestone.
Poem is not original or is not
turned in.
Some items are accessible for
review and presentation to the
class. Items are not engaging,
colorful, themed to the time
period, et.
Total Points