Title: Ultimate control on Southern Ocean phytoplankton biomass by zooplankton grazing Authors (tbc): Corinne Le Quéré, Erik T. Buitenhuis, Rósín Moriarty, Olivier Aumont, Laurent Bopp, Clare Enright, Sandy P. Harrison, Christine Klaas, Louis Legendre, Trevor Platt, I. Colin Prentice, Richard B. Rivkin, Shubha Sathyendranath, Meike Vogt, Dieter Wolf-Gladrow To be submitted to Science as a Report (up to ~2500 words including references, notes and captions or ~3 printed pages) present important new research results of broad significance. Reports should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph, up to four figures or tables, and about 30 references. Materials and Methods should usually be included in supporting online material, which should also include information needed to support the paper's conclusions. Affiliations (please fill in your affiliation and full address): CLQ, ETB, CE: Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK. CLQ and RM: British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, CB3 0ET, Cambridge, UK. RM: Now at University of Manchester MV: ETH OA: LP: CK and DWG: SPH: Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW 2109, Australia SH and CP: LL: TP and SS: RBR: One Sentence Summary: Low phytoplankton biomass in the Southern Ocean is caused by zooplankton grazing rather than iron limitation. Abstract (100-150 words): A major puzzle in oceanography is why phytoplankton biomass is low in the Southern ocean in spite of the abundance of macro nutrients. This phenomenon has been attributed to low iron availability because of the remoteness from continental dust sources. Ocean biogeochemistry models fail to reproduce this behaviour, raising doubts that the ‘iron-limitation hypothesis’ is an adequate explanation. Here we use a new model that includes zooplankton dynamics to show that zooplankton grazing and trophic dynamics, rather than iron limitation, are responsible for maintaining low biomass concentrations in the Southern Ocean during summer. These results have implications for understanding the effects of fishing pressure on marine resources and the potential of iron fertilisation for mitigating climate change. Main Text (2543 words): Phytoplankton are at the base of the marine food chain. Their biomass, as inferred from remote sensing of ocean colour, is low in the Southern Ocean compared to the Northern Hemisphere (Fig. 1), in spite of adequate levels of macro nutrients there. These ‘High Nutrients Low Chlorophyll’ (HNLC) regions have been explained by lack of the micro nutrient iron [1] as the Southern Ocean is far away from sources of iron-rich continental dust. Indeed, this has been regarded as the iconic iron-limited ocean region for several decades [1, 2]. The ‘iron-hypothesis’ has been extensively examined in over a dozen iron fertilisation experiments [3, 4]; is proposed as a driver for the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 during glaciations [5, 6], and it is being considered commercially as a means to geoengineering climate and sell carbon credits [7]. However, ocean biogeochemistry models have failed to reproduce the co-existence of high chlorophyll (chla) concentrations in the Northern Hemisphere and the HNLC regions in the Southern Ocean [8]. Studies that have incorporated iron dynamics perform better, but still produce excessive concentrations of chla in the Southern Ocean during summer [9-11]. The low chla in HNLC regions results from the balance between phytoplankton growth and loss processes. Phytoplankton growth rate varies with temperature, light, and nutrient availability, while losses result mainly from grazing by zooplankton. Thus, the covariance between chla and nutrients or zooplankton biomass should reflect the processes controlling phytoplankton biomass. We analysed the relationship between observed chla concentrations and nitrate (NO3-), phosphate (PO43-), and iron (Fe) concentrations, and protozooplankton, mesozooplankton and macrozooplankton abundance (Fig. 2). We focus this analysis on the 25-75% interquartile range of each variable, to identify relationships characterising the open ocean. Chla covaries with NO3- at concentrations below about 3 μmol/L, and with PO43- at concentrations between about 0.3 and 0.5 μmol/L (Fig. 2). These relationships are consistent with our understanding of the growth limitation of phytoplankton in the sub-tropics, where NO3- and PO43- concentrations are low (ref?). There is no covariance between chla and Fe concentration [12] below 0.9 mol/L, contrary to expectations if Fe limitation exerted a significant control on phytoplankton biomass. This is also true when examining only Southern Ocean data [13]. Covariance with iron at concentrations above 0.9 mol/L reflects data from coastal regions, which are atypical. The strongest covariance is found between chla and protozooplankton and mesozooplankton biomass [12] for concentrations below 0.6 μmol/L and 0.3 μmol/L, respectively. There is no covariance between chla and macrozooplankton. The combined set of observations suggests an important role for proto and mesozooplankton in controlling surface chla concentration, although this cannot be inferred from Fig.1 alone. To understand the functional relationships between chla and growth and loss processes, we use two global ocean biogeochemical models: the PlankTOM6 and PlankTOM10 models, representing respectively six and ten Plankton Functional Types (PFTs) [8, 13, 14] and incorporating a reasonable representation of grazing dynamics [15, 16]. Both models are based on growth and grazing rates from observations [13] and are forced by iron deposition averaged from three studies [17]. PlankTOM10 has been tuned to reproduce the observed covariance between chla and limiting factors (Fig. S1). Both models reproduce the surface chla concentration in the Northern Hemisphere summer with a similar level of skill (Fig. 1), but the PlankTOM6 model produces excessive chla concentration over the Southern Hemisphere summer whereas the PlankTOM10 model produces concentrations close to observed. We use the North/South ratio in surface chla over the Pacific, where there is the most pronounced contrast, as a metric to quantify model performance. PlankTOM10 has a North/South chla ratio of 1.980.10 (1998-2009 mean 2SD of annual values), compared to 2.160.35 in the observations and 1.290.12 in PlankTOM6 (Fig. 3). The different behaviour between the two models is caused by the cascading effect of grazing from several zooplankton groups on chla. In PlankTOM10, macrozooplankton concentration is high in winter in the North Pacific where the mixed layer is well stratified, but not in the South Pacific where it is well mixed (Fig. S2). Thus, when the spring bloom starts in the North, it is initially controlled by proto and mesozooplankton, but after a few weeks the biomass of macrozooplankton increases leading to a reduction of smaller zooplankton and allowing chla to remain high. In the South however, the macrozooplankton biomass never increases enough to limit grazing by the smaller zooplankton, which supress the bloom. The important role of cascading effects is also highlighted by the absence of covariance between chla and macrozooplankton, and the presence of a strong covariance between chla and proto and mesozooplankton both in the observations (Fig. 2) and the model (Fig S2). We tested the specific control of macrozooplankton on chla by running four additional model experiments, where: (Z1) we added macrozooplankton to PlankTOM6, (Z2) we parameterised mesozooplankton in PlankTOM6 using the same growth and loss rates as macrozooplankton, (Z3) we removed the macrozooplankton from PlankTOM10, and (Z4) we parameterised macrozooplankton in PlankTOM10 using the same growth and loss rates as mesozooplankton. Experiments (Z1) and (Z2) both represent macrozooplankton but at different trophic levels. They maintain a North/South ratio of 1.81 and 1.53, respectively (Fig. 3). In contrast, experiments (Z3) and (Z4) do not represent macrozooplankton, but their trophic structure is the same as PlankTOM6 and PlankTOM10. They do not maintain the observed North/South ratio, with ratios of 1.16 and 1.27, respectively. Considered together, these experiments show that the representation of a slow growing zooplankton such as macrozooplankton plays a pivotal role in determining the relative average concentrations of chla in the Northern versus Southern hemisphere. The addition of a food-web compartment further improves the results. The model results can be influenced by a number of choices including the model structure and parameters, the physical transport and meteorological data, and the choice of dust deposition fields. We assessed the combined effects of model choices by comparing our analysis with outputs from seven other published models [18]. These models produce a North/South chla ratio ranging from 0.60 to 1.36 (median of 1.2). The low ratio found in most models may be a consequence of the greater efforts put in quantifying and representing the phytoplankton compared to zooplankton rates and dynamics. We tested the role of atmospheric iron deposition compared to grazing for the North/South distribution of chla directly by applying different dust deposition fields to the PlankTOM10 and PlankTOM6 models, with: (D1) dust deposition including the effect of dust particle size on iron solubility [19], (D2-D4) iron deposition using the three individual dust fields [20-22] averaged in [17], and (D0) an extreme simulation where no dust is deposited from the atmosphere. The differences in the North/South chla ratio between these experiments (Fig. 3) are smaller than the difference between PlankTOM10 and PlankTOM6 for any one experiment. The experiment with no iron deposition from dust still maintains excessive chla in the Southern Ocean summer, using iron sources from below. This result is consistent with the fact that although Fe is lower in the Southern Ocean than elsewhere, it is on average ~0.2 mol/L [23], which is near or above the half-saturation for growth of most phytoplankton [8]. Thus Fe levels may limit phytoplankton growth but not sufficiently to explain the observed very low chla concentration, even in summer months. Our results show that zooplankton regulate phytoplankton biomass, and suggest that food-web structure rather than Fe availability limits productivity in the Southern Ocean. This does not contradict the results of Fe fertilisation experiments [3], as additional Fe will trigger further growth providing Fe is not at the optimal concentration. However, our experiments suggest that ecosystem structure provides an explanation for why some iron fertilisation experiments have led to large phytoplankton blooms (ref?) while others have not (ref?). The role and response of zooplankton to Fe fertilisation needs to taken into account if deliberate Fe fertilisation is to be used as a means to geoengineer the climate and store CO2 in the deep ocean. The importance of grazing in modulating chla also raises the interesting possibility that observed decadal changes in surface chla may be a consequence of changes in grazing from fishing pressure rather than changes in climate [24, 25]. References and Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Martin, J.H., Glacial-interglacial CO2 change: The iron hypothesis. Paleoceanography, 1990. 5: p. 1-13. Geider, R.J. and J. La Roche, The role of iron in phytoplankton photosynthesis, and the potential for iron-limitation of primary productivity in the sea. 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Reduced PFT diversity in PlankTOM6 was achieved by setting the growth rates of the four missing PFTs to zero, increasing the mortality of the top predator (mesozooplankton) to 0.2 d-1 (from 0.04), and setting the grazing preferences for the missing PFTs to zero. Buitenhuis, E., et al., Biogeochemical fluxes through mesozooplankton. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2006. 20(2). Buitenhuis, E.T., et al., Biogeochemical fluxes through microzooplankton. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2010. 24. Jickells, T.D., et al., Global iron connections between desert dust, ocean biogeochemistry, and climate. Science, 2005. 308(5718): p. 67-71. note, We examined the three other models that participated in the first phase of the MARine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project and the four models available from the Climate Model Intercomparison Project 5 experiment in June 2012. . Mahowald, N.M., et al., Atmospheric Iron Deposition: Global Distribution, Variability, and Human Perturbations. 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Tagliabue for providing the Fe database and N. Mahowald for providing dust deposition fields. Model simulations were run on the Escluster of the University of East Anglia. Figure captions Fig. 1. Surface chla (mgChl m-3) for (left) June-August and (right) November-January. Data are from (top) SeaWiFS satellite, (middle) PlankTOM10, and (bottom) PlankTOM6. All datasets are averages for 1998-2009. The boxes in the North and South Pacific show the regions used in Fig. 3. Fig. 2. Covariance between chla concentration and (left) limiting nutrients and (right) biomass of zooplankton groups [24]. Chlorophyll data from SeaWiFS are the same in each panel, and are averaged over 1998-2009. The NO3- and PO43- fields are from the World Ocean Atlas 2009, updated from [26]. Fe concentrations are from [23]. The proto- and mesozooplankton biomass data are from [15, 16], respectively. The macro-zooplankton biomass data are from [27]. The median is shown in black, with the 25-75% interquartile range shown in grey shading [13]. Fig. 2. Ratio of the surface chla in the North and South Pacific. Observations are from SeaWiFS. Model results in green represent a slow growing zooplankton, including: PlankTOM10, (Z1) PlankTOM6 plus macrozooplankton, (Z2) PlankTOM6 with mesozooplankton parameterised like macrozooplankton, (D0-D4) PlankTOM10 with no dust deposition or with dust fields from [19], [20], [21], and [22], respectively. Model results in blue do not represent a slow growing zooplankton, including: PlankTOM6, (Z3) PlankTOM10 minus macrozooplankton, (Z2) PlankTOM10 with macrozooplankton parameterised like mesozooplankton, and (D0*-D4*) as above with PlankTOM6. Results from (F1-F4) are model simulations available through the MARine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project [28] and (C1-C4) the Climate Model Intercomparison Project 5 [29]. Supplementary Materials: Methods Tables S1 and S2 Figs. S1 and S2 References