LIST OF PUBLICATIONS LISA LORENTZEN Books / Monographs Kalkulus for Ingeniører. Kort og Godt. Universitetsforlaget (2010). ISBN 978-82-15-01624-5. w/Haakon Waadeland: Continued Fractions. Volume 1: Convergence Theory. Atlantis Press, World Scientific (2008). ISBN 978-90-78677-07-9. ISSN 1875-7642. w/Arne Hole and Tom Lindstrøm: Kalkulus med en og flere variabler. Universitetsforlaget (2003). ISBN 82-00-42433-2. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Continued Fractions with Applications. Studies in Computational Mathematics 3. North-Holland (1992). ISBN 0-444-89265-6. w/George Andrews, Bruce Berndt and Robert Lamphere: The continued fractions found in the unorganized portions of Ramanujan's notebooks. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol 99, No 477 (1992) ISSN 0065-9266. Editorial works Member of the editorial board of "The Ramanujan Journal". Editor of: Proceedings of the Conference on Continued Fractions and Orthogonal Functions. Conference held in Loen, Norway June 26 - 30 2006. Communications in the Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions, Volume XIV, Summer 2006. Editor of: Proceedings of the Conference on Orthogonal Functions and Related Topics. Conference held in Røros, Norway August 12 - 16 2003 in honor of Olav Njåstad on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Special issue of: J. Comput. Appl. Math. Vol 179, No 1 - 2. July 2005. w/ Olav Njåstad and Frode Rønning: Editor of Continued Fractions and Geometric Function Theory (CONFUN). Conference held in Trondheim, Norway June 24 - 28 1997 in honor of Haakon Waadeland on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Special issue of: J. Comput. Appl. Math. Vol 105, No 1 - 2. 31. May 1999. Editor of: Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions, Proceedings, Redstone 1988. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer - Verlag No 1406 (1989). ISBN 0-387-51830-4. Popular Science Papers Continued Fractions, Why and How. To appear in CMFT Journal. Fascinasjon, Undring, Matematikk og Ramanujan. P2-Akademiet bind 40 (2008), 91-102. (In Norwegian) Musikk og kjedebrøk. Det Kgl Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Årbok 2005, (2006), 97-103. (In Norwegian) Grandfather clocks, grand pianos and continued fractions. Submitted. Historie rundt en historie. Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Forhandlinger (2002) 139 - 147. (In Norwegian) Ramanujan and magic squares. Forays 2001, Dept. of math., IIT Madras (2001) 14 - 19. Srinivasa Ramanujan. Mannen og matematikeren - noen refleksjoner. Symmetri, vol. 2 (4) (1995), 16 - 21. (In Norwegian) Litt av hvert om kjedebrøk. In: "Matematiske ideer". En artikkelsamling til større skriftlige oppgaver. (eds.: Sven Toft Jensen and Jesper Matthiasen) Matematik Lærerforeningen, Danmark (1993), 138 - 158. (In Danish) Also published in: "Den levende matematikken". Tilvalgsbok for elever i videregående skole i Norge. (ed.: Truls Sevje, Langesund) Undervisningsforlaget, Sandefjord, Norway. ISBN 82-7782-019-4. (1994), 227 - 246. (In Norwegian) w/ W. J. Thron and Haakon Waadeland: Julius Worpitzky, his contributions to analytic theory of continued fractions and his times. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag, No 1406 (1989), 25 - 47. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Glimt fra analytisk teori for kjedebrøker, I. Normat. Hefte 3 (1985) 123 - 136. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Glimt fra analytisk teori for kjedebrøker, II. Normat. Hefte 4 (1985) 168 - 175. Research papers 89. Limiting behavior of random continued fractions. (Submitted) 88. Padé Approximation and Continued Fractions, Appl. Num. Math. 60 (2010), 1364 – 1370. 87. An Extreme Example of Mathematical Development in Separate Cultures. Submitted. 86. An Idea on some of Ramanujan’s Continued Fraction Identities. The Ramanujan Journal, vol 17, (2008), 369 – 385. 85. Convergence and Divergence of the Ramanujan AGM fraction. The Ramanujan Journal, vol 16, (2008), 83 – 95. 84. Continued Fractions with circular Twin Value Sets. Trans Amer. Math. Soc., vol 360, (2008), 4287 – 4304. 83. w/Haakon Waadeland: Illustrations by T - fractions and P – fractions. Communications in Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions, vol 14, (2006), 13 – 15. 82. Continued Fractions – Body and Soul. Communications in the Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions, vol 14, (2006), 11 – 12. 81. Möbius transformations mapping the unit disk into itself. The Ramanujan Journal (2007), vol 13, Nos 1/2/3, 253 - 263. 80. w/ Vidar Gynnild and John Tyssedal: Advances to the study and the quality of learning. Some empirical evidence from engineering education. Int. Journal of Science and Math Education. Springerlink. Vol 3 (2005), 587 – 607. 79. w/ Alan F. Beardon: Continued fractions and restrained sequences of Möbius maps. Rocky Mountain J. of Math. (2004), vol 34, No 2, 441 – 446. 78. A priori truncation error bounds for continued fractions. Rocky Mountain J. of Math. (2003), vol 33, No 2, 409 - 474. 77. General convergence in quasi - normal families. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 46 (2003), 169 - 183. 76. Convergence of corresponding continued fractions. Number Theory for the Millenium II (2002), 355 - 374. 75. Convergence of limit periodic continued fractions K(a_n/1) where a_n -> -1/4. Part IV. Constructive Approximation, 18 (2001) 1 - 17. 74. w/ Doron S. Lubinsky: Convergence versus correspondence for sequences of rational functions. Indagationes Mathematicae 12 (2001), 213 - 219. 73. Recurrence relations in continued fraction theory. Analysis and Its Applications 8eds. K.S.Lakshmi, R.Parvatham and H.M.Srivastava), Allied Publishers, ltd (2001) ISBN 81-764-179-4, page 109 - 122 . 72. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Computation of the circumference of an ellipse. Comm. Analytic Theory of Cont. Fract. 9 (2001) 5 - 10. 71. w/ Alan Beardon: Approximants of Sleszynski - Pringsheim continued fractions. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 132 (2001) 467 - 477. 70. Ideas from continued fraction theory extended to Padé approximation and generalized iteration. Preprint No 8, 1999. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Vol 61 (2000), 185 - 206. 69. Convergence of compositions of self - mappings. Ann. Univ, Marie Curie Sklodowska, Lublin, Poland, Sectio A, vol 53(13) (1999), 121 - 145. 68. Convergence criteria for continued fractions K(a_n/1) based on value sets. Preprint No 8, 1998. Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, vol 236 (1999), 205 - 255. 67. Continued Compositions of Self - Mappings. In: Proceedings of the Second Asian Mathematical Conference 1995, (eds.: S. Tangmanee and E. Schulz) World Scientific (1998), 34 - 38. 66. Asymptotic behavior of solutions of three--term Poincaré difference equations. Preprint. No 8, 1994. Rocky Mountain J. of Math., Vol. 26, No. 4, (Fall 1996), 187 - 229. 65. Continued compositions of linear fractional transformations. Preprint. No 10, 1994. J. of Math. Anal. and Appl. 199 (1996), 130 - 137. A convergence question inspired by Stieltjes and by value sets in continued fraction theory. Preprint. No 17, 1994. Proceedings of the conference: "Orthogonality, Moment Problems and Continued Fractions", Delft, The Netherlands, Nov. 1994. Journ. of Comput. and Appl. Math. 65 (1995), 233 - 251. 63. Pertubations of linear recurrence relations. Preprint. No 9, 1994. Computational Methods and Function Theory 1994, Series in Approximations and Decompositions vol.5 (eds.: R.M.Ali, St.Ruscheweyh, E.B.Saff), World Scientific (1995), 227 242. 62. Computation of limit periodic continued fractions. A survey. Numerical Algorithms 10 (1995), 69 - 110. 61. Properties of limit sets and convergence of continued fractions. Preprint. April 1992, No 11. Journ. of Math. Anal. and Appl. Vol 185(2) (1994), 229 - 255. 60. Divergence of continued fractions related to hypergeometric series. Preprint No 5, February 1992. Math. of Comp. 62, 206 (1994) 671 - 686. 59. A convergence property for sequences of linear fractional transformations. Preprint. April 1993, No. 5. "Continued Fractions and Orthogonal Functions, Theory and Applications", Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 154, Marcel Dekker, Inc., (1994) 281 - 304. 58. Circular twin value sets for continued fractions and how they imply convergence. Preprint. April 1993, No. 4. In: "Continued Fractions and Orthogonal Functions, Theory and Applications", Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 154, Marcel Dekker, Inc., (1994) 305 - 344. 57. The closure of convergence sets for continued fractions are convergence sets. Preprint. March 1992, No 7. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 37 (1993) 39 - 46. 56. w/ Stephan Ruscheweyh: Simple convergence sets for continued fractions K(a_n/1). Journ. of Math. Anal. and Appl. 179 (1993) 349 - 370. 55. A note on separate convergence for continued fractions. Journ. of Comp. and Appl. Math. 47 (1993) 123 - 133. 54. Analytic continuation of functions given by continued fractions, revisited. Rocky Mountain J., Vol 23(2) (1993) 683 - 706. 53. Computations of hypergeometric functions by means of continued fractions. Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 - Algorithms and Theory. Proceedings of the 13th IMACS World Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 1991. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North - Holland), 1992 IMACS, 305 - 314. 52. Bestness of the parabola theorem for continued fractions. Journ. of Comp. and Appl. Math. 40(1992) 297 - 304. 51. Arithmetic operations with regular C - fractions. Numer. Math., Vol 61 (1992) 489 - 499. 50. Is it really old-fashioned to compute hypergeometric functions by means of continued fractions? IMACS '91, 13th world congress on computation and applied mathematics, Dublin, July 22 26, 1991, Vol. 1, 10 - 11. 49. Is being near sufficient to inherit? Erice proceedings, IMACS Annals on Comp. and Appl. Math., J. C. Batzer AG, Basel, Switzerland, Vol 9 (1991), 331 - 334. 48. w/ David Masson: A sequence of best parabola theorems for continued fractions. Rocky Mountain J. 21(1) (1991), 377 - 385. 47. Compositions of contractions. Journal of Comp. and Appl. Math. 32 (1990) 169 - 178. 46. On the Bauer - Muir transformation for continued fractions and its applications. Journ. Math. Anal. and Appl. Vol 152 No 2 (1990) 496 - 514. 45. Orthogonal polynomials, chain sequences, three-term recurrence relations and continued fractions. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer--Verlag, Vol 1435 (1990) 89 - 102. 44. w/ David Masson: On the convergence of limit periodic continued fractions K(a_n/1) where a_n -> -1/4. Part III. Constructive Approximation Vol 6 (1990) 363 - 374. 43. w/ Haakon Waadeland: An asymptotic property for tails of limit periodic continued fractions. Rocky Mountain J. of Math., Vol 20, No 1 (1990) 151 - 163. 42. w/ Haakon Waadeland: A result on nearness of functions and their regular C-fraction expansions. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol 106, No 3 (1989) 741 - 750. 41. w/ Haakon Waadeland: When does f(z) have a regular C-fraction expansion or a normal Padé table? Journ. of Comp. and Appl. Math. Vol 28 (1989) 199 - 206. 40. Domains of validity for some of Ramanujan's continued fraction formulas. Journ. of Math. Anal. and Appl. Vol 143, No 2 (1989) 412 - 437. 39. w/ George Andrews, Bruce Berndt and Robert Lamphere: Variations on the Rogers Ramanujan Continued Fraction in Ramanujan's Notebooks. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1395 (1989) 73 - 83. 38. w/ W. J. Thron and Haakon Waadeland: Some observations on the distribution of values of continued fractions. Numer. Math. 55 (1989) 711 - 733. 37. Approximants for functions represented by limit periodic continued fractions. Constructive Theory of Functions '87, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1988) 242 - 250. 36. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Convergence acceleration of limit periodic continued fractions under asymptotic side conditions. Numer. Math. 53 (1988) 285 - 298. 35. Uniform convergence of limit periodic generalized continued fractions. Analysis, 8 (1988) 95 - 119. 34. w/ Paul Levrie: Convergence acceleration for generalized continued fractions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 305, No 1 (1988) 263 - 275. 33. w/ Annie Cuyt and Brigitte Verdonk: Instability and modification of Thiele interpolating continued fractions. Appl. Numer. Math. 4 (1988) 153 - 262. 32. Meromorphic continuation of functions given by limit k-periodic continued fractions. Appl. Numer. Math. 4 (1988) 323 - 336. 31. Remarks to a definition of convergence acceleration illustrated by means of continued fractions K(a_n/1) where a_n -> 0. Journ. of Comp. and Appl. Math. 21 (1988) 101 - 110. 30. Convergence of limit k-periodic continued fractions in the hyperbolic or loxodromic case. Det Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 5 (1987) 1 - 23. 29. Nearness of continued fractions. Math. Scand. 60 (1987) 129 - 147. 28. General correspondence for continued fractions. Journ. Comput. Appl. Math. Vol 19 (1987) 171- 177. 27. w/ William B. Jones and Haakon Waadeland: Convergence acceleration for continued fractions K(a_n/1) where a_n -> infinity. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1237 (1987) 177 - 187. 26. w/ Marcel G. de Bruin: Modification of generalised continued fractions I. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1237 (1987) 161 - 176. 25. w/ W. J. Thron: Limiting structures for sequences of linear fractional transformations. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 99, No 1 (1987) 141 - 146. 24. w/ Stephan Ruscheweyh: On the domain of meromorphy of limit k-periodic continued fractions. Archiev der Mathematik Vol. 48 (1987) 130 - 135. 23. Composition of linear fractional transformations in terms of tail sequences. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 97, No 1 (1986) 97 - 104. 22. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Even and odd parts of limit periodic continued fractions. Journ. of Comp. and Appl. Math. No 15 (1986) 225 - 233. 21. w/ William B. Jones and Haakon Waadeland: Further results on the computation of the incomplete gamma functions. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1199 (1986) 67 - 89. 20. A theorem on simple convergence regions for continued fractions K(a_n/1). Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1199 (1986) 59 - 66. 19. w/ W. J. Thron: Oval convergence regions and circular limit regions for continued fractions K(a_n/1). Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1199 (1986) 90 - 126. 18. On the convergence of limit periodic continued fractions K(a_n/1), where a_n -> -1/4. II. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1199 (1986) 48 - 58. 17. General convergence of continued fractions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 294, No 2 (1986) 477 - 485. 16. w/ Marcel G. de Bruin: The dominance concept for linear recurrence relations with applications to continued fractions. Niew Archief voor Wiskunde (4) Vol. 3 (1985) 253 - 266. 15. Repeated modifications of limit k-periodic continued fractions. Numer. Math. 47 (1985) 577 - 595. 14. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Three computational aspects of continued fraction / Padé approximants. 11th. IMACS World Congress Proceedings Vol. 5 (1985) 259 - 262. Also published in: Numer. Math. and Appl. IMACS 86, 79 - 84. 13. Convergence of limit k-periodic continued fractions K(a_n/b_n) and of subsequences of their tails. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 51 (1985) 563 - 576. 12. Regions for right and wrong tails of continued fractions. Det Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. No 7 (1985) 1 - 3. 11. Domains of functions represented by periodic continued fractions. Det Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. No 3 (1985) 1 - 42. 10. Functions defined by continued fractions. Meromorphic continuation. Rocky Mountain J. of Math. Vol. 15, No 3 (1985) 689 - 707. 9. w/ Arne Magnus: On the convergence of limit periodic continued fractions K(a_n/1), where a_n -> -1/4. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1105 (1984) 243 - 248. 8. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Modification of continued fractions. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 1071 (1984) 176 - 196. 7. Further results on convergence acceleration for continued fractions K(a_n/1). Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 281, No 1 (1984) 129 - 146. 6. Modified approximants for continued fractions. Construction and applications. Det Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. No 3 (1983) 1 - 46. 5. Convergence acceleration and analytic continuation by means of modifications of continued fractions. Det Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. No 1 (1983) 19 - 33. 4. Convergence acceleration for continued fractions K(a_n/1). Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 275, No 1 (1983) 265 - 285. 3. w/ Haakon Waadeland: Some useful formulas involving tails of continued fractions. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 932 (1982) 99 - 105. 2. Some periodic sequences of circular convergence regions. Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 932 (1982) 87 - 98. 1. A method for convergence acceleration of continued fractions K(a_n/1). Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag No 932 (1982) 74 - 86.