Minutes of Patient Reference Group held on Wednesday 21st

Minutes of a Patient Reference Group held on Wednesday 21st January 2015
John Stone (Chair)
Sharon Barraclough
Olga Green
Beccy Hanson
Dr Arlene Raw
Fred Stone
Carol Thirkill
1. Apologies and Introductions
Apologies were received from Julie Nolan, Carol Lynch, Jenny Hattersley. Introductions were
made around the Group and Beccy introduced herself as the replacement in the Practice for
Dawn Myers, Data Manager.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
Accepted as a correct record and accepted.
3. Rapid Access Clinic (RAC) changes
Arlene ran through the rationale for the changes to RAC:- numbers of patients attending
were starting to become unsafe during winter, and the Practice had to balance the
appointments for those patients who had a new problem. Therefore, discussion had taken
place on how to increase more advance appointments and the solution was to run RAC once
a day in the morning 9-10.30am with a maximum of 30 appointments. In the afternoon
more advance appointments would be available to book into. The Duty Doctor would be
informed of patients over 30 and would assess need and could arrange an appointment for
an emergency clinic in the afternoon. So far this week for the three days it had run it had
gone ok, but the icy weather may have impacted on this.
4. Virtual Surgery
Beccy updated the meeting with an explanation of this – an interactive virtual tour of the
surgery which would be accessed through the Practice Website. There would be
information about the surgery, along with a welcome video, interactive links to current
health information, information on appointments. There would also be videos of Dr
Suleman and Dr Raw speaking about how to manage symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections,
headaches, Conjunctivitis, Diarrhoea and Vomiting, Chickenpox, Prescriptions and so forth.
The intention being to help patients manage their symptoms and educate them. Discussion
took place about informing playgroups if there was a chickenpox epidemic, and Carol agreed
to send any details of these Playgroups she was aware of to Sharon, so a list could be built
Action – Carol
The first draft of the virtual surgery will be ready at the end of January, and once it had been
edited if any Patient Group members wanted to trial it, they would be more than welcome.
5. Patient Questionnaire Results for Discussion
Copies of the patient questionnaire results were circulated. Sharon briefly ran through the
main themes and highlighted the areas which needed further consideration. An action plan
for 2015/16 would be developed and used as a working document throughout 2015 in
conjunction with the Patient Reference Group. Sharon to develop an initial action plan and
circulate for comments and additions, as more time was needed to read through the
questionnaire outside of the meeting. Overall the questionnaire was very positive towards
the staff and the Practice.
6. Newsletters – items and frequency
After discussion it was agreed that a quarterly newsletter would be beneficial with the next
one being scheduled for March, which could include the virtual surgery information. Also
survey results, Rapid Access Clinic, staff changes, and maintenance update could be included
in the March edition.
Action - Beccy
7. Practice Report
Sharon reported that as a result of a request made through the Patient Group, an electronic
door was being fit next week into the Surgery after the main door. This would aid disabled
access. Quotes were still being awaited for the changes in Reception eg. the screen to be
removed and a back office made. Carol gave Sharon a number of a joiner, who would be
contacted asap. In relation to staff, no changes had happened with Clinicians, and the
Practice was still trying to recruit a Salaried GP which was proving unsuccessful, as was the
case nationally to recruit to GP posts. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) were doing
visits on Practices within Bradford area currently and would be doing for the next few
months. Mayfield had not heard as yet if they were going to be subject to another visit, but
if the Practice was, Sharon asked that the PRG members would be supportive and would like
them included in any future visit. The members present agreed that they would be happy to
be called upon if required.
8. Any Other Business – The issue of the disabled car parking space and access to the surgery
on the uneven paths was raised. Sharon informed the group that on several occasions she
had informed the landlords about this, and to no effect. Therefore, Sharon would inform
them once again today, and stress that this had been mentioned in the PRG and there was
concern about this.
Action – Sharon
It was also raised that a “Who’s Who” in the Surgery would be helpful and name badges.
Name badges were available for some of the staff, but not all Doctors had these. In the
interim a “Whos Who” with headshots would be put on the virtual surgery of clinicians and
lead staff.
Action - Beccy
9. Date and time of the next meeting – Wednesday 15th April 2015 at 12.30pm. Another
meeting was agreed for the 8th July 2015 at 12.30pm.